Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 666 End Of An Era Part 3

As the dust began to settle, the Crimson Slayer Sect army found themselves in a state of disarray. Countless disciples lay injured or lifeless amongst the debris, their faces twisted in agony. 

Although the damage was mostly limited to those in the Foundation and Core Formation Realms, several Nascent Soul Realm disciples were also injured. Fortunately, disciples in the Soul Transformation Realm or above were fine.

Seeing that the damage wasn't as bad as he thought, Cyrus sighed in relief. 

'There's still more than enough to dismantle this branch Sect along with many more.' 

With a clenched fist, Cyrus tried to rally his troops. "Do not falter! This is merely a trick they're using to delay the inevitable! Stand and fight, for victory is still within our grasp!"

The disciples snapped out of their confusion and fear, inspired by Cyrus's words. With renewed determination, they quickly regrouped and prepared for the next phase of their assault. 

Meanwhile, within Silvermoon Peak, the Battle Maiden Sect disciples and Elders were in a state of high alert. The Defensive Formation might have slowed their enemies down, but it wasn't nearly enough to stop them.

"I know Master Aelina has her own plans, but we can't underestimate them," one of the Elders warned. "The Crimson Slayer Sect is desperate, and desperate opponents are often the most dangerous."

The others nodded in agreement.

"So what if they're desperate? So are we!" Another Elder protested, "Master Aelina said that anyone who brings back 100 enemies' heads and lives through this war would be granted immediate entry into the main Sect! This is a chance for everyone here to pursue their dreams!"

"That's not all. Remember, Master Aelina said that the rewards would be drastically increased for anyone who brings back 1000 heads, 10,000 heads, and so on! Even we have our own opportunities. We'll be allowed into the main Sect if we kill two Elders from the Crimson Slayer Sect." Another Elder chimed in.

The Sect Master of the branch Sect, who was sitting back watching everything unfold, finally spoke up.

"But… H-How many of our disciples have to die for this opportunity?" She glanced at all the young women who were preparing to fight with pity, knowing that not many would survive after this ordeal.

At least if what Aelina told them a few days ago was true.

"Get through this mess yourself. I want to see how strong and talented my branch Sects' disciples are. If you can't handle this little bit of trouble, how will you help me and the Sect in the future?" 

That's what Aelina told them several days ago when the Crimson Slayer Sect began gathering their troops. 

Obviously, they complained and rebuked Aelina for being too indifferent and ruthless, but she stopped their protests by saying, "We are entering a time of strife. This is just the beginning of the bloodshed. What I need more than anything right now are elites accustomed to the chaos of war. If my disciples need me to babysit them whenever they're in trouble, they shouldn't be a part of the Battle Maiden Sect!"

After that, she told them about the "reward program". 

While they wanted to continue protesting, saying she was being too hard on them and that there was no way a mere branch Sect could win this war by themselves, Aelina ignored their pleas. 

"Remember this: can't fight and won't fight are two very different things. I will not tolerate the latter." With that, Aelina left.

That last message confused them, but they took it as it's okay to be nervous in the face of adversity, but it is not okay to run away from it.

"Alright! Enough talking about these depressing things. All we can do now is fight." One of the stronger Elders, Morgana, waved her hand and stood up. "However, Master Aelina is right about one thing. We can't rely on the Main Sect for everything."

After saying that, she shot into the air and sent two attacks toward the Crimson Slayer Sect Elders. Those two clearly understood her intentions and followed her into the distance, where they would begin their own battle to the death.

The disciples and Elders looked at each other, their faces a mix of determination and fear. They knew that they had to fight, no matter what the outcome. This was their chance to prove themselves, to show Aelina and the main Sect that they were not to be underestimated. 

"Fuck it! Morgana's right! Let's show these bastards that we're not to be taken lightly!" An Elder pounded her fists and shot off into the distance. 

The Sect Leader, Sophia, sighed and shook her head but rose alongside the Elders. 

"She's right! It's not like this war is lost just because Aelina didn't send reinforcements! It's not like we're a bunch of pushovers!" 

The other Elders gave her a firm nod before they shot off into the distance, challenging their opponents. However, a few older ones stayed behind to help out the disciples by watching over the battlefield and giving out orders. 

As the Crimson Slayer Sect army once again advanced towards Silvermoon Peak, the Battle Maiden Sect disciples readied themselves for the impending battle. The air was heavy with anticipation, both sides eager to prove their worth.

The two opposing forces clashed like an unstoppable wave against an immovable shore, their elemental abilities adding to the chaos and destruction. Fireballs soared through the air, leaving trails of smoke and ash in their wake, while torrents of water whipped across the battlefield, dousing the flames and adding to the mayhem. Lightning crackled through the sky, striking indiscriminately, while gusts of wind carried razor-sharp leaves and debris, slashing at exposed skin.

The battlefield erupted into a cacophony of clashing swords and shouts of fury, as disciples from both sides unleashed their full potential. The earth trembled beneath their feet, as the very ground seemed to come alive, with jagged spikes of stone erupting from the soil, impaling those unfortunate enough to be caught in their path.

Amidst the chaos, the Battle Maiden Sect's disciples, despite their fear, fought with everything they had, knowing that there was no turning back. Their elegant swordplay and powerful elemental abilities proved a match for the raw ferocity of the Crimson Slayer Sect.

However, the cost of this fierce battle was great, with bodies strewn across the battlefield, their lifeless eyes staring up at the darkening sky. Friends and comrades fell, their lives cut short by the cruelty of war, while others fought on through their tears and anguish, fueled by grief and the desire for revenge.

Hundreds died from both sides as the battle raged on, soon entering its climax as the Crimson Slayer Sect army brute forced their way through the Battle Maiden Sect disciples!

The stench of blood and burnt flesh filled the air, a sickening reminder of the toll that had been taken on both sides. And yet, through it all, the disciples and Elders of the Battle Maiden Sect refused to yield, their eyes alight with the fires of determination and hope.

The once-pristine landscape had been transformed into a hellish battleground, with mangled corpses and severed limbs littering the ground. The cries of the wounded and dying mingled with the roars of elemental power, creating a haunting symphony that would haunt the survivors for the rest of their lives.

Meanwhile, Cyrus watched from a distance, his eyes scanning the battlefield for any signs of Aelina.

He knew she was out there somewhere, possibly waiting for the right moment to strike. But that chance never came. Aelina stayed quiet this entire time, watching his disciples destroy her branch Sect.

However, that inaction only caused the sense of foreboding welling up inside him to intensify. 

'Why do I feel like I'm being used as a whetstone to sharpen a sword?' Cyrus's brows scrunched up.

As the battle raged on, it became apparent that the Battle Maiden Sect was struggling to hold their ground. The Crimson Slayer Sect's relentless assault was taking its toll, and their numbers were dwindling. Yet, even as their comrades fell around them, the remaining disciples and Elders continued to fight with unwavering determination.

As the sun began to set, casting a blood-red hue across the battlefield, the Battle Maiden Sect was pushed back to their last line of defense. With their backs against the wall, the remaining disciples and Elders steeled themselves for one final stand. 

There were still tens of thousands of disciples left, but that was a stark contrast to the 100,000+ that were here before the war. However, the opposing side wasn't without their losses either. 

It was hard to count, but there were at least 10 times as many corpses on the Crimson Slayer Sect's side. Still, that was hardly a dent in their army.

Cyrus watched with a grim smile, confident in his Sect's impending victory. However, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was still amiss.

Suddenly, his Divine Sense picked up an intense surge of Qi coming from the opposite side of the battlefield. His eyes widened in shock as he realized what was happening.

"Aelina!" He hissed, gritting his teeth.

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