Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 670 Recovery And Reward

The moon hung low in the night sky, a silver orb watching over the earth. The stars dotted the heavens like tiny, twinkling gems, their light faint but constant. Beneath this celestial canopy, a group of women were flying, their shapes faint silhouettes against the backdrop of the night.

At the head of the group, Aelina encapsulated them in her Qi and led them forward. Behind her, the survivors of the Battle Maiden Sect followed, their bodies weary, but their spirits burning bright.

The surviving Elders followed not far away from Aelina, tired and injured from the battle, but they weren't given a choice like the disciples. There was a tacit understanding between the two groups that if they were to even think about abandoning the Sect in these trying times, Aelina wouldn't hesitate to "remove" them.

Anyone in the Mortal Shedding Realm was a valuable asset for any Sect, not just in strength but knowledge and wisdom.

Onward they flew, the world below them a blur of darkness and shadows. The wind whipped past them, a rushing symphony of raw elemental force. The silence of the night was broken only by the faint hum of Qi and the occasional murmur of the wind.

The world beneath them was a changing tapestry of landscapes, mountains melting into plains, rivers cutting through the land like silver threads. Yet, their destination remained a mystery, a question mark hanging over their journey.

As they pressed on, Skye found herself falling into a meditative state, her mind clearing, her thoughts focusing. The pain of her injuries, the fatigue of her body, and the weight of her grief became distant, hazy whispers at the back of her mind.

All that mattered was the moment, the rhythm of her breathing, and the steady flow of her Qi. She was one with the night, one with the universe. It was a state of being she had rarely experienced before, a sense of unity, of connection with the world around her.

This newfound clarity made her look at the past events with a different perspective. She began to understand Aelina's words better, to grasp the harsh reality of their world. The weak were trampled upon, the strong survived. It was a brutal, unforgiving truth, but it was a truth nonetheless.

Skye felt a sense of resolve solidifying within her. She would not be the weak, the trampled. She would rise, she would grow stronger, and she would fight. She would not let her fallen sisters' sacrifices be in vain. She would carry their memories, their hopes, and their dreams, and she would prevail.

It was not a promise made out of anger or revenge, but out of acceptance. She accepted the world for what it was, and she accepted her place in it. She would adapt, she would change, and she would survive.

Meanwhile, Aelina traveled thousands of kilometers and led them to a secluded valley, her eyes scanning the surroundings with a critical gaze. The valley was hidden between two towering mountains, a natural fortress that offered protection and isolation. A river ran through it, the water gleaming silver in the moonlight. The air was crisp and pure, filled with Qi.

"This is where you will spend the next week or so recovering," Aelina said, releasing her hold on them, causing everyone to drop to the ground.

The disciples all let out a sigh of relief while the Elders hovered in the air around Aelina with confused looks on their faces. 

"Here? I thought you were taking us to the main sect, Master Aelina," Morgana replied, bewildered. Aelina had told them that as long as they participated in this war and survived, they would be admitted into the main Sect.

However, why did she suddenly bring them to a random valley? This place wasn't even in the Ancient Beast Mountain Range!

Aelina chuckled, answering, "You're free to go to the main sect should you desire, but you'll miss out on the reward I planned for you." 

After saying that, Aelina snapped her fingers.

Several formations were activated. The Qi in the atmosphere began to congregate around them, getting denser by the second. 

Skye felt a shiver run down her spine, the hairs on her arms standing on end. She could feel the Qi around her, a swirling vortex of raw energy. It was a force, unlike anything she had ever experienced.

Elemental Qi, often elusive and hard to control, seemed to be drawn in by the formations converging around them. It was like a gathering of the elements, each vying to lend its power. Earth, fire, water, wind, and other elements danced around them, the air thrumming with their presence.

The effect was immediate and profound. Skye could feel her own Qi resonating with the surrounding energy, a harmonious symphony that echoed within her core. It was as if she was one with the universe.

Her cultivation speed, usually a gradual and painstaking process, began to accelerate. It was like a dam had been broken, the Qi flooding her meridians and nourishing her core at a pace that left her breathless.

With a thought, she sat down and began cultivating, wanting to take full advantage of this opportunity. She wasn't the only one, either. Even the Elders and Sect Master of the branch Sect weren't any different. 

Aelina watched as their faces lit up in surprise and nodded with a sly smile.

"The formations will stay active for about a week, so enjoy it to your heart's content. You deserve it. However, you should know that this isn't the end of the rewards I have planned. For every battle against the Crimson Slayer Sect you participate in, you'll receive an exponential increase on top of what I'm giving you today."

As Aelina's voice faded into the crisp night air, a palpable change swept over the group. A tangible sense of anticipation, a shared hunger for strength, took root in their hearts.

The Elders, initially skeptical, now looked at Aelina with renewed respect. The prospect of exponential rewards for each battle fought was not something they could ignore. They knew the true value of this opportunity. It was not just a pathway to strength but a chance to influence the fate of the Battle Maiden Sect and their own destinies.

The disciples, too, were spurred into action. Their fatigue momentarily forgotten, they began to harness the abundant Qi around them. They sat down in various places across the valley, their eyes closed, and their bodies relaxed as they sank into deep cultivation.

Seeing that everyone was focused on their cultivation, Aelina nodded and looked off into the distance, her eyes seemingly piercing through the world. After a moment, her gaze landed on Silvermoon Peak, where she saw the Crimson Slayer Sect army using her disciples' corpses to fuel their cultivation and heal their injuries.

A frown etched upon her face, her fists curling up into a ball before she took a deep breath and relaxed.

'May you all find peace in your next life. I will make sure your sacrifice is not in vain.'

Suddenly, Aelina's eyebrows twitched as her main body sensed a powerful presence coming toward her Sect.

She didn't know who it was right now, but she had a few guesses. However, regardless, a smile bloomed on her face, showing off her pearly white teeth.

'Is it finally time for me to stretch these old bones?' 

With that thought, Aelina's body gradually dispersed until it disappeared entirely, leaving behind all those that she had saved earlier.


In the camp of the Crimson Slayer Sect on Silvermoon Peak, the days were spent in recovery and preparation. The wounds healed, the exhaustion faded, and the triumphant fire in the disciples' eyes returned brighter than ever. The air was electric with anticipation, the disciples waiting with bated breath for Cyrus's command.

When the order finally came, it was at dawn three days later. The sun painted the sky in shades of pink and orange, casting long, dramatic shadows over the landscape. Cyrus, the Sect Master of the Crimson Slayer Sect, stood at the edge of the camp, his figure silhouetted against the rising sun. He was a figure of authority, his presence commanding respect and obedience.

"Disciples of the Crimson Slayer Sect," he called out, his voice cutting through the morning air like a knife. "The time has come for us to march forward, to claim our victory once more!"

His words were met with cheers, a wave of sound that echoed through the camp. The disciples responded with renewed vigor, their spirits soaring. The taste of victory was still fresh in their mouths, the memory of their triumph vivid in their minds. They were ready to fight, to conquer, to win.

In a disciplined procession, the disciples began their march, their steps synchronized, their faces set in determination. They moved like a formidable force, an unstoppable wave poised to crash down on anything in its path.

Their destination was the next Battle Maiden branch Sect. The thought of the impending battle filled them with a sense of excitement and urgency. They had tasted victory once, and they craved for it again.

As they marched, the landscape around them seemed to blur, the miles disappearing under their steady strides. The wind howled in their ears, carrying with it the echoes of their past victory and the promises of future conquests.

Cyrus led the march, his gaze fixed on the horizon. His mind was focused, his thoughts strategizing their next battle. He knew the Battle Maiden Sect was a formidable adversary. Their last victory had come at a cost, and he was well aware that the upcoming battle would not be any easier. But he was ready. His disciples were ready.

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