Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 675 Sounds Of War

Once the scouts of the Shadow Necromancer Sect had made their escape, the figure that had been observing them finally emerged from the shadow of a tall, jagged rock formation. It was the same woman who had led the pursuit earlier - Marla, a Core disciple of the main Battle Maiden Sect known for her knowledge of Formations

Her eyes sparkled with amusement as she watched the scouts vanish into the distance, a sly smile playing upon her lips. "Oh, they fell for it. It's almost too easy," she murmured to herself, her voice as cold as the wind blowing through the mountain range.

Back at the Battle Maiden Sect, Marla reported the incident to Aelina. 

"And they did not notice the secondary formation?" Aelina questioned, a faint smile playing on her lips as she turned her gaze towards the map of their territory.

"No, Master," Marla replied, her voice confident. "The Hidden Sky Formation is perfectly concealed. Even if they brought someone more experienced in formations, I doubt they would have noticed."

The Hidden Sky Formation was a unique Formation that the Battle Maiden Sect had come to possess after numerous years of adventuring and collecting treasures. It was designed to be layered over another formation or an empty area, concealing it entirely and making it seem harmless or trap-free. The fact that it was a Mystical-Grade Formation made it even harder to detect, especially by those not expecting its existence.

Aelina's smile widened at Marla's words. "Good," she said. "If Cyrus and his allies fall into our trap, we can counterattack and crush them once and for all."

Just as they were discussing their strategy, a young disciple rushed into the room, her face filled with panic.

"Sect Master!" she cried, almost out of breath. "An army is approaching our borders!"

Aelina's eyes narrowed. "So soon?" she muttered, her gaze shifting back to the map. "Marla, prepare our forces. It seems that they've finally grown impatient. Be sure to remind the others to carry their Anti-Poison and Antidote Pills. "

"Yes, Master," Marla replied, bowing before exiting the room swiftly.

Meanwhile, back at the Crimson Slayer Sect's camp, Riven and his scouts had safely returned to relay their information. Cyrus, dressed in a black cloak, listened carefully to their report, his gaze sharp as he studied the terrain they had described.

"So, there is a wide clearing without any formations or traps?" he asked, his voice low and cautious.

"Yes," Riven confirmed, his gaze steady. "We were thorough in our inspection. We found no signs of any Formations or Arrays in that area. It leads right up to the inner bowl of the Sect"

Cyrus fell silent, his mind running over the information. A place devoid of any defenses within the enemy's territory was suspicious, but it was also a potential opportunity. If they were cautious, it could be their chance to penetrate the Battle Maiden Sect's defenses. Spreading his forces in this terrain against a fully prepared Battle Maiden Sect might spell complete disaster.

Unfortunately, he couldn't directly get involved, nor was he willing to send in the Elders just yet, as he didn't know what Aelina had planned. He couldn't see through her intentions at all. Part of him figured that she was using this opportunity to train her disciples into true battle-hardened warriors, but he also wondered if she could really be that lackadaisical in her approach.

In any case, he had to proceed with caution from here on out.

"I see," he said finally, his voice decisive. "We will advance through this clearing. But we will also be prepared for any surprises. The Battle Maiden Sect is known for their cunning. Make sure not to fall for their traps."

As dawn's first light colored the eastern sky, Cyrus stood tall amidst the assembled forces of the Crimson Slayer Sect. His stalwart figure radiated an air of grim determination, and his stern gaze remained locked on the terrain that lay ahead.

Among the forces were also warriors from the Shadow Necromancer Sect and the Toxic Blade Sect. Their presence added to the grim visage of the army. They were to enter through the three clearings the scouts had reported on - seemingly the only viable entrance points into the heart of the Battle Maiden Sect's territory, surrounded as it was by treacherous mountains.

Meanwhile, additional scouts were returning to the army with reports of more unguarded clearings. Cyrus listened carefully to their reports, his eyes never leaving the map spread out before him. "They're giving us a clear path," he murmured, his gaze hardening.

But was it an opportunity or a trap? There was only one way to find out, and it was too late to back out now.

"Advance!" Cyrus commanded, his voice resonating throughout the camp.

As the sun began to climb higher into the sky, the forces moved toward the clearings. The sound of marching feet and clinking armor echoed through the mountains. There was an aura of palpable tension and anticipation in the air as they moved closer and closer to the clearings.

Suddenly, without warning, the ground beneath one of the groups approaching a clearing began to tremble violently. It wasn't an earthquake, but something far more terrifying.

With a thunderous roar, the ground in the clearing erupted. From it emerged a colossal wind tunnel, swirling violently with a deadly combination of earth and lightning. 

Screams of terror and surprise echoed through the mountains as the wind tunnel sucked in the unfortunate warriors who were too close to escape its pull, ripping them to shreds. The once orderly march turned into chaos as panic spread through the ranks like wildfire.

Some warriors, desperate to escape, broke ranks and darted off into the terrain, only to be ambushed by waiting for Battle Maiden disciples, savage beasts, or even more deadly arrays. The peaceful clearings were quickly transformed into nightmarish deathtraps.

Others tried to fly over the mountains, believing they could escape the chaos on the ground. They were met with arrows, bolts of energy, and all manner of ranged attacks from Battle Maiden Sect disciples perched atop the mountains.

Back at the Crimson Slayer Sect's main force, Cyrus could only watch as his forces were decimated. His expression was grim, and his fists clenched at his sides. The Battle Maiden Sect had baited them masterfully into their traps.

But they were far from defeated. His forces were many; this was merely the beginning. 

'If they think killing off the fodder means anything, they're sorely mistaken!' Cyrus thought as he handed out orders.

"Do not panic! This sort of large-scale Formation can't stay active for too long! Just stay out of range and wait it out!"

"Elders! Assist the disciples in breaking through the formation! However, don't engage in battle just yet! Wait for their Elders to show up!"

"Shadows! Use your Revenants and other undead to increase our numbers!"

Cyrus's commands echoed across the chaotic battlefield, a beacon of calm in the storm of destruction. At his orders, the elders of the Crimson Slayer Sect, who had held back so far, now stepped forward. They were the pillars of the sect, and their steady presence injected a dose of confidence into the panic-stricken disciples.

The Shadow Necromancer Sect, known for their uncanny ability to control the dead, also sprang into action. At Cyrus's command, they began raising Revenants, undead warriors made up of all the disciples that died in the last battle, to bolster their numbers. These undead soldiers, indifferent to fear and fatigue, began to fill the gaps in their lines, pushing forward despite the chaotic environment.

Meanwhile, the Toxic Blade Sect used this moment to spread their poisonous mist across the edges of the battlefield, not allowing for any flanks. The mist wasn't lethal, but it would make anyone who hadn't taken an antidote feel dizzy, and their Qi wouldn't function properly. That's why they only used it in areas where their army wasn't in.

While this was happening, the Elders of the Crimson Slayer Sect began to channel their energy into their protective arrays, each glowing symbol representing an added layer of defense against the powerful elemental formation.

Cyrus watched as his forces began to stabilize. He had been correct in his prediction that the Hidden Sky Formation, while undeniably formidable, couldn't stay active indefinitely due to the sheer energy expenditure required. As the wind tunnel gradually lost its intensity, the army was able to push forward. 

The disciples of the Battle Maiden Sect kept their distance, only launching attacks from the air, killing off the stragglers, or trying to incite chaos in the main army. However, due to the overwhelming numbers, they weren't able to make much of a dent before the army reached the main Formation covering the Sect.

Each elder took a position at a key point around the perimeter of the formation. Their palms were pressed against the barrier, their faces stern with concentration. Each began to circulate their Qi, manipulating it into a specialized counter shape designed to nullify the effects and open up a hole in the primary formation.

As they started to break through the formation, a few Battle Maiden Sect disciples who were previously hidden within the formation began to attack. However, they were quickly intercepted by Crimson Slayer Sect's core disciples, who had been waiting for such an opportunity.

While the elders worked to break through the formation, Cyrus turned his attention to the other groups, issuing new orders.

"Forward troops, be wary of the terrain! Avoid unnecessary casualties," Cyrus commanded. He then turned to a group of specialists. "Bombers, prepare to create diversionary blasts. I want chaos in their ranks!"

As his commands rang out, the disciples moved into action. The bombers, who were specialized in using explosive Qi techniques, began preparing their attacks. 

Even as chaos and destruction reigned on the battlefield, the troops rallied under Cyrus' stern commands, pressing forward in an unrelenting tide. 

The bombers launched their attacks, creating deafening booms and thick clouds of smoke that obscured the view of the Battle Maiden disciples perched on the mountains. 

Their targeted explosions made it hard for the enemy to concentrate on their aerial attacks, forcing them to retreat and regroup.

Meanwhile, as the elders continued to work on the formation, there was a sudden shift in the energy flow. 

"Keep at it!" an Elder from the Crimson Slayer Sect shouted, encouraging the others. Their fingers traced complex patterns in the air, their Qi dancing around them as they dismantled the formation piece by piece.

The tension in the air was palpable as the formation began to flicker and waver, its once fierce energy dwindling. And then, with a final surge of concerted effort from the elders, a massive hole appeared in the Formation, allowing the entire army to go through.

A cheer erupted from the Crimson Slayer Sect disciples as they saw the formation break. The pathway to the Battle Maiden Sect was now clear, and their morale surged with this victory. However, Cyrus was well aware that this was just the first obstacle in their path, and many more battles lay ahead.

As the formation dissipated, the Battle Maiden Sect's main defenses came into view. It was a formidable sight. Disciples standing in formation, with determined expressions, their Qi blending together to form a wall of protective energy. 

However, there was no time for Cyrus to admire their preparedness. He knew they had only won the first round, and the real battle was about to begin.

He raised his hand, signaling for the next phase of his plan. The Elders, having recovered from their formation-breaking efforts, moved to the front, and the various sects' disciples started their march forward, an undeterred determination reflected in their eyes.

The real battle starts now.


Meanwhile, a few dozen kilometers away, a large group of Battle Maiden Sect disciples cultivating woke up from their meditation to the sounds of war and explosions.

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