Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 696 Bonding

As dawn broke, Mira gathered the girls, Rhydian trailing behind them. Their footsteps echoed softly against the winding mountain path leading from the Battle Maiden Sect down to Snow Maiden City.

The morning sun gently kissed their faces, casting long shadows behind them. Dominique climbed up on Mira's body, claiming a spot on her shoulders with ocean-blue eyes sparkling with anticipation. Hana followed quietly, her curious eyes taking in the vibrant landscape. 

"What are we going to do today, Mother?" Dominique asked while playing with Mira's ears, which were softer than the most exquisite cotton.

"...Whatever you want to do," Mira replied. 

"Mmm. Okay, Mother! I'll take the lead today!" Dominique giggled.

Mira still felt uncomfortable being called 'mother' but didn't want to make Dominique sad, so she kept quiet.

Not that she necessarily disliked the title…

As they descended, the rugged mountainous terrain slowly gave way to the bustling cityscape. Snow Maiden City, nestled at the foot of the mountain, emerged from the early morning mist, its sparkling spires reaching towards the skies, aglow with the rising sun. 

Upon entering the city, they were quickly recognized. Whispers spread through the streets as the city folk caught sight of them. "Isn't that... Mira from the Battle Maiden Sect?"

"But… who are those kids next to her? And why is that giant wolf following them?"

"Is she a mother? How cute!"

"Haa… Haaa… L-Look at that face. That body! Just imagining being smothered by those tails…! Ah!"

Listening to all the noise around her, Mira clicked her tongue in annoyance, an urge to silence them rising within her. Those eyes full of lust from both men and women running over her body left a bad taste in her mouth. If she could just dig them out-!

However, she held back for Dominique's sake, not wanting to cause a scene for something so small.

Her reputation as a cold and formidable warrior had echoed throughout the city during the war with the Crimson Slayer Sect. Her bloodthirsty image was paired with tales of her supernatural beauty, a goddess-like figure in the midst of a chaotic battlefield. And now, to see her in person, the city's populace couldn't help but gawk in stunned silence.

In reality, Mira's beauty exceeded the rumors. Her captivating aura drew the attention of everyone around them. Many couldn't help but stare, their eyes widening in awe.

"Hey, bro, do you think I have a chance of marrying her if I go up and ask?"

"You? With that fish-like face of yours? If you want a partner, just go down to the nearest river and try your luck! I heard that Rotten Blobfishes are biting right now."


Okay, now Mira felt a bit better. 

Fortunately, it seemed like most people knew their place, but that wasn't all that odd. Snow Maiden City was directly related to the Battle Maiden Sect. It wasn't a place to hit on women but a place for business. Those with such intentions were usually quick to disappear, never to be seen again.

Mira had also built up quite a reputation in the last few months. Offending her was no different than death.

Still, despite the quiet commotion she caused, Mira continued guiding Dominique and Hana through the bustling streets. The city was a conglomeration of sounds and colors in its morning glory. 

The fragrant aroma of street food wafted through the air, enticing Dominique and Hana.

"Mother! Can we stop and get some food?" Dominique asked, pointing at a food stand selling meat skewers.

"Sure." She nodded, making her way over to the stand. 

There wasn't much of a crowd, but still, a line of people, mostly those in the Qi Condensation and Foundation Realm, gathered around the stall. 

However, as they saw Mira walking toward them with a giant, menacing wolf and two children, they all cleared a path. 

"Six skewers," Mira looked down at the middle-aged woman behind the stall and ordered.

"R-Right away!" The woman stammered, quickly gathering the food. Mira's piercing crimson eyes were too overbearing for the poor woman, causing her to break out in a cold sweat.

A few seconds later, she handed over the food. Mira grabbed them, dropped a few dozen Low-Stage Spirit Stones on the table without caring about the price, and distributed them evenly (3 each) among the children.

"Thanks, Mother!" Dominique exclaimed and began munching on the food.

"Thank you," Hana chimed in, her soft voice barely heard above the city's noise.

"Mmmm~!" Dominique moaned in delight. It had been a while since she'd eaten anything cooked well and seasoned. "Mother, you have to try one!" She exclaimed, shoving a skewer in Mira's face.

"...Alright," Mira said and took a bite. Dominique stared at her expectantly as if this was the most important thing in the world. 

A few moments later, Mira slowly nodded, "Not bad."

"I know, right!" Dominique seemed satisfied with that answer, and the group moved along.

The day unfolded as a canvas of exploration, shopping, and laughter that painted a picture different from Mira's usual days of training and leading the Battle Maiden Sect. 

Dominique and Hana guided their adventures, their innocent excitement about life's simple pleasures, creating a contagious happiness that even Mira found herself succumbing to.

Dominique showed an uncanny interest in everything, her ocean-blue eyes absorbing the vibrant sights of Snow Maiden City with gleeful curiosity. 

The first shop they visited was a great clothing store filled with extravagant outfits made from the finest silk and ornate accessories sparkling with embedded jewels. 

The girls marveled at the colorful array of dresses, their eyes wide with wonder. 

With Mira's permission, they tried on several dresses, their giggles echoing around the store as they twirled around in the various fabrics.

Next was a visit to a treasure shop. Intricate figurines carved from rare stones, and weapons of all kinds, filled the space. Mira didn't know much about this subject, but using her Soul Sense, she knew that nothing here was all that special. 

They picked out a couple of harmless artifacts that caught their interest, a miniature Jade Dragon for Dominique and a Moonstone Turtle for Hana. The material caught her sight as a reminder of her Silvermoon lineage.

Then they moved to a toy stall, where Dominique's eyes were instantly drawn to a stuffed animal. It was an adorable fox with snow-white fur and gleaming blue eyes. 

The toy had a soft, plush body and a cute, round tail, making it perfect for snuggling. 

Dominique held the stuffed fox in her arms and looked up at Mira, her eyes pleading. Surprisingly, that toy was the most expensive item so far, as it was made of high-quality fox fur, but Mira didn't hesitate to pay for it.

Later, they wandered into a store teeming with musical instruments. The resonance of strings, the rhythm of drums, and the lilting sounds of flutes filled the air. 

Mira, usually adept in all arts of combat, found herself in unfamiliar territory. She had never played any musical instrument before, let alone showcased any talent for them.

Curiosity piqued, she reached out and stroked the strings of a Guqin. The instrument emitted a soothing sound, an enchanting melody that seemed to resonate with her soul. Intrigued by the sound, Mira found herself drawn to the instrument.

"Mother, can you play this?" Dominique asked, pointing towards the Guqin Mira was examining.

"I can't," Mira admitted, her eyes reflecting a strange mix of curiosity and determination. "But it seems interesting. Maybe I'll practice when I'm bored."

The simplicity of her response amused the girls, but they could see her sincerity. Mira, acknowledging her newfound interest, decided to buy the Guqin.

Meanwhile, Dominique and Hana started exploring the plethora of musical instruments. 

They tried various instruments, from the Dizi, a Chinese flute that Hana found interesting, to the Pipa, a lute-like instrument that caught Dominique's attention. Their faces lit up with every new sound they discovered, adding a warm note of joy to the atmosphere.

For their next to last place for the day, they decided to stop by a few ore gambling stalls.

The bustling ore gambling stalls were their next destination. Their shouts, hollers, and bouts of despair and excitement made for a rather amusing sight. 

Dominique's eyes sparkled with curiosity and excitement as she took in the lively scene. She tugged on Mira's hand, pulling her toward the heart of the commotion.

Their path led to a stall overflowing with ores of various shapes and sizes. The man who ran the booth, an elderly gentleman with twinkling eyes and a weathered face, greeted them with a toothy grin. "Welcome! Try your luck today, young ladies?" he beckoned.

"Sure, old man!" Dominique eagerly hopped onto a stool, her eyes darting over the mound of ores. Each one held the potential to reveal something amazing.

"Which one do you think I should pick, Mother?" Dominique turned around and asked Mira, but before she could answer, the child whispered in her ear, '...And don't cheat!'

Mira sighed but went along with it, randomly picking a rock out of the bunch. 

"That one." She said, tossing over 10 Spirit Stones to the old man.

"Ohh! Good pick, young lady!" The old man exclaimed, pocketing the Spirit Stones before cracking open the rock. 

Unfortunately, there was nothing inside, just regular stone. 

The disappointment was palpable in Dominique's face, her bottom lip jutting out in a pout. "Not fair! Let's try again," she insisted, stubborn determination flashing in her eyes.

Mira, suppressing a smile, obliged. "Alright. Pick another one," she instructed, her gaze softening at Dominique's childlike excitement.

"Great, this time, I'm picking a stone for you, Mother," she said, her tiny hands expertly skimming the mound of ores.

"Fine. Just remember, this is a game of luck," Mira reminded, knowing that her luck was the worst it could possibly be.

"I have the best luck!" Dominique countered, a broad smile spreading across her face. "Just watch."

The little girl's choice was a pale gray stone, uneven in shape, that Mira found unremarkable. But the hopeful sparkle in Dominique's eyes stopped her from saying anything.

"There you go, Mother," Dominique said, handing the stone to Mira. "This one has a treasure! I know it!"

Mira exchanged a knowing glance with Hana, who was quietly observing their interaction. She handed over the stone to the old man, who nodded approvingly before splitting the stone open. To everyone's surprise, it revealed a cluster of small, translucent crystals.

"Hah! See, I told you! Luck!" Dominique exclaimed triumphantly, pointing at the crystals with an expression of pure delight. The crowd around them cheered, drawn in by the young girl's infectious energy.

"Hmm, not bad. I guess sticking around Maria for long enough rubbed off on you," Mira conceded, the corners of her lips twitching. She looked at Hana, who was silently watching the proceedings, with an amused smile. "What about you? Are you trying?"

Hana looked startled for a moment before her gaze turned thoughtful. After a moment, she nodded and selected a stone. It was smaller than the others, unassuming, but when the old man cracked it open, a single, beautiful pearl lay nestled within. 



Dominique and Hana exclaimed.

The old man chuckled, rubbing his hands gleefully as he counted the Spirit Stones that were rapidly accumulating. "Your turn, madam," he prompted Mira, who selected a stone without much thought. When it was split open, it revealed...nothing.

"Mmm, that's a miss," the stall owner declared, looking somewhat disappointed, but the smile behind his eyes was impossible to miss. It was better for him if his customers got nothing, after all.

Dominique burst into laughter. "Mother, your luck is really awful!" she managed between fits of giggles.

Hana, usually so quiet, joined in, her soft laughter blending perfectly with the lighthearted atmosphere.

Mira simply shook her head; this wasn't anything new. 

However, she didn't particularly care about that today. 

As the day wore on, they visited a few more stalls, participated in a couple of friendly competitions, and even stopped by a sweets shop for Dominique and Hana. All the while, Mira cherished the shared laughter, the innocent wonder, and the joyful spirit of the day.

Unfortunately, Mira's bad luck didn't only extend to ore gambling, and relaxing days were rather hard to come by. 

While the four of them were eating at a restaurant for dinner, Mira looked out the window and spotted something she never thought she'd see in Snow Maiden City!

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