Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 713 Vorandis

Before Mira left to see Maria, she visited Nova and the others first, asking if they wanted to join. However, they declined, saying that they still needed time to recover.

They were starting to catch on that Mira's luck was absolutely horrible. If they went out in their current condition, they were afraid they might actually die this time.

Mira nodded in understanding and left to bring Hana and Rhydian. Elenei was still out and about, getting stronger, so she didn't bother calling for her and left the Sect soon after.


A few minutes later, Mira and Hana were sitting on Rhydian's back, flying through the sky. Mira stared at the obsidian ring on her finger and inserted a bit of Qi into it. Immediately, she felt a pull in a certain direction.

Maria might think that Mira had no idea where she was located, but Mira would never throw that naive little girl out into the world without some sort of tracker. 

"Rhydian, head that way," She said, pointing south.

Rhydian nodded and shot forth, increasing her speed manifold.

"U-Umm… Mira?" Hana squirmed uncomfortably in Mira's lap, confused as to why she was even here. "Y-You didn't have to bring me, you know? I would've been fine if you left me at the Sect."

However, Mira shook her head, "You're going to be my test subject for when I eventually go on trips with Dominique. If I can prevent a kid like you from getting killed, then I can do the same for Dominique."

Hana's face paled, and now she really wished she was back at the Sect. Even though it would've been boring, at least she'd be alive!

'Oh, Mother! Buddha! God's above! Immortals! Anyone who can hear me! Please, bless me with good fortune! I'm not ready to die yet!' She silently prayed, hoping for someone to grant her request.

Mira ignored her little antics and instead closed her eyes to meditate.


Vorandis. A city that was well-known among the commonfolk for its unique atmosphere of opportunity and chaos. It was a place renowned for allowing everyone a chance to step up in the world.

Don't want to join a Sect? Don't have any backing or status? Untalented but burning with grit and ambition? 

This was the place to be! Young and old, poor and weak, everyone was welcome here… if you can survive. 

Vorandis was located at the intersecting boundaries of numerous rival clans, families, and factions, making it an epicenter of conflicts and power struggles. Its strategic position attracted merchants and mercenaries from across the continent, promising riches and opportunities for those bold enough to take the risk.

It was similar to a port city, where all kinds of goods, services, and people congregated, just that it instead of near water, it was near mountains. 

However, much like a port city, the place itself had much to offer on its own.

Vorandis was located in a unique position where the climate stayed the same year-round. Making it a great place to grow many kinds of plants. Since it was right next to the mountains, all kinds of metals and minerals were brought into the city as well, making it a booming place for any cultivator. 

Even the Qi density was higher than most of the continent, other than places in the Ancient Beast Mountain Range. 

In fact, almost every Major Sect has tried to claim this location for themselves but was unable to due to the severe backlash they received. 

This was a city for the people! A place that was outside the Sects' jurisdiction! Not only did their actions enrage the common people, but they also offended several Merchant Organizations, the Mercenary Association, and the major families that relied on Vorandis!

Essentially, trying to claim Vorandis was the same as going against the world. So, eventually, the major Sects just figured it wasn't worth the effort. They would only use it to set up a branch Sect, anyways.

Vorandis was a city without a centralized power, a living testament to anarchy yet thriving in its own chaotic way. It was a loosely tied federation of sectors, each controlled by clans, rich merchants, or independent entities with enough strength to hold their ground.

However, calling them a "federation" and "sectors" was really putting it loosely. In reality, it was a mess. The current "rulers" would one day be replaced with someone else before they were eventually replaced or killed. 

Everybody was at each other's throats, trying to obtain as much power as they could get, similar to the various powers and families surrounding the city. 

However, while this might be a place of chaos for the masses, for those with a unique niche, this city was nothing more than a big fat opportunity waiting to be gobbled up.

At the heart of Vorandis was a large, open marketplace bustling with noise and activity. 

Traders advertised their wares loudly, attracting customers from all walks of life. There were weapon shops, Array and Formation shops, alchemy stores, and inns that catered to adventurers and mercenaries alike.

Tall, imposing buildings dotted the cityscape, evidence of the wealth and power held by some of Vorandis' more influential residents. 

Among these structures, a particular building stood out. It was a grand, lavishly decorated mansion with female guards stationed at every entrance, and it was here that Maria had chosen to set up her base of operations.

Within this anarchic cityscape, Maria had managed to establish herself after leaving the Battle Maiden Sect. 

She visited several cities during her travels but eventually settled on this one. She needed to be in a crazy place like this to grow, but it was also the perfect place to lay her foundation.

Thanks to Mira's generous resources and her own abilities, Maria carved out a domain of influence in Vorandis' tumultuous scene. 

Unlike the rest of the city, that was loud and rambunctious, her home was quiet and peaceful. 

Hundreds of people lined up around her mansion, but many didn't even dare to peep. This was the one place in the entire city that nobody dared to mess with. Not necessarily because of the owner's strength but because of what she offered. 

"Do you think we'll get to see the Saintess today?" Someone whispered to the person in front of them, whose body was covered in severe wounds, much like many of the others.

"...I hope so. I don't think I'll be able to survive much longer with these wounds."

The man who asked the question gasped softly, "If they're so bad, why don't you go buy a healing pill?!"

The severely injured man looked back at the person and stared at him as if he was mentally retarded, "Are you fucking with me?! Do you seriously not know? I'll have to chop off an arm and a leg just to be able to afford ONE of them from those shitty alchemists! I'll be worse off than I am now if I visit those greedy bastards! The Saintess, on the other hand… Haa… Well, she truly lives up to her title."

"...I understand." The man shut up and went back to his spot in line.

While their situations might be different, everyone came here for one purpose, and one purpose only: to see the Saintess.

Not only was she gorgeous, but she was an extremely nice person who offered wonderful healing services. In fact, she didn't just heal the body; for the right price, she would even help heal people's minds.

Vorandis was a stressful place to live, and many people needed a place to vent. While they could go to a brothel to release their physical needs, no place in the city could take care of their mental ones. 

However, the Saintess offered that service! And for a relatively low price, too.

The people who visited her often found that they were growing stronger at faster rates than before. Hell, even their minds were clearer and their personal lives more fulfilling! 

As the cheery on top, the Saintess didn't only accept Spirit Stones. Information, rare items, various resources… As long as it was equivalent to what she was charging, they could pay in anything.

There was a minimum fee just to get in the door, but for what she was offering, it was more than worth it. 

Not long ago, she also began expanding in other areas as well. Weapons, Armor, Talismans, Arrays, warriors-for-hire… She started dipping her toes into these areas, and with her growing, loyal customer base, it quickly expanded.

Because this place was like an oasis in a desert filled with blood-hungry maniacs, nobody wanted to cause trouble here, lest they be banned from her services.

About a minute later, after more people lined up outside the gates of the building, the front doors flung wide open, and a goddess-like blonde beauty came out with a gentle smile. 

"Good morning, everyone, and welcome to The Sanctum! Please, come on in." She said with a radiant smile that seemed to set everyone's hearts at ease.

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