Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 715 Soft

Stepping into Vorandis, the energy of the city was almost palpable. The atmosphere was lively, but there was an unmistakable tension in the air giving life to the city in a way Hana had never experienced. She clung onto Mira, her eyes wide and full of awe, trying to take in everything at once.

Mira, on the other hand, remained unfazed. She strode forward with confidence, her eyes scanning the buildings, people, and the surroundings. There was a clear, unmissable destination in her mind, and she intended to get there as soon as possible.

Despite their startling entrance, most people in the city seemed unbothered by Mira's presence after a few minutes. Mira was just another powerful individual who had come to seek refuge, fame, fortune, or power within the walls of Vorandis. The city was no stranger to such displays of strength; it was part of its lifeblood.

However, those who had seen her before or heard rumors about her thought differently.

"Hey. Isn't that Mira from the Battle Maiden Sect?"

"I think so, but what is she doing here?"

"Doesn't she know that this is neutral territory? She can't just walk in here like she owns the place!"

"Tsk. Just let her be. Those major Sect disciples are always so arrogant when they first arrive. She'll learn soon enough that things work a little differently here."

"I-I don't know about that. I heard rumors that she could take down an army by herself. I think it'd be in everyone's best interest if we left her alone."

"Tch. Coward."

"Fuckin' dickhead. Don't even think about doing business with me in the future."

"Me too!"

Mira felt hundreds of eyes piercing into her like a storm of swords, but she wasn't bothered by them. As long as they kept their distance, she wouldn't take action. 

Unfortunately, not everyone thought with their upper heads.

As the murmurs grew louder, a group of men, noticeably bigger and tougher-looking than the rest, emerged from a corner tavern. 

They were the city guards tasked with keeping the peace and order in the city, especially against disruptive outsiders. 

However, they were mostly seen as a bunch of thugs who threw their weight around. They were different from actual city guards in that they were less disciplined and more lawless.

The leader of the group, a bulky man with a scar running down his face, licked his lips and called out to Mira, "You, stop right there!"

Mira stopped in her tracks, slowly turning her gaze toward them.

Hana, who was still clinging onto Mira, couldn't help but feel nervous. Those men looked quite strong. Although she knew Mira wasn't weak if a fight really broke out between them, wouldn't she die in an instant?

The man sneered again, "What's the rush, little lady? Trying to show off your strength by making a grand entrance, huh?"

Mira shrugged nonchalantly, "I'm just passing through."

The leader snorted, "Passing through or not, you need to learn some manners. This is Vorandis. We don't tolerate nonsense from outsiders here."

Unfazed by his words, Mira's eyes shifted toward the city's center. "That so?" she said, her tone carrying a hint of irritation. The obsidian ring was pulling her in a specific direction, and she didn't want to waste any more time here. Her Qi began to circulate, preparing to wipe out this bug so she could be on her way.

Seeing her disregard, the guard's face darkened, and he was about to retort when a voice echoed through the crowd, interrupting their standoff.

"Enough, Norrick," the voice said with authority, drawing every eye in the vicinity. A man emerged from the crowd, dressed in a cloak with the emblem of the city of Vorandis embroidered on it. It was Eldric, a trusted subordinate of this District's ruler.

Norrick, the leader of the city guards, sneered at the sight of Eldric. "You're interfering again, lackey," he said in a gruff voice.

Eldric, however, remained unphased. He gave a nonchalant shrug, saying, "I prefer to call it 'maintaining peace.' We don't need a brawl in the middle of the city, Norrick."

Mira watched the interaction between the two men, her eyebrows furrowed slightly. It was evident that there was a power struggle in Vorandis, and it wasn't something she wanted to get involved with.

Norrick grunted in reply but didn't say anything more. Eldric then turned to Mira, a polite smile on his face. "Welcome to Vorandis, Miss...?"

"Mira," she answered, her gaze assessing the Mayor. "I'm just here to visit."

"I see," Eldric said, his eyes twinkling with curiosity. "Well, I hope you find what you're looking for, Mira. But remember, here in Vorandis, we respect each other despite our differences and ambitions. If you can abide by that, you're welcome to stay."

"I have no intention of staying," Mira replied, her gaze narrowing. She was starting to get really sick of people getting in her way. Now, this man wanted her to start 'respecting' these people? Fuck off!

Eldric's eyes darkened, and his cheeks twitched, but he kept a forced smile on his face.

"Just passing through, then? Very well," Eldric said, forcing a polite nod. "We won't hinder your path as long as you keep the peace in our city."

Mira merely grunted in response, then turned to Hana, who was trembling beside her. She reassured her in a softer voice, "Don't worry, we'll be out of here soon."

Hana nodded, still clinging onto Mira, and they began to move again.

As they walked away, Norrick spat to the side and glared at Eldric. "You're letting her off too easy. Outsiders should be taught respect."

Eldric merely shook his head, a weary sigh escaping his lips. "You dumbass! Can't you tell I just saved the lives of you, your men, and most of the people watching?!"

Norrick sneered and stared at Eldric, full of disdain, "You? What did you even do other than bowing your head and letting her walk scott-free?!"

"Haaa…" Eldric sighed again, "I should've just let you die." Then, he turned around, ignoring the growing smirk on Norrick's face.

"Tsk. Shameless bastard." Norrick clicked his tongue before turning his attention in the direction Mira walked in. 

That goddess-like face, toned body, and unapproachable aura were implanted in his mind. He licked his lips in anticipation, imagining the scene of such a woman under him, screaming in pained pleasure.

'You can't escape my clutches, lady. Not in this city.'


Back in the crowd, the whispers had begun again. It was not every day that they got to see an outsider, let alone a powerful one like Mira, openly defy the local strongmen. Some were in awe, others in fear, and a few even held a sense of admiration.

Amongst the crowd, a young woman watched the scene unfold, her eyes wide with curiosity. Her name was Lirael, and she was known to many as the City's Whisper - a gatherer of stories and secrets. And today, she had found her new subject.

In her hands, she clutched a worn-out notebook and an ink quill, ready to capture this new tale - the tale of Mira, a Battle Maiden Sect disciple who came to Vorandis, a city that knew no peace.

Meanwhile, Mira and Hana continued their journey through the city, the towering buildings casting long shadows over the streets as the sun began to set. Mira could still feel the eyes on her, but she paid them no heed. Her focus was on the obsidian ring pulsating on her finger.

As Mira and Hana walked deeper into the city, they noticed a change in the surroundings. The city's center, unlike the busy marketplace they had traversed earlier, was a lot quieter. Grand mansions stood tall on either side of the cobblestone street, all with a similar design.

The obsidian ring guided Mira towards one mansion that towered above the rest. Its exquisite architecture, with intricate carvings and ivy-covered walls, was a testament to its owner's taste. A wooden sign hung above the ornate entrance, engraved with golden letters that spelled out 'The Sanctum.'

Mira felt a sudden surge of emotion; she was finally here.

She looked down at the obsidian ring. It was now pulsating in rhythm with her own heartbeat. This was where Maria was.

Surprisingly, the area around the building was mostly cleared out, with a few people still lingering around. However, Mira didn't find anything strange about it and walked right up to the mansion.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a few familiar faces acting as guards, which further confirmed that Maria was here, alive and well.

"Hana, wait here," Mira said softly. She saw the confusion on the girl's face, but she had to do this alone.

Before Hana could protest, Mira was already heading toward the entrance, leaving the child alone with Rhydian. The door swung open as she approached, revealing a bright and spacious interior. The air smelled of exotic herbs and incense, and the sight that welcomed her made her breath hitch.

She instinctively walked in the direction of the all-too-familiar aura without anyone blocking her path. 

A few seconds later, in the center of the room was Maria, tending to a patch of blooming Nightlilies. Her hair, which shimmered like a waterfall of molten gold, was pinned up elegantly, a few loose strands dancing around her face. She was wearing a simple white dress that made her look ethereal.

Mira's heart pounded in her chest. It felt like a few centuries had passed since she last saw Maria, even though it hadn't even been a few years.

Maria seemed to sense her presence and slowly turned around, her eyes bright with surprise. For a moment, she just stood there, taking in the sight of Mira.

"Mira," she said softly, her voice a soothing melody that Mira had missed so dearly. Her eyes welled up with tears, and she rushed forward, throwing her arms around Mira.

"Mira," she repeated, her voice muffled by Mira's shoulder. "You're here…"

Mira embraced her tightly, savoring the comforting warmth as Maria's body pressed against her own. Inhaling deeply, she indulged in the delicate fragrance that emanated from Maria, reminiscent of soothing lavender.

"Maria," Mira breathed out, her voice hoarse with the weight of emotions. It felt as though time had ceased to exist, and it was just them at this moment, wrapped in each other's embrace. She didn't think she'd feel this way by merely seeing Maria again, but somehow, she allowed herself to be swept up in the moment.

'First Dominique, and now Maria… Fuck! Am I becoming soft?' She thought in the back of her mind, but her focus remained on the woman before her.

"Mira," Maria repeated, pulling away slightly to look at Mira. Her sapphire-blue eyes shimmered with tears. "I missed you."

Mira's heart clenched at the sight, but outwardly, her expression hardly changed. She gently brushed away the tears on Maria's cheeks with her thumb. "I missed you too," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

They stood there for what seemed like an eternity, losing themselves in each other's eyes, neither wanting to break the moment. Eventually, Maria stepped back, still holding onto Mira's hands.

"Come," she said softly, her eyes shining with a new sense of determination. "Let's talk."


[A/N: Do you guys want any 'Mira x Maria' lemons? If enough people really want it, maybe I'll do one as a bonus chapter.]

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