Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 739 Hero?

The moon hung low in the sky, casting eerie shadows over the mountain range where the remaining beasts prowled. A particular group of beasts, their bodies covered in rough scales, stood out among the others. 

Their malevolent red eyes glowed ominously under the lunar glow as they surveyed the aftermath of the cataclysmic battle. The deafening silence that followed the earlier conflict seemed to have no effect on their bloodthirst. 

They weren't out here because of the elixir. No. They were out for blood.

Meanwhile, Mira arrived at the quarters of Nova and Rayna.

"Mira," Nova acknowledged, her firm grip around her spear never loosening. Her eyes were filled with a fiery intensity that mirrored her elemental affinity as she gathered Qi around the recent scars on her body, trying to heal them. 

Although she had gotten treated, the Elders kicked her out not long after she was no longer in critical condition. The same went for everyone else. The only person who was still being treated by the Elders was Seraphina, as her organs, meridians, and body was pretty messed up. It wouldn't be a lie to say that if she didn't receive immediate treatment, she would've died.

Rayna, silent as usual, only offered a nod, her hands toying with her poison-tipped daggers. 

They knew of Aelina's plan beforehand, but the Sect Master merely told them to wait for Mira to get them as they had a different job.

Mira studied them both, reading their unwavering determination mirrored in their battle-ready postures. She inwardly nodded before stating, "It's time to move."

Nova's fiery gaze flickered with intrigue, but it was Rayna who spoke, her voice a barely audible whisper, "What's the task?"

"Clean up," Mira answered. 

That was all Rayna needed to hear. 

Without another word, she got up and left, heading straight toward where all the action was. 

Mira shook her head, as she still had more to say, but she figured it didn't matter. Their job was to kill beasts, after all. 

This whole thing was nothing more than a show. A show to the world that, one, proved they weren't afraid of anyone or anything even after the war with the Crimson Slayer Sect. And two, that people needed to start paying more attention to the Beast Clans.

'Whatever. Nova's the one I really wanted to talk to, anyways.' Mira thought. With Nova's curious gaze aimed at her, Mira opened her mouth to speak.

"I know your job sounds… normal, and truthfully, it is. However, we need a 'hero' for this play, and you're perfect for the role. So, make sure to be as flashy as possible out there." 

Nova frowned, still mostly confused about what was going on, but since these were orders from the Sect Master, she couldn't refuse, could she?

"...Why?" She asked after a moment of silence.

"Hm?" Mira looked at her questioningly. 

"Why can't you just have the disciples being attacked kill the beasts? They're more than capable of that. In fact, wouldn't that be a better show of power?" Nova asked, her grip on her spear tightening as she didn't understand Aelina would put the lives of her disciples in danger for no reason.

Mira immediately chuckled, a sinister undertone lacing her laughter as she replied, "The whole continent is watching us. We can't just show all our cards, can we? But people have already seen you, with all your flashy techniques, in action. But don't worry, I'll give you a surprise if you do your job well."

Nova was speechless, but Mira didn't bother with her. Instead, she smirked a pushed Nova out of the room with her Qi.

"Now go! Go soak up the limelight and slaughter those bastards that dared to 'invade' us!" Mira's laugh echoed in her ears, but as she turned around to question her once again, the fox woman had already disappeared.

Nova stomped on the ground angrily, gritting her teeth in frustration at how she was being treated as some kind of scapegoat!

'That fucker! Why is she making me do this?! I just want to train, dammit! I don't want to be some shitty hero!' She grumbled but still left the mountain to go do as she was told.

Unfortunately, she truly was the best candidate that was available at the moment. All of her techniques were both easily recognizable and attention-grabbing.

If there was anyone capable of showcasing the Battle Maiden Sect's might while hiding the Sect's depths, it was her.

Not to mention, Nova loved the Sect with her heart and soul. Combined with her affinity and temper… there wasn't a better person for the job.

Gritting her teeth, Nova took a moment to gather herself. Mira's words spun around her mind. Despite the resentment bubbling inside her, Nova knew deep down that the woman was right. The Sect's future was more important than her personal preferences.

If her actions could help bring the Sect to new heights, then who was she to complain?

With a final glance at the moon, Nova sprinted toward the heart of the battlefield. Her heart pounded against her ribs, a mixture of apprehension and determination pushing her forward.

As she neared the outskirts, where she sensed the most blood from, her eyes widened at the sight before her. The battlefield was a cacophony of flashing blades, piercing roars, and anguished screams. The beasts, bathed in lunar light, looked even more ferocious than she had anticipated.I think you should take a look at

'Fuck! I thought this was supposed to be an act! What the hell is going on here?! Why are our sisters dying?!' Nova wanted to scream out loud and curse both Mira and Sect Master Aelina for their negligence and apathy but now wasn't the time.

What she didn't know was that Aelina may have added a little something 'extra' in the elixir, causing the beasts' strength to rise the more they lost their minds.

With a mighty battle cry, Nova plunged into the chaos, her flaming spear whirling around her. Every swipe of her weapon sent a beast reeling. Every spin dodged a deadly blow. Every leap was another dance in the deadly ballet.

The spectacle was not lost on the observers. Battle Maidens, Elders, and spectators alike watched as Nova single-handedly drove back the beasts. 

A murmur rippled through the crowd, growing in volume as they began to rally behind Nova. Her bold display of power and ferocity was a beacon of hope in the sea of violence and despair.

Even as she fought, Nova found herself thinking of Mira's words. This was a show, a performance to demonstrate their strength to the world. 

Yet, it wasn't a lie. Their Sect was powerful, and they would fight for their survival. For their dominance!

It was about time they took action instead of passively sitting on a mountain, silently spreading their influence!

Nova's fiery Qi swirled around her like a fiery cyclone, her spear leaving trails of scorching light in its wake. The beasts cowered at her approach, their vicious snarls replaced by fearful whimpers.

The roars of the beasts and cries of battle began to become rhythm to her, a beat she danced to with deadly precision. 

Nova darted between the ranks of Outer Court Disciples, where Rank 6 beasts roared and charged. Her spear tore through their tough scales, each stroke ending a life. Flames would burst forth from their bodies, leaving nothing but charred remains.

Disciples who saw this gasped in awe, their panic easing slightly. With Nova leading, they felt emboldened and reassured, marching alongside her, slaughtering the beasts relentlessly just as they tried to do to them. 

The tides began to turn, with more beasts falling and fewer disciples retreating.

No sooner had the last of the Rank 6 beasts fallen than Nova was off again, her fiery aura lighting the way through the darkness. Her arrival at the Inner Court Disciples' battlefront was heralded by an eruption of flames. A Rank 7 beast, towering above even the largest of its kin, fell with a thunderous crash as Nova's spear pierced its skull.

Inner Court Disciples paused their battles momentarily, their eyes wide as they took in the sight of Nova, her weapon still embedded in the beast's skull, her body shrouded in flames. A moment of silence was punctuated by a rallying cry as the disciples echoed her war cry, their spirits rejuvenated.

Battle after battle, Nova held the front lines, her spear a blazing comet that streaked through the battlefield. Rank 7 beasts fell before her one after the other, their roars of defiance cut short by the fiery maiden's indomitable assault. The battlefield grew lighter with each beast she felled, the fires from her Qi illuminating the night.

Rayna followed her, assassinating and collecting the corpses, leaving nothing behind as she moved like a shadow amidst the enemy's ranks.

Finally, with the Inner Court's enemies nearly eradicated, Nova moved on to the last and greatest challenge, the Rank 8 beasts that the Core Disciples struggled against.

These beasts were in another league entirely, their massive forms causing tremors with each step, their roars echoing through the mountains. But Nova didn't falter. Her heart pounded in her chest, her Qi blazing even brighter. She was not just fighting for herself anymore; she was the hope for her sisters, the beacon for her Sect.

A true 'hero' just like Mira wanted.

'Are you happy now, Mira?! Is everything going according to the Sect Master's plan? Is this what you wanted?' She grumbled, still upset at how they were treating her, but it'd be a lie if she said she didn't feel good.

Who didn't like being a hero, a leader, in the eyes of one's juniors?

Like a meteor, she shot towards the largest of the beasts, her body encased in flames. The beast reared, its massive jaws opening to release a roar that shook the heavens. But Nova was faster. With a roar of her own, she plunged her spear deep into its chest, the burning tip of her weapon piercing its heart.

The beast gave a final, anguished roar before collapsing, the earth quaking beneath its weight. Nova stood on its body, her spear raised high, a victorious warrior atop her conquered foe.

Core Disciples watched in awe and relief as, one by one, each of the remaining Rank 8 beasts fell before Nova's relentless assault. However, they didn't lose out to her. 

Now that they were given the 'signal', they could stop holding back!

With a thunderous roar, they followed her charge, killing every beast in sight. Nova still took the lime-light but the Core disciples were no longer on the defensive and could showcase some of their skills.

Unfortunately, many Rank 8 beasts were too fast for them and escaped, but after many hours of fighting and acting, that was a win in their books.

However, as they stabbed their weapons inside the remaining wounded beasts, they didn't know that they were being watched by entities far more dangerous than what they just faced. 


"Good job, Nova. Now, leave the rest to me." Mira muttered while watching everything from the side under the cloak of darkness.

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