Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 781 Prime Disciple Competition: The Light

Chapter 781  Prime Disciple Competition: The Light

The sudden ray of light was so stark against the encompassing blackness that Mira had to shield her eyes. It wasn't warm, but it was vibrant and contrasted heavily with the oppressive darkness around her.

At first, it appeared as just a tiny speck far in the distance. As Mira focused on it, the pinprick of illumination seemed to grow larger, or perhaps she was just drawn towards it.

All around her, the voices intensified, desperately clamoring for her attention.

"Don't go towards it!"

"It's a trap!"

"You'll regret it!"

But Mira, who was drowning in her own thoughts and doubts just moments ago, felt a renewed vigor. The beam of light, whether real or a figment of her imagination, represented something she sorely needed: Hope and assurance.

Her journey, filled with thorns, mostly not of her own design, constantly tested her resolve.

Thus, questions like what the voices brought up would sometimes whisper in her ears like little demons wanting nothing more than to see her fall.

Can she really get revenge? How many more times will she have to die? Will she be alone forever?

Although her determination was something very few could replicate, she couldn't help but question herself. It was simply the nature of being self-aware.

However, the very act of questioning was a testament that perhaps she was on the right track to becoming something more than just a killing machine.

As she looked towards the light, Mira realized that perhaps these questions were essential. They weren't shackles trying to pull her down but reflections urging her to understand herself better.

She began walking towards it, the molasses-like feeling around her slowly thinning as she neared the light. The voices grew louder, more insistent, but Mira just focused on that single point of brightness.

As she inched closer to the light, the ground beneath her began to change. From the intangible abyss, it shifted to something more solid, though still shadowed.

Each step brought clarity not just to her surroundings but also to her thoughts. The voices that had seemed like they were shouting in her ears became nothing more than hushed whispers.

Mira continued her approach towards the light until she felt a chill run down her spine. The ground beneath her, which had just started to feel real again, began to writhe and pulsate.

From the darkness, grotesque creatures began to emerge, their forms almost fluid-like, constantly shifting and changing.

'What the fuck?' She cursed and instantly drew her scythe.

Shadowy tendrils erupted from the abyss, snaking towards Mira with an insatiable hunger. The once faint murmurs turned to ear-piercing screams, urging her to give in, to succumb to the void.

However, Mira wasn't one to go down without a fight. With an intensity that froze the very air around her, she spun her scythe with lethal precision.

Each strike unleashed a devastating wave of energy, cleaving through swathes of the encroaching darkness.

But these weren't just any shadows; they had form and structure. Their eyes gleamed with malice, with teeth sharpened to a needlepoint. They weren't just seeking to halt her progress, they aimed to consume her whole.

A titanic beast, veiled in the very fabric of darkness, surged forth. Its very presence seemed to consume the limited light around her. Mira met its assault head-on, every swing of her scythe radiating Yin Fire, painting arcs of radiant blue against the looming blackness.

The monstrosity lunged, its maw gaping wide, trying to swallow her whole.

Mira, with a swift roll, evaded its deadly bite and planted her feet firmly. With a triumphant roar, she channeled her very soul into her weapon. The scythe blazed brilliantly, illuminating the darkness as if dawn itself had arrived.

With a precise and fluid movement, she swung it upward, cleaving the beast in two. Its death cry echoed eerily before it disintegrated into nothingness.

All around, the smaller entities hesitated. They sensed the sheer force emanating from Mira. Her eyes, burning with a fierce determination, dared any of them to approach.

As if they were provoked bared their teeth and released ear-piercing screeches that echoed in her soul. Mira was dazed for a moment, but that was all they needed.

Disappearing into the background, they lurked.

"Come on, you fuckers. No need to hide." Mira called out with a growing smirk.

Suddenly, she spun around and conjured an ice spear wrapped in Yin Fire.

"I know exactly where you are."

Throwing the spear, it disappeared into the void, but Mira was confident in her abilities.

"REEEEEEE!" Not even a second later, she heard the pained screech of one of those creatures.

Mira chuckled at its pain, happy she could deal a blow to what she assumed was the source of those voices.

"Now, there's no escape." She muttered, not caring whether they heard her or not.

Mira's chuckle echoed, her confidence unwavering, as shadows flinched at every echo of her laughter. Her eyes scanned the abyss, the light emanating from her scythe serving as a beacon in the haunting darkness.

The silence of the abyss was shattered as an entity, more significant and more terrifying than the rest, lunged at her from her blind spot.

Its formless shape constantly shifted, like watching an inky black cloud undulate. It had multiple sets of glowing red eyes that seemed to pierce her very soul. Its mouth opened, revealing layers of sharp, jagged teeth.

"Thought you could catch me off guard?" she taunted.

Mira, with a quick pivot, thrust her scythe into the entity's gaping maw. Yin Fire surged from the blade, causing the creature to screech in pain.

As it tried to retreat, Mira pulled her scythe with a brutal force, cleaving it in half. Its form dissipated into smoky wisps before vanishing entirely.

As she steadied herself, multiple entities charged at her, their forms indistinct but their intent clear. They were desperate. They were hungry.

Mira, undeterred, unleashed a barrage of ice spears, each wrapped in the searing Yin Fire. The spears found their mark, piercing through the heart of each shadow, causing them to disintegrate upon contact.

Another entity, larger and more formidable than the previous ones, made its move. Instead of charging at her, it unleashed tendrils from its body, aiming to entangle Mira.

Seeing the approaching danger, she gracefully dodged and weaved through the onslaught, each movement a dance of death. But for every tendril she evaded, two more took its place.

Feeling the weight of the tendrils wrapping around her, she focused her energy, causing her scythe to glow brilliantly. In a swift circular motion, she cut through her restraints, causing the monstrous entity to recoil in pain.

Seeing an opening, Mira lunged forward, embedding her scythe deep into the entity's core. With a forceful twist and pull, she tore it apart, watching as its essence dispersed into nothingness.

All around her, the remaining entities wavered. Their confidence was shattered, and they attempted one final, coordinated assault. But Mira was ready. With an audible grunt of disdain that resonated through the abyss, she spun in a whirlwind of blades and flames, her scythe moving so fast it was nothing more than a blur.

In mere moments, silence returned. The battlefield, once teeming with malevolent shadows, lay barren. The only sound was Mira's steady breathing.

The aftermath of the encounter lay in stark contrast to the beacon of light in the distance. Mira's breathing became more controlled, her steps more deliberate. She didn't glance back at the emptiness she had killed, focusing only on the radiant point ahead.

As she approached, the light began to take shape. It wasn't just a simple glow – it was a gateway.

The light, now clearly more than just a distant speck, revealed itself as an ornate gate. Golden carvings adorned its frame, ones she couldn't quite make out, but there was a mix of humans, beasts, and other creatures on there.

In fact, it looked reminiscent of the Gate of Heaven in the Afterlife Trial, where she met Huoyan, the Ashura. However, there were quite a few differences. For one, it wasn't trying to kill her.

'Hey, Guardian. What's up with this?' She asked, refusing to believe that this was a coincidence. But she received no response.

Pushing him out of her mind, she approached. As she did, the door began to open slowly, emanating a soft, melodious hum.

Now, Mira was starting to feel really creeped out, but she continued on anyway like she was in some sort of trance.

Holy hell. I swear, if there are any goddam sta-' Mira paused once the gate completely opened and she got a good look inside.

Green grass, cute little animals, a dense amount of Qi, and a peaceful aura entered her view.

However, right in the middle of this perfect scene was the bane of Mira's existence.

"A fucking staircase… Why?! I swear, when I get strong enough, I'm chopping off the Guardian's dick and demoting him to the position of eunuch!"

Somewhere in the FLDIL, a being instinctively crossed his legs and covered his crotch with his hand, wondering what he did to deserve this.

'I didn't design the stairs! I swear! Why are you angry at me?! Go kill those stupid beasts if you're mad! I'm innocent!'

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