In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 230: The Sealed Door

Chapter 230: The Sealed Door

Lee held Neville and Ron with a death grip, among the five, his age is the oldest, and also the most physically strong, under his desperate hold, instead of letting Neville and Ron fall apart, they rolled down to a floor they were supposed to pass through by the group of black cats knocking them out of the board!

In an emergency, Hermione used the Impediment Jinx to greatly slow down the speed of the sliding board, and because of this, the impact on the boys rolling down was not so great, not to the extent of falling to the ground and getting injured.

With Neville and their help in blocking, after using the Impediment Jinx, Hermione also extremely timely directly pounced ahead with Luna, both directly laid on the board, resulting in the black cats who pounced in the follow-up, passing over Hermione and Luna's head, and with "bang" crashing into the stone wall!

At this point the effectiveness of the Impediment Jinx on the board also gradually disappeared, the original declining speed already started to accelerate again, with the girls continuing to go down towards the ground!

Also in this place, the boys and girls were forced to separate, the black cats that have split into dozens or hundreds, also quickly divided into two groups, a team completely blocked Neville and their way to the stairway, and the other team followed the board, chasing after Hermione in the direction they left!

Lee, Neville and Ron pressed their backs against the wooden door of the 15th floor, looking at the black cats who had surrounded them and were slowly approaching, they wheezed sharply.

"What should we do?" Lee asked.

Ron wasn't sure if it was because he was tense or if he was being deliberately emphatic.

"We can't get caught by them! We mustn't! Absolutely not!"

Neville didn't let the situation force him to give up thinking, and he immediately aimed his wand at the locked door behind them.


A sound of a lock cylinder springing inside the door lock rang out.

"I remember that house elf said that from the 20th floor all the way to the 13th floor it's all vegetable garden and pasture, and the floor we're on now should be within that zone. Whether it's the vegetable garden or the pasture there should be a lot of space inside, we just have to go in and there's still a chance that we can hide!"

As he said, he used his shoulder to force open the door of the room that had been unlocked, and then Lee, Ron and Neville stumbled together into an open meadow.

This room has a blue sky simulated by magic, while there is an endless emerald green grass on the ground, and in the distance, there is a herd of sheep grazing leisurely turned their heads in confusion and looked at the three uninvited guests.

Immediately after, more uninvited guests broke through the door, breaking the tranquillity of the meadow.


Hermione clung to Luna, both of them holding their wands in their hands, and the board was getting closer to the ground floor.

"Listen to my voice! Luna! When I count to three! You need to use the Impediment Jinx on the board immediately! I'll block those cats behind!"

Luna who had gotten out of Hermione's thin arms was staring ahead with a focused face and nodded her head in total seriousness in agreement.

"I'll do it!"

Soon they had gone down from the fifth floor to the second floor, and those black cats followed them, when they saw the corner of the second-floor stairs, Hermione and Luna turned back to back, two people holding their wands one looking ahead and one looking back.

"One! Two! Three!"

"Impediment Jinx!"

Luna has only just entered her second year this semester, but Impediment Jinx is not a difficult spell to learn, after going to sea, Jon also repeatedly stressed the need to not waste the time, so when she was at Hogwarts she had already mastered it under the tutelage of senior students.

The Impediment Jinx worked smoothly and began to slow down the board once again, but, as they slowed down, the black cats were still moving forward at breakneck speed, and the distance between the two that was originally pulled apart was rapidly shortening!

And when Hermione and the girls were about to pass by the second floor of the tower, Hermione's wand was aimed at a large vase in front of the second-floor staircase.

She used transfiguration!

Even if she has been trying to acquire knowledge for more than half a year, there is no way to remember all the magical creatures that are so isolated in the magical world.

But even if they can't tell what these black cats are, the effect of the spell they just cast on these cats has been seen by Hermione.

Regular magic is not only ineffective on them but also will cause them to split, since direct magic spells should not be used on them, they should use the indirect effect of transfiguration!

Transfiguration spells are the fastest functioning spell of all magic spells, in the next second Hermione waved her wand and finished reciting the spell, the vase began to stretch up the stairs rapidly, and the pottery turned into wooden branches and grew more and more dense, interlocking, and finally completely sealed the gap between the black cats and Hermione and Luna!

There are even a few black cats in the forefront, due to a lack of dodging they directly entangled into those thick wooden vines, screaming and sealed into the wooden wall!

All this happened only in two or three seconds, and at this time, the board was slowed down and finally slid down to the foyer on the ground floor.

Hermione grabbed Luna's arm, struggled to stand up, and together they ran to the door.

"We have to get the word out so that George, Fred and the others on the ship can figure out how to get Neville and the others out, and then figure out how to help Jon!"

She said while her entire body bumped into the two large doors, which did not move at all.

Hermione braced her half-tingling body and aimed the tip of her wand at the door handle.


However, this time the Unlocking Charm did not play any role, the two doors remained as if they were welded to the ground, without budging.

Hermione's face began to turn pale, she thought of the kerosene lamp that welcomed them in front of the door when Jon brought them to the tower.

It is not just a magic prop to welcome guests, but also has the duty of guarding the door!

Her hand gripping her wand began to shake, and the pain that had been ignored out of urgency now began to eat away at her senses.


She tried to use the dark curse that she had once seen Jon use on the door, but the tip of her wand only gave off a few sparks and nothing more.

There's no such thing as a half-learned spell; if you can, you can, and if you can't, you can't.

In the direction of the stairway, a disturbing sound is getting louder and louder, apparently, in such a violent collision, the hurried transfiguration spell that she cast, with Hermione's magic power simply can not maintain for too long, the group of black cats will soon break out!

And just at this desperate juncture, Luna who has been quietly watching stood in front of the ordinary wall portrait that Hermione tried to examine before only to be interrupted by Rabier.

"If Sir is really a bad guy, then what the elf has said to us before, are not some of them also lies?"


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