In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 243: The Sadness of the Era

Chapter 243: The Sadness of the Era

When the sun rose, the entire Hogwarts ship remained silent.

A series of unexpected circumstances during the night although it has nothing to do with most of the students on board, the sound of the earth-shaking explosion still let them not sleep a sound sleep the whole night.

Jon slept late last night but was one of the earliest risers.

It was not that he was not tired, rather he wasn't in the mood for sleep.

At 9 o'clock, he sat cross-legged on the deck alone, silently looking at the direction they had sailed from the south.

Hogwarts is still heading north, and now there are no more than a few days before Christmas, which along with heavy snow pouring on the sea caused the temperature to drop to an extremely low level.

Jon wore a thick robe, with a large umbrella over his head to block the snow, and when he was staring out at the sea, Nick came to his side at some point.

"Still thinking about that Sir?"

Ghosts don't require rest, so Nick isn't wrestling under the warm covers like everyone else, making life-or-death decisions about whether to get up or not.

He had learned from Neville last night about Jon's experience in the tower with them, so he could probably guess what Jon was thinking at the moment.

Jon nodded and didn't have to hide his thoughts.

"Because Sir Stoker, he truly can't be considered a bad guy."

He mused.

"He comes from a pureblood wizard family but has always presented himself with the title of a Muggle dynasty, and has also delved into many ideas and theories associated with Muggles, which in the magical world, even wizards who come from Muggle families may not have such a degree of knowledge, and one can tell that he is a person who seeks equality.

And he is very ideal, and the ultimate goal of his ideal is also to open up the horizons of the wizards, for a better future of a magical world; He gave up everything in the world for his ideal, and ultimately obsessed with this ideal and dream, which allowed the dark lord to use it to entice him to make that final wrong choice."

Jon said in a low voice.

"I honestly don't think someone like Sir should end his life so simply. There are very few wizards in the magical world who can really sprout the idea of seeing the nature of the world through magic, but he had to die for a political struggle that was inherently wrong.

He would have been better suited to be a professor at a magic school, whether it be astronomy or muggle studies, I think he would have been able to handle it, and in that environment, it would have been more conducive to his research and would have allowed his ideas to inspire more young wizards.

I thought about maybe inviting him to Hogwarts and asking Headmaster Dumbledore for a position as a professor, although maybe Hogwarts isn't the right place for him right now, and living here is more like being a hostage to him. But he has not given me the opportunity to ask, after knowing that I will not return the pact to him, he believed that his ideal will never be realized, which to me is mixed with a kind of guilt and self-compensation.

He actually knew all along that he was doing something wrong by helping the dark lord, but his desire for the stars overpowered his sense of right and wrong. It was only at that moment he intended to use his life to pay the price for his wrong as well as to bury his ideals in this way."

Jon seemed a bit ranting in his words because Nick didn't even know what kind of person Sir Stoker is and what he looked like until now, but at this moment, through Jon's description, his mind also had a clear outline and impression of this Sir in general.

"He does sound like a very great man. But some things are like this sometimes, maybe I've experienced long enough and seen enough people and things, I don't have as much sense of sentiment as you do, Jon, and it's a little sad at best."

Nick said softly.

"Those who have left their names in history, not only because of their own outstanding ability but also because they were born in a time that suited them.

But this Sir, who has the same title as me, is obviously unfortunate, just like myself back then, I was taken to the gallows, and he was forced to choose to serve one of the sides in the war, if afterwards the Dark Lord succeeded in defeating us, became the master of Europe and world, and kept his promise, then he would certainly leave a strong mark in the history books of that new magical world and even start a new era.

But now the time obviously did not stand on the same side with him, before the dark lord could demonstrate signs of success, he had already died, which is not his sadness alone, but also the sadness of this era."

Nick patted Jon's shoulder, his illusory hand did not touch Jon's body, but the burst of cold touch still gave Jon feedback.

"We are the winners in this episode, which means we will continue to go on, as for those who deserve to be remembered, someone will give them a fair evaluation in the future."

Jon looked at the sea that had returned to calm and murmured.

"This is a victory for us, but for the entire magical community, the loss of a man like Sir Stoker is a defeat for all ..."

Nick sighed and did not bother to answer Jon's remark, and together they looked at the sea to the south, as if the tower still stood between the sky and the sea ...


On the edge of the border between the Norwegian Sea and the North Sea, a few days after Jon left this area, there was still some messy rubbish floating around in the sea, and occasionally a few black cats could be seen struggling in the ocean.

After a few days, the rubbish drifted elsewhere with the current cycle, with the black cats also completely dead in the sea, their bodies and rubbish together followed the waves to drift.

During this time, more than a dozen wizards wearing black robes riding flying broomsticks passed by here, they were led by two people who looked like a pair of brothers, after determining that there was once a tower here, they caught one merman who had experienced the big explosion and fled, and only dared to return to the sea in the past few days, and learned about the things that happened here some time ago by using Legilimency.

When they learned that there was a ship docked there, but after the whole tower was blown up, the ship also disappeared together, the two brothers' faces became more gloomy.

They dispatched one of their men to go back to report, while the others continued to head north in pursuit.


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