In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 250: If Harry is not dead…

Chapter 250: If Harry is not dead…

The Magic Plant Research Institute in Grenoble is very important to The Witching Horizon, which has already gained a firm foothold in France.

The dozens of greenhouses used to cultivate hundreds and thousands of magical plants here supply more than 70% of the herbs used in the French Magical Maladies and Injury Hospital, the Magic Potion Development Office, and the Beauxbatons' Herbology Class.

Once this place is obtained, the Witching Horizon can completely relieve the dependence on the materials provided by Grindelwald from Northern Europe, achieve self-sufficiency in herbal medicine and potion supplies, and also inflict great pain on the French Ministry of Magic.

It is also because of the importance of this place, the responsibility for the implementation of the offensive operation of this area is led by both Lily and Kingsley, two squads cooperating together.

The smoke caused a great deal of trouble for the employees hiding in the greenhouse, and before they came here, Lily and the team had already laid down an Anti-Apparition Charm in advance, limiting their escape routes.

Then, together with the other team, they surrounded and drove all the wizards in charge of this research institute to the same greenhouse, and finally, the two of them led the others to block the front and back exits respectively, intending to let none of these people escapes.

As the largest herbal cultivation place in the French magical world, where the profits generated were so abundant, the ones who stayed here were of course all from pureblood wizard families who had grasped the rights after Voldemort's arrival.

They are following Voldemort, the greatest benefit gainers, so they know very well that even if they surrender, they are bound to get liquidation, so even if they are forced into such a desperate situation, they didn't give up resistance.

Trying to rely on the long vines to temporarily block Lily and other's advance, which was ruined by the Smokescreen Spell, and also trapped them in the centre of the greenhouse, then a desperate male wizard picked up a pot with wide leaves, from the appearance it looks like a very ordinary potted plant.

"Since there is no way to live anymore, then all of us can die here!"

He shouted like a madman, and then, under the horrified gaze of his companions around him, he yanked out the roots of the plant buried in the pot with a violent vigour!

A hideous baby face emerged from the soil, its limbs are all in the form of roots, but its overall shape is biased to maintain the basic human shape.

The key thing is that after this ugly humanoid plant was pulled out of the pot, it let out a scream that seemed to tear through the eardrums!


A sound wave that could almost be seen with the naked eye emanated from the centre of that humanoid plant, in all four directions!

The male wizard, who pulled it out of the soil with his own hands, almost instantly when the sound was heard, his entire body fell to the ground in a daze, his body kept twitching, and blood kept gushing out of his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth!

The employees of the French Ministry of Magic who were with him also failed to escape such a fate, and even the smoke that filled the greenhouse was driven away by the sound waves, leaving the surroundings of the humanoid plant hollow in an instant.

However, the scream did not affect the men brought by Lily and Kingsley, who had already rehearsed all the possible situations before coming to this Plant Research Institute, including this adult Mandrake.

This herb is very precious, but the sound it emits is also deadly enough on its own, especially the adult mandrake, which is an extremely dangerous plant.

The employees stationed here may not have any great skills, but they can use the magic plants cultivated in the greenhouse to create some unexpected trouble.

The mandrake plant was not outside Lily's expectation, and after forcing the group closer to the greenhouse, Lily had everyone put on their pre-prepared magic flannel earmuffs.

Both exits had been blocked, so even if they gave up their hearing, it wouldn't have any effect on their spell casting and entrapment, and such a precautionary move would save the lives of many people.

The majority of the wizards on the Witching Horizon were unharmed, except for a few who were a little dizzy from the faint sound that penetrated through their magic earmuffs which stimulated them.

Lily dispelled the smoke screen in the greenhouse, revealing a miserable scene inside.

The plants that were kept on the wooden shelves and planted in pots were spilled all over the ground, and the pots were all broken by the strong sound produced by the mandrake, and the plants in the land, which seemed to have their own consciousness, all desperately shoved all their stems and leaves into the soil, hoping to escape such torture.

Those employees of the French Ministry of Magic have fallen to the ground scattered, almost all of them bleeding from seven orifices, no longer breathing, only one or two people, because of strong enough willpower, their bodies are still unconsciously twitching, keeping life behind.

But even if these two people are still alive, Mandrake's damage to their mental health is permanent, which basically means that they have become idiots.

For these people's tragic situation, Lily, Kingsley, and including people who followed them, none of their faces showed sympathy.

Perhaps in the past, there might have been good-hearted wizards who believed the words of those pureblood wizards who were caught and cried on their knees, saying that they were forced to torture the muggle-born wizards, but after seeing what happened to those who were locked up in the re-educational camp, no one felt pity for these purebloods who are working in the Ministry of Magic.

Even if it is true that some of them have not personally oppressed the muggle wizards, as long as they are in such a position and status, that in itself is a kind of oppression.

After leaving people to clean up the mess, Lily and Kingsley came together to the place where the accounts would be kept, waiting for Lyon to send someone over to organize and receive all the herbs and supplies in the institute.

Looking at all kinds of herbs names written, as if there is no end to the long parchment, Kingsley still felt like he is dreaming.

"We were chased east and west for so many years like a bereaved dog, and just overnight, we actually got the opportunity to counterattack."

Listening to his sentimental words, Lily's face did not show any expression, but her hand that was gathering those accounts was obviously a bit more forceful than before.

She did not speak, but she unconsciously thought of Jon.

She naturally had a deep impression of the boy she brought to Hogwarts, not only because of his outstanding talent and ability.

Every time Lily sees his clear eyes, she can't help but think of her own son.

It is also because of this that she gave Jon the cloak of invisibility that had been passed down in the Potter family, half-borrowed and half-given, although she usually wouldn't show any expression or feelings in her words she still treated most students Jon's age quite well.

Lily did not say a word as she sorted out the materials in her hands, while silently thinking in her mind.

If Harry is still alive, then won't he be about the same age as Jon?


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