In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 254: The Prisoner Walking Out of the Castle

Chapter 254: The Prisoner Walking Out of the Castle

The person who got the word from them is the younger of the Lestrange brothers - Rabastan.

Even if this sea area near the Arctic Ocean is only small compared to the real ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, it is not something that the Death Eaters can keep an eye on every minute of the day.

Rodolphus analysed, if that person's destination is still located at the Arctic Circle, then even if they deviate from the route, they will not be too outrageously far off, and certainly will still be around the centre of the route that their Lord gave them.

Therefore, he divided the sea into two parts according to the route given by their Lord, from the middle boundary of the Norwegian Sea to the east coast of Greenland, and from the middle boundary of the east coast to the west coast of Norway.

Rodolphus led the search throughout the west, Rabastan is responsible for the east part, while in the Arctic Ocean at the final destination, they also left a part of the manpower in case of emergency.

His arrangement can not be described as solid, but even if there are not enough Death Eaters, and there is no way to cover the entire sea, due to the convenience of the Apparition, it is possible to carry out a quick search, and once a person in one place found the problem, then the other people in other places can quickly provide support.

It was also under this arrangement that Rabastan, who was in charge of the East Norway area in general, got the report that there was a self-proclaimed Durmstrang Institute wizard ship sailing in a location close to the northern coast of Norway.

The first instant he saw this report, Rabastan sensed something strange about it.

Not that he could see anything problematic from this brief report alone, but given the current state of affairs, Durmstrang's stance is in opposition to that of Voldemort.

A magic school that allowed students to study and research dark magic and was rumoured to never admit muggle-born students, stood in opposition to Voldemort, who implemented a pureblood policy, is something that eludes many people who are unaware of the truth.

But in fact, the root cause of this situation emerged from just one person.

A man who was once expelled by Durmstrang, the dark lord who disturbed the entire magical world fifty years ago.

But he became a loser, according to the crime he committed, he should have been prohibited from walking out of the Castle called "Nurmengard" for life, but nine years ago, that is, six months after the fall of Hogwarts Castle, the Castle at the depths of Austria's uninhabited forest, suddenly collapsed.

And the prisoner who self-imprisoned in it, his life and death are also unknown, disappearing without a trace.

Over the years, according to Voldemort's orders, there has actually been a team of Death Eaters investigating the information of that loser, and they found some signs in Northern Europe, like the disappearance of the Wand family - Gregorovitch, which is on par with the British Ollivander family - and the re-activation of the organization that should have been forgotten in history 'The Alliance' (the official name of the Acolytes), are indicating that the man who came out of prison did not forget his ambition for the world.

It's just, Voldemort's attention has been focused on how to plot to get France in the past few years, without any too in-depth layout for Northern Europe, other than pulling in some pureblood-inclined politicians of Northern Europe's Ministry of Magics', to suppress this gradually re-emerging power in Northern Europe.

But these people ultimately have no means to confront this former dark lord, and this year, when Voldemort completely staged his cards and ate the whole of France, Durmstrang also has a new Headmaster "Gellert Bagshot" took office and joined the Dumbledore-led establishment Witching Horizons.

They are ultimately a little concerned about the impact of the "Grindelwald" name, if it reappears in the magical world, after all, fifty years ago, he made too much noise and became a taboo beyond even Voldemort now, it could be described as an attempt to stab the magical world's sky.

It is precisely because of this, he turned into a global enemy at that time.

Even now, once the announcement of his official re-emergence spread, it will also bring great trouble to Dumbledore's side. The behemoth that is separated from Europe by an ocean - the Magical Congress of the United States of America, will never allow such a thing to happen, regardless of how you put it in, he once trampled the head of the Congress under his feet, so they would not allow it to happen, no matter what.

That's why Grindelwald chose to be "Bagshot", his other family name and did not directly appear in the frontal battlefield in France, and has been providing logistical support to Dumbledore from Northern Europe.

But even if many Death Eaters are laughing at the former dark lord for turning into a fearful, toothless tiger because of his, such performance, in fact, everyone understands that this man must also be regaining his strength.

Now although he and Dumbledore's stance seems to be the same, there are still many people who suspect that he and Dumbledore still can not walk together, or he will not gather his former subordinates, making 'The Alliance' that has been buried in the dust of history to reappear.

Exactly what kind of ideas and purposes he has now, no one knows for the time being, but what is clear to Rabastan is, since it belongs to Durmstrang, then this whole ship must be Grindelwald's goons.

Grindelwald's goons, that is, Voldemort's enemies, and possibly the culprit behind all this!

This is the root of the suspicion in Rabastan's mind, so the first instant he got this information, he began to check all the information on the Durmstrang side.

Finally, he got some clues from a daily newspaper of the Finnish magical community.

There was a report before Christmas last year, and it also occupied the front page of this newspaper, detailing that Durmstrang's Professor of Transfiguration, Spence Johnson, had led the students who couldn't spend Christmas at home to sail on a ship for a different kind of Christmas holiday.

That article provided some corroboration for the male wizard on that ship who claimed to be a professor of the Durmstrang school, and the timing of the ship's voyage made it unlikely that they had travelled to Azkaban to capture the two Aurors; not only the timing was wrong, but the distance was also too far.

Durmstrang's school site has always been a secret, but the general location should be right in the far north of Europe, north of Scandinavia, north of Sweden or Norway.

From this location down to the sea, it would take quite a while just to sail to Azkaban, which is not exactly chronologically accurate, which undoubtedly abates some of the suspicions of Jon and the group, but now that the Lestrange brothers have been under the death grip of Voldemort, even if there is only a slight possibility, they will do whatever it takes to verify it.

So that afternoon, Rabastan personally brought people to meet up with 'Helgi and Heinz', near the coast of Norway.


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