In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 282: Journey to the North Pole (2 in 1)

Chapter 282: Journey to the North Pole (2 in 1)

This time, there was not much turmoil in the sea voyage.

After a few days of playing "pirate games" with Gabrielle, the Hogwarts ship, which was artificially controlled by Jon, entered the Arctic Ocean's sea direction.

As the temperature dropped further, they can already see some occasional scattered ice floes on the sea.

As a ghost, Nick and Gabrielle certainly will not be afraid of the cold, after seeing the ice floes, the two ghosts began to become more enthusiastic.

Even if Nick has survived for so long, he still has not seen all the world's beautiful landscapes, including the Arctic Circle, it is the first time in nearly a thousand years that he has visited this place.

And after entering the sea with ice floes, the Hogwarts' sailing speed also slowed down, after all, although this ancient wooden ship has magic protection, it is not some professional icebreaker, and it is necessary to pay attention to avoid all the hard ice.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Nick took Gabrielle to fly around the sea around Hogwarts ship a round, leaving only poor Jon on the ship, wearing thick robes, and a bear skin coat, blowing a cold wind and watching them fly back and forth.

Not that he could not fly, but the temperature was more than ten to twenty degrees below zero, and without any warming measures, there is no normal human who could endure the low temperature while flying at a high altitude.

Jon also has no intention of letting himself bear this kind of suffering for the sake of simply seeing the beautiful scenery.

Besides, even if he is outside he has quite a few things to do.

In this period of time in Durmstrang learning from Grindelwald, he has already grasped the three Unforgivable Curses basic, while simultaneously reinforcing the knowledge and mastery of the two of his commonly used "curses", Blasting Curse and Invisible Sword Curse.

Before leaving, he also learned from Grindelwald his unique secret magic "Protego Diabolica". But he could barely use it to form a circle of fire around him, not to mention being able to burn a big building to the ground like Grindelwald, it was even far from being able to be used in actual combat.

So Jon did not waste this period of time on the ship, in addition to getting familiar with the dark magic learned from Grindelwald, he has also been reading the various forbidden books in the second gem of the ring, not only Grindelwald said this visit would not be all that safe, he himself always felt that mastering some more means is certainly not wrong.

Such a voyage lasted about a week or so, accompanied by more and more ice floes around, finally, the Hogwarts ship travelled to the point where there is no way to go further.

A group of big ice floes blocked the way in front of them, if they want to continue forward, they have to get off the ship and rely on other ways to travel next.

As for the ship, Jon had anticipated something like this as soon as he started to prepare to leave Durmstrang for this trip, the Hogwarts ship had no way to send them directly to the final destination, whether it is floating ice floes or the lowest temperature in August and September, or now in the middle of March at the end of winter, the ice floes will become their biggest obstacle.

The good thing is that when he was still in Durmstrang, he had already prepared, to be exact, Grindelwald helped him to prepare.

When embarking on the ship, Jon brought only a few things, in the second year when he infiltrated Hogwarts Castle, Dumbledore prepared a robe that was enchanted with the Undetectable Extension Charm on all pockets, which Jon still has kept with him, some of the necessary supplies, such as food, fresh water can be stored in this robe.

The biggest thing he had brought with him, besides that, was the brand-new flying broom in his hand.

Firebolt - the broom used in official Quidditch matches of all kinds - represented the highest level of craftsmanship, with a streamlined, beautifully crafted handle made from ash wood and finished with a diamond-hard polish.

It is said that every single detail of the broom shaft has been refined to perfection to achieve a streamlined shape that is unparalleled in terms of balance and precision. With a speed of 150 miles per hour in under ten seconds and a stunning braking mechanism, it is a dream come true for any Quidditch player.

Such a perfect broom, which included a footrest, holder and twig hoop, all built by a goblin, was a travel gift given to Jon by Grindelwald before he went out.

With it, Jon can travel safely through these unsafe ice floes under the cold air currents, harsh winds and ice in the Arctic Ocean, and reach the ice field where people can walk.

As for the Hogwarts ship, which has no one to sail, it can return to the Durmstrang Castle by itself, back to the lake, and when Jon and they want to go back, naturally, they no longer need to take the ship.

Standing on a piece of ice floe as big as a soccer field, Jon watched the Hogwarts ship that brought them from England to Norway, and from Norway to the Arctic Ocean return, there was an indescribable emotion running through his heart.

But this ship is equivalent to the home of all Hogwarts students, although the ship is sailing back, the journey of Jon and co are far from over.

After watching the Hogwarts ship disappear from view, Jon led Nick and Gabrielle together, to the very centre of this ice floe, then he released the protective cover on the Firebolt broom and finally checked the condition of this top broom.

Gabrielle took this time to fly high and look at the magnificent cluster of ice floes from the cloudless sky.

"Look guys! There's a white whale over there!"

From a distance, Nick and Jon heard a shout of alarm from her overhead.

They looked in the direction Gabrielle was pointing and saw a whale with a prominent and rounded forehead, a short beak, and a very pale, almost white body colour leaping out of the sea with its head and tail arched.

This whale is very beautiful, and not afraid of human beings, swimming on the edge of the ice floe where Jon is situated.

Gabrielle decisively floated down from mid-air and flew towards the whale.

Jon had already geared up the Firebolt, and before riding on the flying broom, he kept wrapping the scarf around his neck and head.

Even if the Firebolt broom had powerful wind avoidance enchantment on it, it was not possible to fully reach the level of allowing the wizard riding it to circumvent the temperature, wind and snow, Jon had to add multiple layers of protection to himself so that he could avoid having his body frozen in the sky.

"White, White, if you want to come with me, just nod your head, and I'll plead with Jon to take you with us."

When Jon had wrapped himself up tightly, he heard Gabrielle whispering to the white whale.

Jon took his broom, and walked over to Gabrielle, rolling his eyes.

"Even if it turns into a chicken and pecks rice in the sea today, I can't possibly hold a whale and fly in the sky."

When she heard Jon's comment, and the white whale also didn't have any intention of nodding in response to her, Gabrielle was filled with disappointment and drifted away from the white whale with a resigned look.

Jon mounted the Firebolt broom and skilfully manipulated it to rise into mid-air.

Gabrielle grabbed the side of his scarf and didn't have to float by herself to stay with Jon.

This is not for her own amusement, but Jon and Nick specifically asked her to do so, and then the Firebolt accelerated up, Nick, a ghost who has lived for hundreds of years can control his mobility to keep up, but Gabrielle, a "little ghost" is not necessarily able to do so too.

There was no major incident that needs Jon to use the highest speed of the Firebolt to travel over the Arctic Ocean, he had plenty of time to spare on this trip, and as long as he could get back before September this year, there is no time limit for other things.

After experimenting with the winds and snow withstood at different speeds, he kept his speed within a hundred kilometres per hour and kept flying in the direction close to the North Pole.

The ice floes beneath them were so extensive that Jon flew for a whole afternoon without seeing a large continuous ice field.

Now it is March 21, the vernal equinox is not that far away, and at this time the pole of the Arctic will begin to enter the polar day, with 24 hours of daylight, and with the passage of time the scope of the polar day will continue to spread to the lower latitudes.

Jon and their current location are obviously still on the outskirts of the Arctic Ocean, so at close to six or seven o'clock in the evening, the sky began to darken.

Without the intention of rushing through the night, Jon found a suitable place to land, pulled out the folding tent from his pocket, and gave himself a temporary nest on a huge ice floe.

After the sleeping place was ready, he started a fire to heat some hot water, so that he could eat something hot by the way.

Nick and Gabrielle, of course, do not need him to eat, the two just after Jon landed, they went around together to help him explore the condition of this ice floe.

Just when Jon has just boiled the water, Nick and Gabrielle come back together, it's just they brought a living creature back with them.

It was an Arctic walrus that looked like it had been attracted by the fluorescence emanating from both Gabrielle and Nick and broke away from the pack and made its way to Jon's tent with them.

"Look! Jon, this is my new friend, the tusked beast!"

Gabrielle floated gleefully around the walrus' head.

Jon poured boiling hot water from the pot into the cup while looking at the walrus' beard with interest.

"Don't give someone a random name, this animal is called a walrus."

He fished out a bag of raw meat from his pocket and threw a piece from it to the walrus that wasn't afraid of ghosts or people.

Seeing something to eat, the walrus also grunted and flapped its hind limbs and slid over on the ice.

"The whale you saw during the day, is called the Beluga whale, and the bear you called White Jr., is a polar bear."

Since being idle, Jon couldn't help but teach Gabrielle sagely and give her some general knowledge about common animals.

Gabrielle shook her head.

"How about we call it White One, White Two, the tusked beast, it sounds good!"

"When people call you a silly girl in the future, don't mention that you know me, it's too embarrassing."

"No! When I meet people in the future, I will say that I was taught by Jon Green!"

Everything else aside, at least bringing Gabrielle along gave Jon a lot of laughs during the trip.

After playing with him for a while, Gabrielle went with Nick to look around for any other novel and interesting animals.

Jon clutched the hot cocoa in the mug near his neck, and when he saw that the walrus hadn't left, he stretched out his hand and waved at it.

It is unknown whether it is because Jon has just fed it, or the walrus itself is not afraid of strangers, after seeing Jon's beckoning, it moved forward again with a grunt and came to Jon's side.

Jon gave it another piece of raw meat for the sake of it listening to him and then touched its whiskers while it was chewing its food.

"Aha! Teacher, I've actually wanted to touch it for a long time."

He whispered something that sounded unexplainable to outsiders, and the low murmur of his words was hidden among the wind and snow.

The walrus did not resist, as if it knew that the person in front deserved it for the food he provided, and allowed Jon to whisper some unintelligible words as he patted its long tusks and thick skin.

The next day at dawn, Jon drilled out of the tent and restarted the fire to prepare hot water for washing, while looking around for the walrus, that listened to his ramblings for hours and hours; it seemed that the walrus should have long disappeared, it was estimated that in the middle of the night, it would have returned to its own flock.

Gabrielle and Nick, of course, do not need to sleep, they played the role of night watchman through the night, just so that Jon can sleep a good night in peace.

After a simple breakfast, Jon mounted the Firebolt and continued on his way.

In this way, he has been flying for three or four days and finally came to an almost endless ice field, extremely extensive.

After determining their current location, Jon controlled the flying broom to land and re-calculated the next target point.

On this trip, Jon's goal was not to go directly to the end of the previously planned destination of Hogwarts ship, instead, Grindelwald marked a new location for him.

According to him, there are still Death Eaters stationed in this area of the North Pole, so Jon should meet with his people stationed at the North Pole, and understand the number of enemies and the general situation, before deciding on the plan and strategy afterwards.

According to the marker points Grindelwald had recorded for him, Jon put his wand upright on the ice and then whispered while letting go.

"Point Me."

The next moment, his wand fell down in the northwest direction.

After re-determining the direction, Jon did not hesitate, once again mounted on the Firebolt and rose into the sky, leading Nick and Gabrielle to fly together in the direction the wand pointed.

This time the voyage was not as long as before, Jon especially stick to the ground not far in height, after flying for about four or five hours, he finally saw a fortress sculpted out of ice!

A small black flag was also hung on the fortress, which was emblazoned with the emblem of the Durmstrang double-headed eagle and deer head, which seemed unusually conspicuous in a white ice field.

Jon circled around the ice fortress for a while, before finding the location of its gate, and then slowly landed.

After landing on the ground, he once again confirmed the message on the map before knocking heavily on the door of the ice fortress.


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