In the Harry Potter Without Harry Potter

Chapter 286: Help (2 in 1)

Chapter 286: Help (2 in 1)

Jon used the Smashing spell to destroy the sledge that they had been riding before.

There is no way to take this thing with them, and there is no point in taking it with them, and it is easy to reveal their whereabouts by leaving it here, so destroying it is the best choice.

After that, he did not intend to find a place to continue the interrupted sleep but planned to spend the night first far away from this originally believed to be a safe place.

Without dwelling on anything, Jon directly used the magic stored in the ring's second gem, using a levitation charm to fly in the air, then cloaked the invisibility cloak on himself, as well as Nick and Gabrielle's bodies.

Although he also used a magic spell to protect his body from the wind and cold temperatures, the cold temperature is still not completely shielded, so Jon can only slow down his flight speed while maintaining a low altitude of only about five meters above the ground, and began to continue to move toward his destination.

Just six or seven hours after he left that area, Norm and Hanks, who had failed to catch a bear, came back with a haggard face through the wind and snow.

"I feel like my spell was close to hitting that bear just now, but it just somehow managed to dodge it!"

Hanks's face filled with indignation, he simply wanted to eat a midnight snack but never thought that he not only failed to eat a midnight snack but also worked hard all night.

Norm's face although showed some disappointment, there is not much negative emotion, even if no Death Eaters have noticed it before, but this foodie is not a brainless person, the two bears today did not behave like any ordinary animal at all, nor can there be any ordinary animal that can escape under the pursuit of two Death Eaters.

He said with a thoughtful face.

"This is not our problem, is it possible that these two bears themselves are very problematic?"

His words caused Hanks to visibly freeze, and he didn't quite manage to follow the lead for a moment.

"You mean, these two bears are some kind of magic breed?"

Norm shook his head as he looked through the wind and snow towards the camp where Jon had been stationed before, the uninterrupted snowfall had completely covered the traces left here before, and from the looks of it, not a single problem could be seen.

"When we went after the two bears, I had a vague feeling that there seemed to be something hidden around in here. But at that time I did not pay much attention to that feeling."

Listening to Norm's tone that does not sound like a joke, the expression on Hanks' face also became serious.

He clearly knew that his partner, although he usually shows particular enthusiasm only for eating, in fact, his mind is quite smart.

"Are you saying that these two bears are under the control of someone?"

"It could be that they are under control, or it could be that they are actually human beings of some kind themselves." Norm said in a speculative tone while waving his wand to search this snowy area nearby.

Daylight had fully dawned, and Hanks also did not stand idle, he and Norm together used a spell to scatter the surrounding newly covered snow on the ice, but never found anything.

Jon dealt with the aftermath very cleanly, basically leaving nothing to provide clues as evidence.

Yet just as Hanks frowned and pushed aside a patch of snow, Norm suddenly reached out to stop his subsequent movements.

This Greengrass wizard who was forced to join the Death Eaters crouched on the ground, reached out and grabbed the pile of snow that was swept away by Hanks, and gently kneaded them in his hands.

But these "snowflakes" were very strangely not clenched into a ball by his hand, it seems like some kind of powder of hard objects that just mixed up into the snow on the ground.

This scene made Noam narrow his eyes, and made Hanks hold his breath.

"We seem to have found some big clue, Hanks." Norm said softly.

Hanks and he exchanged a glance, and both of them in unison discerned the thoughts in the other's eyes.

Together, they aimed their wands at the white bits of powder on the ground and used the spell in perfect unison with their voices and waving gestures.


The powder that was subjected to the Repairing Charm lightly flew up from the snow, they are obviously only part of a destroyed object, and many have been blown to other places by the wind and snow.

But with these alone, it was already enough to build a part out of its original bottom frame.

"This is." Hanks said hesitantly, staring hard.

Noam added the words he had not finished.

"A sledge!"

After determining what exactly it is, Norm's face became grave.

"This matter must be reported!"

Jon was not yet aware of the fact that his whereabouts had been exposed.

He has indeed cleaned up neatly enough, even crushed the sledge dust with a Smashing spell, and even separated it and scattered it into the snow.

But even if he did enough, Noam and them still found the problem from the two polar bears, thus finding these clues.

There is no shortage of elites among the Death Eaters, just like there are many elites like Scabior in Auror.

The ability to control the entire Britain plus Hogwarts Castle on behalf of Voldemort needs a basic source of talent, and almost all these people who have joined the Ministry of Magic other than some purebloods are elites.

But whether or not he is aware that his whereabouts have been discovered, Jon can do nothing to change now.

Unless he abandoned the mission given to him by Grindelwald and turned back directly to Durmstrang, he needed to find a way to reach his destination located near the pole.

And trying to find someone in the Arctic, especially someone in a cloak of invisibility, is not an easy task.

At least after Jon began to use the levitation charm that night to start the journey, he had not encountered any human traces for three consecutive days, not to mention the Death Eaters and gang.

In the early morning of the third day, Jon rubbed his face as he drilled out of the tent in which he had been sleeping, and then he saw Nick and Gabrielle sitting side by side in front of his tent, staring at the sky with a look of awe.

Jon also followed their gaze up to look, half of the sky is full of brilliant colours, and the beauty of the magnificent hue is enough to make all those who see this scene stop and look.

The beauty of nature was on full display at this moment.

"It's Aurora Borealis."

Jon rubbed Gabrielle's head.

Gabrielle's hand propped up her chin, and her big eyes reflected the magnificent sky.

"If only mama, papa and sister could see it too."

"Yes, there will be a day like that for sure."

Jon said softly.

The gorgeous sky didn't stop Jon from continuing the journey, and the three-day journey brought them closer to the end of the line by more than eighty miles, with only twenty to thirty miles left to go.

If they speed up, basically they can reach the established target point tonight.

And from this day onwards, Death Eaters began to appear around more and more frequently.

In just one morning, Jon ran into four Death Eater squads, which was more than the total number of Death Eaters he had encountered before.

This made Jon feel that something was wrong.

Even if the Death Eaters are likely to arrange maximum defence in the most central locations, according to the information Eric gave him, there were less than a hundred of these Death Eaters staying at the North Pole in total.

If they deployed reconnaissance over hundreds of miles out, it should not be possible to still be so heavily defended in the core.

Unless they are aware of his presence, then only they will arrange most of their men to the most sensitive places at this moment!

Alarm rose in Jon's heart, but his pace forward did not stop, and they even deliberately accelerated their speed.

So half an afternoon earlier than planned, Jon and co. had arrived a mile away from their destination.

Not that he did not want to continue to approach, but the group of guards in charge of this area has been changed, the one who is responsible for defending this place is no longer Death Eaters, but dozens of Dementors!

They can ignore the existence of the cloak of invisibility, and simply rely on their special sense of smell to emotions to determine the location of people, which can not help but hinder Jon's progress.

But it is also because of the sight of these dementors, the suspicions in Jon's mind in turn also verified.

These Death Eaters must have found something!

Or else dementors simply can not appear here, this creature is born to feed on the positive emotions of people, in Azkaban their food is the prisoners, in Britain they can privately look for any suitable feeding objects.

But now this is in the Arctic, in addition to the Death Eaters, who else can these dementors contact?

Of course, there are also Muggles who have established scientific research stations in the Arctic, but not to mention whether the Dementors can find the location of these places, just the number of those people certainly can not support the long-term existence of these multiple numbers of Dementors.

They must have been temporarily mobilized in the last few days, and for no reason how the Death Eaters will recruit these things that all the humans detest?

It can only be that they have found a strange movement in the Arctic and want to rely on these dementors to assist in finding Jon's trail.

Jon didn't think that after his own identity was revealed on the sea that day, information about him won't be investigated clearly. His summoning of two Patronus in Azkaban was seen by so many dementors who were present, so there was no possibility of them concealing it.

And for a wizard who has learned to summon a Patronus, especially two of them, Dementors will no longer be a threat.

These Death Eaters would not be unaware of this, so the arrival of these Dementors was not to provide them with any help in battle, but would only have the purpose of helping with reconnaissance.

Looking at the dementors, Jon was lost in thought.

For the current him of course it will not be difficult to deal with these things, but once the Patronus is summoned, it will certainly attract the attention of all the Death Eaters.

Jon now does not even know what is at the end of that place in the end, so he does not intend to risk exposing his whereabouts now.

But if not exposed, this defence circle formed by the dementors is certainly not that simple to go past

While Jon was contemplating, his eyes suddenly turned to Nick.

"Ghosts are not affected by dementors, right?"

Nick did not hear the meaning of Jon's words at first.

"That's for sure, at that time in Azkaban you saw it, didn't you? Those dementors couldn't do anything to me, I was already dead, so how could they absorb what they wanted from me a dead person?"

"And as a ghost, you surely don't have a flavour they can smell on you either, right?" Jon asked seriously.

It took Nick a moment to realize what he wanted.

"You want me to help scout over there first?" He quickly shook his head, "these dementors are unable to harm me, and can not smell me, but they are not blind and can certainly see where I am unless I put on the cloak of invisibility. But as a ghost, I have no way of picking up the physical object like a cloak of invisibility."

While he said this, his eyes suddenly turned to Gabrielle, at the same time, Jon's eyes also turned to Gabrielle.

Gabrielle had not reacted at this point and was looking at them with wide, perplexed eyes, with a blink.

"But Gabrielle can, she's not exactly a real ghost and can selectively touch physical objects!"

Nick said excitedly.

"And she also perfectly has all the characteristics of a ghost, will not be affected and detected by the dementors, and can go over with me!"

But at this point, Jon hesitated instead, and he looked at Gabrielle.

"But as you said, Gabrielle is not a real ghost, so will she be in danger if she goes over there with you and gets discovered?"

"No!" This time it was Gabrielle's own answer, she heard Nick and Jon discussing whether she could help, "At school, Ginny tested it with Luna, and Gabrielle couldn't be hit by the spell! So it would definitely be safe enough to help!"

Jon, however, said with a frown and shook his head.

"They must have used small spells like stunning spells and full body-bind curse on you, if the death eaters found out, they will definitely use a killing curse, whether you are immune to the killing curse or not, no one can be sure."

"Yes." Nick shrugged, "I can be sure of this, Gabrielle can resist the killing curse, but the price is that her soul will be essentially changed, never again return to her body in this life and become human again."

Nick's words made Jon no longer even think about the idea of Gabrielle and Nick cooperating together and avoiding these dementors.

But obviously, even if he didn't want to, Gabrielle wouldn't just leave it at that.

"Gabrielle can promise to be safe!"

"Gabrielle's promise is invalid!"

Jon tapped down her raised hand and began to think of other, better ways.

Gabrielle's face instantly bulged with anger, like a steamed bun.

This time Nick organized the wording and opened his mouth to try to persuade Jon.

"In fact, you do not have to think of this matter as being that dangerous, Jon, with me, as long as Gabrielle held up the cloak of invisibility properly, then basically there will be no problems arising in the middle. After all, Gabrielle certainly wouldn't want to simply stay behind and feel like a burden on this trip, you always have to give her a chance to contribute as much as she can, protection is necessary, but protection can't be too much, right?"

Hearing Nick trying to talk for herself, Gabrielle nodded her head like a chicken pecking at rice, then turned her head to look at Jon with bated breath.

Jon was silent and thought for a moment, and then met Gabrielle's gaze.

"You seriously want to help?"

"It would mean that Gabrielle is being helpful to everyone, wouldn't it?"

The young girl said in an almost pleading voice.

Jon finally relented, and he nodded reluctantly.

"Okay, but you have to promise to listen to Nick!"


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