Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 240: The Chiang family celebrated together

The doctor deliberated for a while, and finally, under the pressure of everyone's eyes, said truthfully: "Young Madam is pregnant." In the bedroom, the sound of needle dropping could be heard instantly.

"What did you say?" Finally, Zheng Xueyan asked dully, suspecting that there was something wrong with her ears.

"Young Madam is pregnant, and it has been more than a month." I probably said it once, which is easier for people to accept, so the doctor said it more smoothly this time.

"Third, is the third sister-in-law pregnant? Is the third sister-in-law a woman?" Jiang Xuexi couldn't accept what she heard at all, it was simply too unbelievable.

Doesn't matter if the third sister-in-law is a woman? It was still a big explosion for her that the third sister-in-law was pregnant.

"Young Madam is indeed a man. It is unbelievable and unbelievable to be pregnant with a man. But now that human beings can be divided into supernatural beings and ordinary people, it is not impossible for a man to conceive." The doctor said from a more objective point of view.

Compared with other people, doctors actually come into contact with a lot of strange cases, so it is easier to accept.

Despite this truth, Zheng Xueyan and the others still couldn't react, but Jiang Chenxi, who the doctor was most worried about, didn't have any surprises, and some were only pleasantly surprised.

"Mumu is pregnant? It's been a month?" Jiang Chenxi confirmed to the doctor again.

"Yes." The doctor nodded. 、-

Jiang Chenxi immediately ran to Mu Yan's bedside, holding Mu Yan's little hand, the joy on his face was beyond words.

Mumu is pregnant, they are going to have a baby again, Qiuqiu can really add a younger brother, he is really happy about this/

But seeing the pregnant Mu Yan become weak, Jiang Chenxi felt distressed for a while, especially when he thought of the crime Mu Yan suffered when he was pregnant with Qiuqiu, he regretted making him pregnant again.

Mu Yan moved his eyelids, opened his eyes slowly, and saw Jiang Chenxi looking at him with a distressed expression.

"What's wrong with me?" Mu Yan asked weakly.

"Wake up, Mumu, we are going to be fathers again." Jiang Chenxi shared the good news with Muyan immediately.

"Being a father?" Mu Yan repeated blankly, it took a long time to realize what it meant, and he wanted to sit up in surprise, but Jiang Chenxi held him down.

"Don't move around, your body is still very weak." Jiang Chenxi touched Mu Yan's pale face with distress, this time the nausea phenomenon seemed to be more serious than before.

"Yanyan...are you really pregnant?" Zheng Xueyan finally came to her senses, and then said pleasantly, "I'm going to have a grandson again?"

Zhao Shuqi and Liu Jiling also came to their senses. Although it is unbelievable that a man is pregnant, the doctor is right. Human beings can evolve supernatural powers and transform into animal shapes. Why can't men be pregnant?

Maybe Mu Yan is very talented. Thinking about it this way, it is easy to accept.

However, Zheng Xueyan's words made them feel envious for a while.

Look, look, different people have different fates, and they all have sons. Why do they have two grandsons in their arms, but they haven't even seen a daughter-in-law?

How can the gap be so big, so can we still be sisters-in-law happily together in the future?

"The third sister-in-law is pregnant, and I'm going to be an aunt again. It's great. I don't know if the third sister-in-law is pregnant this time with a boy or a girl." Jiang Xuexi said excitedly, their family will have a pregnant man in the future.

Jiang Yuanxi also accepted, thinking that he would make good arrangements when he went back, and he must ask the chefs to cook more soup for the third sister-in-law.

The news of Mu Yan's pregnancy was only circulated in this small room, and no one spread it outside. After all, Jing was pregnant by a man, not everyone could accept it so enlightenedly.

So, it's better to be careful.

But Zheng Xueyan couldn't wait to send this news to Jiang Zhiyang who was far away on the central star, and shared it with him.

Jiang Zhiyang was working in the military department when the alert for the text message sounded. Seeing that it was from his wife, he opened it happily.

"What are you looking at? So preoccupied." Zhou Yiguo walked into the office, just in time to see Jiang Zhiyang staring at the terminal page with a sluggish face, and couldn't help but tease.

"I'm going to be a grandfather again, I'm going to be a grandfather again." Jiang Zhiyang was called back to his soul, the joy on his face couldn't be concealed, and he smiled silly at Zhou Yiguo.

As soon as Zhou Yiguo heard the content of these words, he immediately put away the smile on his face, returned to his expressionless face, turned around and was about to leave the office.

Nima's are all the same age, why Jiang Zhiyang is so lucky to have a lovely grandson, but he doesn't even see the shadow of his daughter-in-law.

Back then, when the news about Jiang Zhiyang's grandson spread to the military, they were a group of militant and friendly colleagues who were often shown off by the triumphant Jiang Zhiyang. They were so angry that their teeth were itchy, and they wanted to beat each other up.

In the end, one grandson wasn't enough, and now another grandson was added. Is it true that those who have not yet become grandpas have not been stimulated enough?

The ghost will stay and listen to his show off.

It's a pity that Zhou Yiguo wanted to leave, but Jiang Zhiyang refused to let him go. Now he needs to vent his joy and share it with others, how could he miss this delivery to his door.

"Oh, Yiguo, why don't you leave? Let me tell you, my Qiuqiu is really cute. I have been clamoring for a younger brother before. I didn't expect that Yanyan and Achen are so powerful, and I will add them so soon." I have a younger brother, and I will be as cute as Qiuqiu in the future... BALABALA..." Jiang Zhiyang pulled Zhou Yiguo forcefully, whispering in his ear, regardless of how the other party would feel when he heard it.

Zhou Yiguo's face is full of black lines now, especially when he hears that Jiang Zhiyang is boasting about Qiuqiu and his future second grandson, he is even more itchy.

It doesn't make sense that he is the only one suffering here. He is a friend, and no matter what happens, we must share blessings and share hardships.

So, Zhou Yiguo quietly turned on the terminal, sent an urgent text message to several people, and then continued to listen to Jiang Zhiyang's show off without love.

Not long after, the door of the office was opened again, and several people of similar age walked in.

"What's the matter, it's so urgent, let us come... come..." Several people looked at Jiang Zhiyang, who was so happy that he almost smiled like a chrysanthemum, and then at Zhou Yiguo, who had a constipated face, in contrast, and listened to a few words What's not clear about their conversation.

"I remembered that the marshal asked me to go there just now, so I left first." A person immediately oiled the soles of his feet and quickly found a reason for himself.

"I remembered that the recruits came to report today. I haven't gone to see it yet. I'll go there first." Another person also reacted and said.


Everyone chattered to find a reason, and wanted to leave here quickly, but as soon as they lifted their front feet, they heard Zhou Yiguo's mournful voice faintly behind him.

"The Marshal didn't come to the military headquarters today, and the recruits are led by Instructor Li, so you don't need to go..." Zhou Yiguo pointed out the small thoughts of these people.

If you want to leave him here alone to suffer, there is no door!

It's a brother, let me bear it together!

It just so happened that Jiang Zhiyang was eager to share his joy with more people. Now that so many good brothers came in, he would not miss it. He enthusiastically pulled him to the sofa and sat down, and then he will face Zhou Yiguo, who he said before. The words were said again.

Now, the number of unloved people in the entire office has risen sharply. Only Jiang Zhiyang seems to be living in a beautiful garden full of flowers and sunshine, while the others are living in a rotten, dirty, dark and humid place. Don't be too obvious. ?

Jiang Zhiyang finally had enough of sharing (showing off) and enjoying (showing off), and he left the military headquarters early and returned home contentedly. He wanted to personally tell the rest of the family the good news.

Zhou Yiguo and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief. If things go on like this, they can't help but want to go home and force their son to marry a wife. The conditions are not limited, both men and women are welcome, as long as they can have a baby.

Fortunately, they still have reason, otherwise, the sons of these people would probably be in trouble.

The Jiang family soon got the news. Immediately, the entire Jiang family was filled with joy and laughter. Everyone got busy and polished all the edges and corners inside and out. , will also be wrapped with a thick layer of cotton cloth to prevent it from being bumped when it falls.

The servants of the Jiang family are all born in the family, and they are all loyal to the Jiang family, so they did not hide the fact that Mu Yan was able to conceive. After all, Jing usually relies on them to take care of Mu Yan.

And everyone didn't have the slightest strange look or behavior, and they all waited with joy to welcome the second little master of their family.

The spacecraft will be able to return to the central star in two days. Ever since Mu Yan was diagnosed as pregnant, his whole body has been confessed, and everyone revolves around him.

Originally, Mu Yan was the big treasure of the Jiang family, but now he needs to be treated with care.

Woke up and want to get out of bed? There is Jiang Chenxi brand walker, which is absolutely safe and comfortable to go wherever you want to go, and it also has an automatic bed warming function.

Boring? With the Jiang Xuexi brand chat device, you can chat whatever you want, and it also has the function of telling funny jokes.

Hungry for something to eat? There is Jiang Chenxi brand chef, what you want to eat and do, absolutely natural, no additives, no ingredients


Even the usual small actions will be done nervously by someone. If Mu Yan needs to do it by himself, everyone will carefully stand by and protect him to ensure that Mu Yan and the baby in his stomach are safe and sound.

Although Mu Yan thinks that everyone's caution is a bit exaggerated, after all, he was not so careful when he was holding the ball before, so it was fine.

But he is still very grateful to everyone, knowing that everyone is for his own good, and his heart is always warm

In particular, these days are always a little uncomfortable, I like to sleep, and I can't eat, and everyone in a hurry is also eating badly, Mu Yan still feels a little guilty.

"Baby, you have to be obedient to know that uncles and aunts are all looking forward to your birth, and you must be filial to uncles and aunts in the future." Mu Yan touched his belly that was not bulging at all, and smiled Said to the little meatball inside.

Jiang Xuexi stared at Mu Yan's belly curiously. It was still hard to imagine that if a boy was pregnant, would his belly gradually grow bigger like a girl's pregnancy?

"It will take about five months for the stomach to gradually grow bigger." Mu Yan said to Jiang Xuexi with a smile.

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