Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 249: Take my daughter-in-law to the military headquarters

In the end, how the Mu family's banquet was held and how many people went there are not important. After all, the Jiang family sent the invitation letter to the Jiang family, but the Jiang family threw it away without even looking at it. Don't care even more.

Jiang Xue didn't go to school again. Jiang Yuanxi was busy with the company's affairs, especially the preparations for opening a branch store and a vegetable and fruit shop. Only the old man, Mu Yan and Qiuqiu were left in the entire Jiang family.

Qiuqiu often needs training, so Mu Yan can only find things to pass the time by himself.

This is the first time for Mu Yan to feel a little lonely. In the past, Jiang Chenxi would accompany him at home, even if there was no one else, he would not feel lonely. However, since Jiang Chenxi went to the military department, he often felt so lonely The feeling, although it comes and goes quickly every time.

Probably because pregnant people are always moody. They may be very happy one second, and become sentimental the next second. There is almost no reason.

Mu Yan is also very distressed about this sometimes, feeling that he is too self-willed and will bring a lot of trouble to Ah Chen, and will become depressed because of such emotions, but every time at this time, Jiang Chenxi will always be there to comfort him , enlighten him.

"Mumu, go to the army with me tomorrow." Jiang Chenxi hugged Mu Yan and said.

He is not willing to leave Mu Yan at home alone. Although he can get meticulous care, he also knows that Mu Yan's mind is very sensitive, so it is easy to feel lonely, and he also wants to be with Mu Mu every day. By your side, you can see him anytime. > V

Mu Yan raised his head in surprise when he heard the words, and asked, "Is it really possible?"

He still remembered that his parents said before that the military department does not allow outsiders to enter, so he naturally wanted to be with Ah Chen, but if this would violate the rules of the army and make it difficult for Ah Chen to do so, then he would rather

"Yes, I will take you to visit the place where I work." Jiang Chenxi said with a smile, he can still do this.

As the major general's partner, Mu Yan is qualified to join the military headquarters, as long as he doesn't go to some important and confidential places, it's fine.

Hearing this news, Mu Yan was very happy, and he completely recovered from his depressed mood.

Jiang Chenxi likes to see Mu Yan with a smile on his face.

That night, Mu Yan slept very peacefully.

The next day, Mu Yan woke up very early in the morning, planning to make breakfast for him and Ah Chen.

Since he was found out to be pregnant, he rarely had the opportunity to touch the kitchen, even doing less live broadcasts.

When the three cooks in the kitchen saw Mu Yan approaching, they immediately asked with a smile, "What do you want to eat, young master?"

"I'll do it today." Mu Yan said to them with a smile.

The three of them looked at each other, a little hesitant, the wives had all given orders, they couldn't let the young master be busy in the kitchen, and couldn't tire the young master.

Although everyone didn't know why the young master was not allowed to enter the kitchen, they still had to obey the master's order.

"What does the young master want to eat, tell us, let's make it, the kitchen is full of smoke, it will be bad for the young master." The three said, trying to make themselves look very kind.

"I want to make something for Chen, it's okay, you go out first." "Mu Yan insisted.

Seeing this, the other three couldn't hold on anymore, so they could only retreat outside the kitchen and guard outside.

Mu Yan took out the ingredients that needed to be used from the system, processed all the ingredients skillfully, and then cooked the porridge while chopping the vegetables. The movements were skillful and beautiful, and the three people outside were dumbfounded.

"As expected of Qingran's master, he's amazing. It's the first time I've seen such a good knifeman. Can the knife be used to such an extent?" A chef couldn't help but exclaimed.

"I didn't expect the young master to look so young, but his culinary attainments are so high. It's simply amazing. If we can get the young master's guidance, I'm afraid we will improve faster."

"Come on, we are lucky enough to be chosen by Qingran and the others to teach cooking. I heard that these are all ordered by the young master. Compared with others, we are much luckier, not to mention that we are also in Jiangxi now. At home, I can often see the young master, even if I just watch him like this, I can learn a lot."

"It's true, and the young master needs to rest more now, so he can't be too tired."

The three of you were discussing each other, but your eyes were fixed on Mu Yan's body, motionless, afraid of missing something in the blink of an eye.

Mu Yan didn't pay attention to the three people outside. He has a special body now and needs to rest well. After the baby is born, he will instruct the cooking skills of these three people. After all, they will be responsible for the meals eaten by the Jiang family in the future. which provided.

Soon, a breakfast was prepared under Mu Yan's skillful hands. Not only that, he also made some extra bento, and planned to take them to the military headquarters for lunch.

"You help me bring these to the restaurant." Mu Yan said to the three people outside.

"Yes." The three of them couldn't wait to walk in immediately, and then picked up the rich-smelling breakfast, so greedy that they couldn't help but drool.

The three of them tried their best to keep their mouths tightly shut, lest they open their mouths and the saliva would flow out, which would be too embarrassing

However, the food made by the young master is really many times more delicious than those made by Tao Qingran and the others. It looks very appetizing, and I want to let people have a taste.

People who spend ¥1£ also know that they don’t have this blessing and opportunity, so they have to speed up their feet and send it over quickly, so that they don’t have to be tortured by this fragrance.

As soon as they left the kitchen door, they ran into Jiang Chenxi, and the three of them immediately shouted: "Good morning, Third Young Master."

Jiang Chenxi nodded lightly, indicating that they could leave first, and then the three walked faster, as if some scourge was chasing them.

Mu Yan simply cleaned up the utensils, looked up and saw Jiang Chenxi walking over, with a smile on his face; "Ah Chen, you're awake."

"Well, I didn't see it when I woke up, so I guessed that you would be here."

"Hey... I haven't cooked for a long time, I want to make breakfast for Ah Chen for a long time." Mu Yan smiled silly, very cute.

Usually Jiang Chenxi wakes up early to cook for him, but today he is rarely lethargic, so he also thinks about making a meal for Ah Chen too.

"Let's go, let's eat first." Jiang Chenxi stepped forward to hold Mu Yan's little hand, and then pulled him to dinner together.

hall walk;

After breakfast, Mu Yan was both curious and excited, because he would soon be able to go to the military headquarters with Ah Chen, and he had been curious about the military headquarters for a long time.

"Achen, can I really go in? Will I not cause you trouble?" Mu Yan asked again uncertainly,

If it was really at the cost of causing trouble, he would rather not go.

"It's okay." Jiang Chenxi comforted him.

Only then did Mu Yan feel relieved, excitedly looking at the passing scenery outside.

The military headquarters is located on the edge of the central star, and it occupies a large area. After all, the four legions are all together at the same time, and there are also boot camps and the like, so the area must be large enough^

When the flying car came to the entrance above the military headquarters, it was stopped by patrolling soldiers, and it could only enter after a routine inspection.

Regardless of whether the person who came was a major general or a marshal, they all needed to be inspected before they could enter. After all, the military headquarters was an important military site, which was related to the survival of a country, so it must not be sloppy.

"Hi, Major General Jiang!" A sonorous voice came from outside.

Mu Yan looked over curiously, and saw a group of people standing on a disc-like object suspended in the air, saluting and greeting in unison, everyone seemed very energetic.

Mu Yan's eyes widened slightly, staring outside without blinking, this was the first time he saw soldiers other than inside the Jiang's mansion.

Jiang Chenxi just nodded at them as a response.

"Is there anyone else inside?" A few patrolling soldiers noticed a strange atmosphere in the speeding car and asked.

"The major general brought the major general's wife to visit the military headquarters today." The guard who followed Jiang Chenxi replied.

When several patrolling soldiers heard this answer, their eyes widened in surprise.

They have all heard that Jiang Chenxi is married and likes his partner very much, but they have never seen it before, but they did not expect that the major general would like it to such an extent that he would be taken with him when he came to the military headquarters. What kind of talent is he? It can make the cold major general like it to this extent.

Must be a great beauty.

Everyone was suddenly very curious about Mu Yan, and they all stretched their heads to look into the speeding car.

However, the quality of the flying car is very good, people inside can see the outside, but it is difficult for people outside to see the inside.

"Let's go!" Jiang Chenxi said to the driver, and then the flying car left under the curious eyes of everyone

The patrol team really wanted to follow behind Jiang Chenxi's speeding car, and wait for them to get off the car to explore the competition. Unfortunately, they still had tasks to do, so they couldn't leave their work behind, so they had to watch the speeding car quickly disappear from sight. inside.

However, the disappearance of the speeding car does not mean that the heart of gossip has disappeared.

It didn't take long for most people in the military department to know that Jiang Chenxi brought the major general's wife to visit the military headquarters today. Everyone was very curious about it. The purpose of walking in the direction of the First Legion was to see who the legendary wife of the major general who could conquer Jiang Chenxi was.

However, at this moment, Mu Yan and Jiang Chenxi didn't know that their news had already spread throughout the military headquarters, and there were still large troops rushing in this direction.

After getting off the speeding car, Mu Yan looked at the strict and serious military headquarters, feeling awe-inspiring, and also felt a strong aura.

"Go to my office to rest for a while." Jiang Chenxi said to Mu Yan, and then led him towards the office^

All military officers at the general level and above will have an office dedicated to themselves in the military headquarters for their usual affairs. Jiang Chenxi naturally also has one, but usually the adjutant Zhao Ziqi is there to help, especially when Jiang Chenxi asks for leave and During the period of his disappearance, almost all the affairs were put on Zhao Ziqi's body.

Only after Jiang Chenxi came back in the past few days, his burden has been lightened a lot, but judging from today's situation, the burden is estimated to be heavy again.

After all, the major general's wife is here, how can the major general have time to deal with affairs, isn't it enough time to spend with the major general's wife?

"En." Mu Yan smiled and nodded, looking forward to Jiang Chenxi's office.

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