Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 271: make trouble

Jiang Yuanxi received an urgent call from his mother and adults, and returned to Jiang's house.

"Mom, why are you looking for me in such a hurry?" Jiang Yuanxi asked.

He's been so busy recently that he can't even use the time to sleep, let alone the time to go home

When Liu Jiling heard that Jiang Yuanxi looked like this when he came back, he stared at him beautifully, pointed to his nose and said, "Stinky boy, I can't let you come back yet, can I? See how long you haven't come home; Did you forget about your mother?"

Jiang Yuanxi hurriedly showed a flattering smile, stepped forward to press Liu Jiling's shoulder with a smile, and said: "How can I forget that no one can forget mom, mom, you are so magnificent and beautiful , Whoever sees it can never forget it.

"Slick tongue." Liu Ji Lingjiao said, but there was a smile on his face, obviously very receptive to his son's compliment.

Suddenly thinking of the reason for calling his son back, Liu Jiling hurriedly said seriously: "It's business, I'm calling you back this time to let you communicate more with your third sister-in-law about the supermarket you are preparing now. Your third sister-in-law is because of you The third brother was in a bad mood when he went to the front line, and he couldn't eat T. When you are free, divert his attention so that he can do more things, but don't tire him, otherwise I will Only you are asking."

"I see." Jiang Yuanxi pondered for a while, and then returned to his previous idle look, but his eyes were much more serious.

He also knew that the third brother's going to the front line at this time would definitely have an impact on the third sister-in-law, but he didn't expect the impact to be so great. When he saw the third sister-in-law again, Jiang Yuanxi almost didn't dare to recognize her.

When he left home last time, the third sister-in-law was raised by the third brother for nothing, but she hadn't seen her for a few days, how could she have lost weight like this? If the third brother knew about it, he would die of heartache.

"Sister-in-law three, I'm back." Jiang Yuanxi called with a smile.

"A Yuan." Mu Yan was also very happy to see Jiang Yuanxi, because he knew from Weibo that the fruit and vegetable supermarket would soon open its first store in Central Star.

"Sister-in-law San, our vegetable and fruit supermarket is almost ready, and the production base at Blue Star has also been built, and the first batch of crops, fruits and vegetables have been harvested, and they will be delivered in a few days." Jiang Yuanxi smiled. Follow Mu Yanhui to report.

In fact, he originally wanted to talk about other topics to make sister-in-law happy, but after much deliberation, I am afraid that what third sister-in-law most wanted to hear was about the fruit and vegetable supermarket.

Jiang Yuanxi has a very good impression of Mu Yan, not only because he is his third sister-in-law. Apart from this identity, Mu Yan selflessly shows all the planting technology and cooking skills to the people of the whole federation, which drives the feeding of the federation. For the development of culture, there is no one who does not feel grateful to Mu Yan.

It is easy to own a craft, but it takes a lot of courage to teach such a very rare craft to others, at least not everyone can give as selflessly as Mu Yan.

Fortunately, everyone is grateful to Mu Yan. Of course, there are people who take other people's things for granted, but they are a minority after all.

"That's really great, so that the vegetable and fruit supermarket can open." Mu Yan said with a smile, so that he will definitely be further away from his main task.

And with the fruit and vegetable supermarket, everyone can buy ingredients by themselves and go back and try to cook.

"Sister-in-law three, there is even better news." Jiang Yuanxi winked playfully at Mu Yan, his handsome face made such playful movements, which could fascinate thousands of women and men.

However, Mu Yan only had Jiang Chenxi in his heart, and at most he thought Jiang Yuanxi's actions looked good, but he didn't have any strange feelings at all.

"What good news?" Mu Yan's emotions were obviously mobilized, and he looked at Jiang Yuanxi with bright eyes.

"Third sister-in-law, let's guess." Jiang Yuanxi deliberately played tricks.

Mu Yan thought for a while, then honestly shook his head and said, "I can't guess it, just tell me."

"Hey, fourth brother, you are not allowed to bully third sister-in-law, be careful three..." Jiang Xuexi came over, just heard what Mu Yan said, and immediately said to fourth brother dissatisfied.

Originally, I wanted to say later, "Be careful that the third brother comes back to beat you", but then I thought it would be better not to mention the third brother now, so as not to cause the third sister-in-law to feel depressed because of missing the third brother.

"How can I bully the third sister-in-law, I am obviously bringing good news to the third sister-in-law." Jiang Yuanxi frowned slightly at Jiang Xuexi, and said.

"Just tell me the good news. Why do you always let the third sister-in-law guess? The third sister-in-law is not in the mood to guess with you. Hurry up and tell me what the good news is." Jiang Xuexi asked anxiously.

Jiang Yuanxi couldn't help rolling his big eyes, forced by the third sister-in-law and the younger sister, he had to honestly say: "Before the establishment of the fruit and vegetable supermarket, our first snack bar in Central Star will open, and then the third sister-in-law Do you want to come and see?"

Jiang Yuanxi still remembers his mother's yelling, so he needs to tell the third sister-in-law more about these gourmet restaurants, so as to divert the third sister-in-law's attention.

But what better way to divert attention than going out in person? Although the third sister-in-law is pregnant now, and her belly is a little bit pregnant, but it can still be covered by wearing more expensive clothes. Just fat.

"Can I go?" Mu Yan asked expectantly.

Of course he wants to see it with his own eyes, but he is still pregnant and his family won't let him go out. Can he really go out?

"Of course, the second aunt agreed, but the third sister-in-law can only stay in the lounge and watch the big screen, and can't go down in person." Jiang Yuanxi said in advance, these things must be agreed in advance, otherwise something will happen when the time comes Things are not going well.

"Yeah." Mu Yan nodded happily when he heard that he could go out.

Without Ah Chen's company, I always feel very bored after staying at home for a long time, and I am very yearning for the outside world, which has never happened before

Probably because Chen was by his side before, even if he could only stay at home for the rest of his life, he would be happy with it Z.

"Then I'll follow along too, I'm going to take care of the third sister-in-law." Jiang Xuexi immediately raised her hand and said.

"It's okay, let's go, I will come and pick you up when it opens in a few days." Jiang Yuanxi said

After chatting with Mu Yan for a while, Jiang Yuanxi's terminal started beeping non-stop. Obviously, there are still many things to do in the company, so he can only leave in a hurry. '

After a week's voyage, the First Army led by Jiang Chenxi finally arrived at the Sodaya galaxy, which is in the edge galaxy.

"Boss, after going forward for a while, we will reach the main star of the Sodaya galaxy, the Sodaya planet, and the request for help is sent from there." Zhao Ziqi and Jiang Chenxi reported.

"Keep moving forward." Jiang Chenxi ordered in a cold voice, and quickly issued combat orders, because it is very likely that he will enter the battlefield directly later.

This is a real battle, not a play, even after a week of sailing, the body will be tired, but in a war, every minute and every second is very important, and countless people may die or be saved. Countless people, so they have no time to afford to waste.

If there is really a war ahead at this moment, after they arrive, they must immediately enter the combat state as quickly as possible, so Jiang Chenxi will issue clear combat orders now, and then the soldiers will know their responsibilities and No matter what the task is, the efficiency will be higher when fighting.


"Major General, Major General Yang of the Fourth Army Corps is requesting a call." The person in the control room turned his head and said to Jiang Chenxi.

Hearing this, Jiang Chenxi frowned, and said, "Connect."

Soon, the image of Yang Mingxuan appeared on the big screen, and this time he was the leader of the Fourth Army.

"Why do you keep going forward? We will reach the war zone when we go forward. We landed on the planet on the edge of the Sodaya galaxy to rest for a day." Yang Mingxuan said impatiently, with an orderly tone

"Major General Yang, the battle is urgent now, we don't have time to rest, otherwise more people will be sacrificed on the front line." Zhao Ziqi replied instead of his boss.

Because he knew that his boss probably didn't want to pay attention to this person.

However, Yang Mingxuan's expression became more displeased, and he scolded: "What are you, I'm talking to your major general, is there any room for you to intervene?"

Zhao Ziqi was choked up immediately. The members of the First Legion didn't like Yang Mingxuan very much. Although he was a major general just like their boss, their boss' position as a major general was earned through military exploits. If it wasn't for the He was not old enough, so he could have continued to rise a long time ago, but everyone knew very well how Yang Mingxuan got the position of major general, so he was even more disdainful and disdainful towards him. one

Originally, they were not very happy to go on missions with the Fourth Army, but in the face of the enemy, everyone should be united. However, after knowing that the leader of the Fourth Army this time was Yang Mingxuan, the members of the First Army more dissatisfied".

"Go ahead." Jiang Chenxi said in a cold voice, ignoring Yang Mingxuan's gloomy expression


"Jiang Chenxi, do you want everyone to die? After a week of sailing, everyone is not in the best condition. Going to the battlefield under such circumstances is the same as sending them to death. What are you doing? heart?" Yang Mingxuan immediately accused.

Jiang Chenxi cast his icy eyes over, making Yang Mingxuan feel like he was in an ice cellar. Even though he was separated by a screen, he still shuddered involuntarily.

Because of this, I feel even more unhappy, and I resent Jiang Chenxi. It happens every time. Obviously, the two of them are similar in everything, similar in family background, similar in age, and even in the same position in the military department. But why are there so many people? He loves and admires Jiang Chenxi very much, but he always shakes his head secretly to himself

How can I be inferior to him?

Yang Mingxuan was very dissatisfied with this, but he was always helpless against Jiang Chenxi. The seeds of resentment also planted deeper and deeper in his heart, and gradually began to germinate.

"As a soldier, if you can't even afford this bit of hardship, go back to the central star as soon as possible!" Jiang Chenxi was too lazy to talk nonsense with Yang Mingxuan, and cut off the communication unilaterally, and the spaceship continued to move forward without stopping for a moment.

Over there, Yang Mingxuan was about to be blown out of anger, but he also knew that even if he wanted to stop and rest, it would be impossible now. After all, if he arrived at Planet Sophia, the people there would find that only Jiang Chenxi was leading the first team. The members of the Legion arrived, but the Fourth Legion was nowhere to be seen. At that time, all the credit would be given to Jiang Chenxi, and all the blame would be left to himself.

He would never let himself fall into that situation.

Therefore, even if he was not reconciled, Yang Mingxuan could only grit his teeth and follow up.

He not only has to keep up, but he also wants the members of the Fourth Legion to reach Planet Sophia earlier than the First Legion. At that time, all the applause and gratitude belong to him, and Jiang Chenxi is only worthy of blame and hatred

"Accelerate!" Yang Mingxuan gave an order to the people in the cab, with a smile that was sure to win.

Jiang Chenxi, I want to see what you will do this time? You wait for me, let's settle the previous accounts slowly, I won't let you off so easily!

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