Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 273: mad dog barking

"This is the latest intelligent robot developed by our federation. It can also change their shape." Seeing that Mu Yan was very interested, Jiang Yuanxi introduced him carefully, and then pressed twice on a place on the robot's waist. The original human-shaped robot instantly began to reorganize rapidly, turning into a beast-shaped robot.

Mu Yan's eyes widened and his mouth widened in surprise, as if seeing a supernatural being transformed for the first time.

"Can they still transform like supernatural beings?" Mu Yan felt that he liked these two robots even more.

"Well, it can be transformed into many types." Jiang Yuanxi pressed it again, and then the robot transformed again

Changed back and forth several times, and the smile on Mu Yan's face could not be stopped.

Sensing that Mu Yan's mood became better, Jiang Yuanxi also smiled and let go of the little robots, allowing them to return to their original human form, and then continued to take the two of them in for a visit.

The area in the snack bar is very large, probably because the customer capacity is too small, causing customers to line up outside, so the area is very large, and there are boxes on the second floor. .

All the decorations inside are in a uniform blue-green tone. The warm color gives people a very warm feeling, but it is not too dull, but with a touch of playfulness, which can give customers the greatest visual enjoyment. .

"It's really beautiful here." Mu Yan praised sincerely.

Compared with this place, Mu Yan felt that the snack bar he opened in Taohua Village before could not be sold. If the two were put together, no customers would go to their snack bar to eat.

Of course, this is all Mu Yan's own idea. In fact, if these two snack bars are really put together, there may be a phenomenon that makes passers-by feel strange, that is, most customers choose the one with the shabby store. .

Probably only people who come to the snack bar for the first time will choose the resplendent one based on its appearance, but as long as they have eaten at both, after comparison, people with a little bit of appreciation will probably choose the one from Mu Yan.

No way, who made Mu Yan's snacks more delicious.

"Sister-in-law three, do you want to go to the kitchen?" Jiang Yuanxi said to Mu Yan with a smile. He knew that the kitchen was probably the chef's favorite, and it was a very spacious and well-equipped kitchen.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Mu Yan's eyes immediately began to light up, and his expression was full of anticipation and eagerness.

?The three of them wandered around casually, and then walked towards the kitchen.

At this moment, there are already three people in the kitchen, and they are also the chefs of this snack bar.

Because the snack bar opened today, the chef came over very early to prepare the ingredients so as not to be unable to keep up with the ordering speed of the customers.

The three of G who were preparing the ingredients quietly at first greeted Jiang Yuanxi one after another after seeing Jiang Yuanxi bringing someone in. However, when they saw Mu Yan, the three of them immediately widened their eyes and ignored the boss Jiang Yuanxi , staring straight at Mu Yan.

" are little master Muyan, right?" the three asked excitedly, with a hint of urgency in their tone;

Doubt flashed across Mu Yan's eyes, but he still nodded in agreement.

"You are really little master Muyan. I have known you for a long time. I didn't expect to see you here. I...we are so excited." The three chefs were a little overwhelmed with excitement. Seeing his idol is like being at a loss.

In fact, it is almost like seeing an idol. All the chefs who have come out of Tao Qingran and others basically know Mu Yan, and they are still in the state of "I know Mu Yan, but Mu Yan doesn't know me".

Because Tao Qingran posted Mu Yan's photo in the snack bar in a very direct and clear way. Anyone who comes to learn cooking skills needs to know Mu Yan first, so that he won't fail to recognize Mu Yan's little master when he sees him in the future. , thereby neglecting the other party.

After all, all these skills were first taught by Mu Yan. It can be said that Mu Yan is definitely the originator of gourmet cooking.

Therefore, these three people were so excited when they saw Mu Yan. You must know that for all those who have studied cooking, Mu Yan is definitely a master in their field, and a master who cannot be surpassed by others .

As for the god-level characters, who would not want to see them with their own eyes, and even being able to speak a few words with the gods would be a great honor for them.

The three of them were really excited now, they wanted to shake hands with Mu Yan, but they didn't dare to go forward, pushing and yelling, looking at Mu Yan even more urgently.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuanxi dismissed the three chefs in a few words, and then hurriedly left the kitchen with Mu Yan, without taking a good look at the kitchen.

It was really because the three chefs were too excited and enthusiastic, and Jiang Yuanxi was worried that if the three of them were too excited to accidentally bump into or touch Mu Yan, it would be bad, so It is better to stay away from the source of danger as soon as possible.

"Phew... I didn't expect that the fans of the third sister-in-law have reached this level, even in our store." Jiang Xuexi joked with a smile.

"That goes without saying, and I don't even look at how attractive the third sister-in-law is. If it were you, I guess it would not work." Jiang Yuanxi often teased Jiang Xuexi, glaring at her beautiful eyes.

Jiang Xuexi retorted dissatisfied: "I also have fans, okay?"

"Okay, okay." Jiang Yuanxi shrugged compromisingly.

The three of them basically visited the snack bar all over, and at this time, customers who came to participate in the opening came one after another. Jiang Yuanxi hurriedly brought Mu Yan, Jiang Xuexi and several bodyguards to the lounge on the third floor.

Only the Jiang family can go up this floor, and no one else is allowed to go up, so it is considered safe here.

"There is a big screen here, you can watch the situation below through this screen, sister-in-law three, then I will go down to entertain customers first." Jiang Yuanxi said to Mu Yan with a smile.

Mu Yan nodded, and then his eyes fell on the big screen.

This screen is divided into four parts, and each part will capture different angles of the snack bar, because it is also very interesting to see the whole snack bar from many angles.

At this moment, a lot of customers have slowly gathered at the gate of the snack bar, and they are all relatively young. Everyone is chatting with each other in twos and threes, waiting for the opening of the snack bar.

"I don't know if I will be lucky enough to meet Yanda this time. It is said that Yanda went there when the Food Hall opened." A girl said to her companion.

"I also hope to meet Yanda, but Yanda's health is not very good. I guess the male **** may not allow Yanda to come out to participate in such an event." Another girl said, with a worried expression on her face.

"That's right, I don't know how Yan Da is doing now, I hope my body can get better as soon as possible."

"Even if we don't meet Yan Da today, Fourth Young Master Jiang will show up. It is said that Fourth Young Master Jiang and Yan Da opened the snack bar together, so there must be one." A girl said with a **** expression.

Sure enough, when the other people heard this, their faces suddenly showed **** smiles.

Jiang Yuanxi is different from Jiang Chenxi. Jiang Chenxi's photos are rarely posted on the Internet, but Jiang Yuanxi, as a bigwig in the business world, is young and promising, handsome, and the key is suave, gentle and affectionate. It has attracted a large number of fans of wives and girlfriends.

Countless teenagers and girls couldn't help drooling at Jiang Yuanxi's photos, and even fantasized that one day they would be favored, and then marry into a wealthy family.

"I really want to see Fourth Young Master Jiang with my own eyes. According to those who have been to the opening of the Food City, Fourth Young Master Jiang himself is much more handsome than the one in the photo. Such a handsome man, to be able to see him with his own eyes, is a life without regrets." .

"Yeah, me too. I think Jiang Sishao will definitely show up today. I would have changed into a more beautiful dress if I knew it. Lily, look at the makeup on my face. Forget it, I'm still here Just touch it up." After a girl finished speaking, she took out her cosmetics to touch up her makeup very efficiently.

And like this girl, there are not a few people who touch up makeup on the spot. Everyone seems to be full of expectations for the upcoming meeting with Jiang Yuanxi.

Suddenly, a snort of disdain and contempt came from the side.

"Hmph, some people are ugly even when they put on makeup, brother Yuanxi won't take a look."

The people around were instantly attracted by the sound, and then saw a scene next to them with a completely different style of painting.

I saw that there were many people in black clothes standing in the next line, and a young woman was supported among them, and all the other people next to the woman were isolated, so that those who lined up dared not speak out.

Everyone guessed the identity of this woman one after another, and were surprised that they didn't notice the abnormality here just now. They didn't notice it even though the distance was so close. It should be said that Jiang Yuanxi's charm kept them focused, or should I say this Women have little presence.

I'm afraid that when the latter speaks out, this woman will probably jump up in anger.

However, the woman's disdainful tone just now caused dissatisfaction among many people.

"It seems that Fourth Young Master Jiang will look at you. I think Fourth Young Master Jiang won't even look at the scene where you are so particular about pomp and worry that others will not know your status and respect." Another In the first team, a girl said without any fear of offending Li Mengmeng.

That's right, this high-spirited woman is Li Mengmeng.

Naturally, she would not let go of the occasion where she could see Jiang Yuanxi.

Hearing this, Li Mengmeng glared at the girl who spoke, her gaze was full of warnings, and the girl was not to be outdone at all, and bravely confronted her. '

She is not afraid of this Li Mengmeng, she has long disliked this woman.

Others saw that the swords between the two men were tense, and the discussion was much quieter, for fear of offending the two men.

"I said who was barking at the door. It turned out to be you. What's the matter, are you going to invite these bodyguards to have dinner together this time? I didn't expect you to be so generous." Jiang Xuexi appeared at the snack bar Looking at Li Mengmeng at the door, she spoke sarcastically.

Originally, she was staying well on the third floor with the third sister-in-law, but she accidentally saw someone arguing on the screen, and Li Mengmeng's painting style was quite different from other people's, so she didn't want to pay attention It's hard to get there.

After seeing clearly that it was Li Mengmeng, the anger buried in Jiang Xuexi's heart was completely ignited.

When they were in the Blue Star Food City, the two of them formed a relationship. Originally, she didn't take this woman seriously, but she didn't expect this woman to be so vicious that Mu Yanran slandered her on the Internet.

Although it was Mu Yanran who was punished in the end, and Mu Yanran was the ghost who took the place of death, and Li Mengmeng had nothing to do with it, but Jiang Xuexi knew that the mastermind behind this incident must be Li Mengmeng, so her impression of Li Mengmeng fell to the lowest.

Obviously, Li Mengmeng didn't want to see Jiang Xuexi very much. After seeing him, she was even more angry. She was full of anger when she was bullied by another girl, but with Jiang Xuexi, she felt that she was going to be blown up.

Others have always flattered her, coaxed her, and yielded to her, but ever since she met Jiang Xuexi, she has been in a state of being bullied, which made her feel very aggrieved.

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