Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 285: going to give birth

After a day of rest, the Sirius team and Feng Zeshan's personal guards both recovered to their best condition, and then headed towards the home planet of the Zerg again.

However, this time they are no longer fighting alone, they are no longer advancing alone, they all have their own allies, and they are more confident in completing this mission.

For the future and peace of mankind, they can only succeed in this mission, not fail!

As the distance to the Zerg home planet got closer, the two teams encountered more and more Zergs. Even if they tried to avoid them as much as possible, they still had to fight the Zergs inevitably.

Moreover, the number of Zergs encountered is more and more each time, and the battle takes more time each time, but the distance from the Zerg's home planet is also closer.

Jiang Chenxi and Feng Zeshan decisively issued an order to temporarily land on a planet closest to the Zerg mother planet, and while resting, they formulated a detailed plan for this attack.

Because there are relatively few people coming this time, the main task is to get rid of the female worm, not the entire Zerg race, so they only need to find a way to get into the Zerg mother planet, find the female insect, and get rid of it, and the rest is Just leave it to the soldiers of the two countries to handle it.

The two discussed for a long time in the control room before finally formulating the final battle plan and conveying it quickly.

Although it is the first time for the Sirius team and Fengzeshan's personal guards to cooperate, everyone likes each other's personality and behavior very much, and they cooperate with each other more tacitly, so there is no need to worry about delays

The two battleships are the most advanced in their respective countries, and are equipped with stealth devices. As long as they are turned on, they can be invisible within three hours, and no scanning device can detect the specific location.

And this is also the biggest guarantee for their travel mission.

The two battleships activated the cloaking device, and then quickly logged in to the mother star of the Zerg, and split into two groups, trying to find the mother of the Zerg as quickly as possible.

The female worm of the Zerg is the root of the reproduction of the Zerg. Almost all the Zerg are reproduced from the female, so the female has a very high status in the Zerg.

Therefore, the safety of the female worm is also very important. It usually hides in the hidden place of the counterpoint, and there must be a lot of Zerg guards around it.

Therefore, Jiang Chenxi ordered people to move towards the place with the most Zerg.

"Yes!" Zhao Ziqi took the order and quickly arranged, and the transparent battleship in mid-air began to set off towards the depths of the planet.

They only have three hours. If they can't find the exact location of the mother worm within these three hours, then what awaits them will be a fierce attack from the Zerg, and their mission this time will be regarded as a half failure.

After all, in the base camp of the Zerg, being besieged by the Zerg, it is simply impossible to find the location of the mother bug.

The battleship has been picking up the place where the Zerg is the most, and after finding three positions in succession, it finally found the hiding place of the female bug.

"Notify Admiral Feng immediately." Jiang Chenxi said.


Zhao Ziqi immediately communicated with the battleship Fengzeshan and sent them the exact location of the mother worm, and then the entire battleship entered the wormhole where the mother worm was.

At the moment the central star.

Mu Yan felt a little restless all day today, waves of bad premonitions enveloped him all the time, making him always feel that something was going to happen, but he couldn't tell why, which made his The mood became extremely irritable.

From time to time, his heart throbbed, and the abnormal feeling like being tightly grasped by someone enveloped him constantly, making his heart more and more flustered.

He subconsciously wanted to find Jiang Chenxi for a sense of security, but suddenly remembered that Achen was already on the front line, not at home, not by his side.

He wanted to make a video call and send a text message to Jiang Chenxi, but he was worried that it would affect his battle on the front line and put him in danger.

This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, Mu Yan is almost driven crazy by this sense of anxiety.

He desperately wanted to find something else to do, not to let himself think about these feelings, and not to let his family worry about him.

However, no matter what he could do, he couldn't do it, and he would be in a daze when he was doing it, and then that uneasy feeling would always linger around him, as if it was going to surround him and make him miserable.

The baby in the stomach seemed to feel this sense of panic, as if it was infected, and moved with anxiety, making Mu Yan's stomach ache.

"Babies are good, it's all right, father will be all right." Mu Yan gently stroked his stomach with one hand, not sure if he was comforting the baby in his stomach or himself.

He believed in Ah Chen, when Ah Chen said he would come back, he would definitely come back, he had to take care of himself, and then welcome Ah Chen's triumphant return.

Mu Yan didn't do anything, just sat quietly in the yard basking in the sun, tried hard to suppress the uneasiness, and then comforted the babies in his stomach.

This sitting lasted for a day, during which Jiang Xuexi, Zheng Xueyan, Lin Jiayu and others all came to chat with him for a while, but seeing that he was not in high spirits and a little drowsy, they didn't bother him. He rests by himself.

As night fell gradually, Mu Yan didn't have the slightest desire to move, and just wanted to continue sitting like this until Ah Chen came back and carried him back to the room.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in the heart, which made the unsuspecting Mu Yan tightly grasp the position of his heart, and the whole person rolled continuously on the reclining chair in pain.

The uneasiness that had enveloped him all day suddenly magnified to the maximum. Even in pain, he could clearly feel the feeling of powerlessness, uneasiness, and helplessness.

Even my stomach started to hurt, and it became more and more painful, like the baby in my stomach felt my father's pain, and couldn't wait to come out to help my father share the pain.

Mu Yan was already moaning on the chair in pain, unable to say anything.

"Yanyan, Yanyan, what's wrong with you?" No. 5 felt Mu Yan's pain, got out of the system, and then saw Mu Yan rolling in pain, his face was pale, and sweat kept oozing and falling , the whole person seems to be fished out of the water.

Mu Yan was in so much pain that he couldn't speak, and he couldn't hear other people's voices. He could only immerse himself in his own senses, constantly feeling the unspeakable pain.

The throbbing pain in his heart and the distending pain in his stomach were constantly tormenting him.

No. 5 yelled a few times, and found that Mu Yan didn't respond, and became even more anxious, flying around anxiously in mid-air, but couldn't think of any good solution.

It hates that others can't see it very much now, otherwise it can go to rescue soldiers to save words.

Thinking of saving soldiers, thinking that no one else could see it, No. 5 suddenly stopped flying, and his pea-sized eyes suddenly burst into light.

"By the way, why did I forget that there is another person who can see me." No. 5 said excitedly, then looked at Mu Yan, "Yan Yan, hold on, I'll find someone to rescue you right away .”

No. 5 quickly flew out of the courtyard where Mu Yan was, and flew towards the courtyard where Zheng Xueyan was at the fastest speed in his life.

It has never flown so fast before, this time it has really stimulated its potential, but as long as it can save Yanyan, it is enough.

No. 5 flew to Zheng Xueyan's courtyard, searched the room, and shouted, "Qiaoqiu, where are you?"

Now only the little master can save Yanyan, and now only the little master can see himself.

Zheng Xueyan was worried that Qiuqiu would delay Mu Yan's rest at night. Bi Jingqiuqiu is still young and has poor self-control ability, so she asked Qiuqiu to live in her own yard for the time being, and let him move after Mu Yan gave birth. go back.

"Qiaoqiu, come out quickly, something happened to your father." No. 5 shouted loudly while flying.

Its voice can only be heard by Mu Yan's family of three, and no one else can hear it, so it has no other concerns.

Qiuqiu, who was going to sleep, suddenly heard someone calling him, opened his eyes suddenly, then lifted the quilt, put on his little shoes, and prepared to go out to have a look.

"Squeak!" There was a sound of the door being opened, and then Qiuqiu, who had just opened the door, met the eyes of No. 5 who was looking for someone.

"Qiaoqiu, hurry up and find someone to rescue your daddy, something happened to your daddy." No. 5 didn't care too much, and said directly to Qiuqiu.

"Dad, what happened to Dad?" Qiuqiu can speak a lot of words now, and he can also understand the meaning of a lot of words, so after hearing the news, he immediately panicked, lifted his calf and planned to run outside.

No. 5 hurriedly followed and said, "Hurry up and find other people. You can't save your father by yourself. Hurry up and find your grandma. Your grandma knows what to do."

Hearing this, Qiuqiu suddenly stopped the calf that was about to run out, turned around, and ran towards the room where Zheng Xueyan was located without any mistakes.

Qiuqiu knocked on Zheng Xueyan's door anxiously, and shouted: "Grandma, something happened to Dad, grandma..."

Zheng Xueyan was also planning to go to bed, when she suddenly heard her grandson's anxious voice, she hurriedly put on her clothes and came out, and then saw Qiuqiu's anxious expression.

"Hey, my Qiuqiu, what's the matter with you? Why are you in such a hurry?" Zheng Xueyan felt very distressed when she saw Qiuqiu's appearance.

"Grandma, something happened to daddy, daddy, hurry to find daddy..." Qiuqiu pulled Zheng Xueyan's clothes, wanting to let her go out to find daddy.

When Zheng Xueyan heard that Mu Yan had an accident, she was startled, and she didn't care about wearing more clothes, and how Qiuqiu knew about Mu Yan's accident after living here, so she hurriedly took Qiuqiu towards Mu Yan. Where the yard ran.

When she walked to the yard, she could hear the depressing pain coming from inside, Zheng Xueyan was shocked immediately, and hurriedly asked someone to call the doctor, and then hurried to Mu Yan's side.

Mu Yan was about to faint from the pain at this moment, his face was terribly pale, one hand was tightly covering his heart, and the other hand was holding his stomach, obviously the pain was severe.

"What's the matter? Why did it suddenly hurt like this." Zheng Xueyan was so distressed that she wished she could replace him.

At this time, it was time for everyone to go to bed, but because Zheng Xueyan made a lot of noise, many people were woken up. After this inquiry, they knew that Mu Yan Jingran had a stomachache, and suddenly he lost sleepiness. Go to Mu Yan's yard.

The doctor also came over quickly, because Mu Yan was in too much pain, before Zheng Xueyan didn't dare to be touched easily until the doctor came.

"It's about to give birth, hurry up and make preparations, and deliver the baby right away." The doctor said to Zheng Xueyan and the others.

Zheng Xueyan and the others panicked immediately, "But it's less than eight months."

"The children can't wait any longer. The mother's body is no longer suitable for conceiving them. They must be born immediately and continue to develop outside the body." The doctor said seriously, without the slightest pause in the movements of his hands. :this

Lin Jiayu was the first to react, and immediately began to arrange production with Zhao Shuqi and others.

Mu Yan wanted to conceive the child by himself until it was born at full term, but because of this accident, the child was no longer suitable for gestation in the mother's womb, so he could only take it out to continue growing outside the body, otherwise, the three of them would be in danger.

Now Mu Yan is in so much pain that he doesn't have any ability to think, and he can't take care of the child, only two words are left in his mind.


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