Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3698: The strongest in the universe

Chapter 3698: The strongest in the universe

"Golden King, medium!" Huang Xiaolong was shocked.

This Jin Raowang has more than 2.7 billion fighting powers. Doesn't that mean that the cosmic family has at least five or six strong players who surpassed 27 billion fights!

"Yes!" Referring to the cosmic family, Zhu Chen's face is dignified: "The cosmic family, they are the earliest races of the thirteen universes, and the strongest race in the universe. It is the most powerful black prince in the universe. Although it is not the **** of the universe, but the combat power is only comparable to the **** of the universe!"

When Huang Xiaolong heard it, his heart suddenly sank.

Black Pluto!

Not the **** of the universe.

Comparable to the **** of the universe.

As Huang Xiaolong has improved in these years, Huang Xiaolong will become more aware of the horror of the **** of the universe.

Although it is said that the Black Pluto is not the **** of the universe, there is no real magical power of the **** of the universe, but it is also terrible to have the power of the **** of the universe.

"Have you seen this black prince?" Huang Xiaolong asked Zhu Chen.

Zhu Chen shook his head: "No."

"No?" Huang Xiaolong was wrong.

Zhu Chen nodded: "When the universe of the kings shot, the thirteen universe was shattered, but the black king did not shoot, it was the black king who did not shoot, plus the evil master, so we Only survived and retracted into the unknown space."

Thinking of the scene of the collapse of the universe, Zhu Chen could not conceal the horror of his heart.

The universe is shattered, and the power to destroy the earth and the earth is like a huge wave, sweeping every corner of the universe, no one can be spared, one life is harvested, one ancient family is destroyed, and the gods of the half-step universe are like that. Devastated by the power of destruction.

One by one, one by one, one big world was destroyed.

Zhu Chen clenched his fists and his face was pale.

Huang Xiaolongs face is also not good.

When the Black King did not shoot, the thirteen universe could be destroyed. If it is now, the black king will take the shot, who can stop the thirteen kings of the universe?

Even if Huang Xiaolong and the fierce magic team up, it is impossible to stop it.

Even if Huang Xiaolong has a boat of the universe, even if Huang Xiaolong collects the thirteen universes, he will not be able to stop it.

Collecting thirteen universes to treasure, although it can have incredible power, but the power is strong, but also depends on the realm of the owner. Huang Xiaolongs current realm is in front of the strong **** of the universe like the Black King. It is still too low.

"In these years, we have been in the unknown space, and we have placed a lot of restrictions on the unknown space. These prohibitions have enveloped the entire unknown space. As long as the masters of the universe enter the unknown space, we can all sense it." Zhu Chen suddenly thought of a very Serious problem: "But, Kim Jong-wang is now in the 18th hell, how can we not sense it?"

Is it because the ban imposed by us has invalidated the cosmic family?

Zhu Chens voice is somewhat unnatural.

The sudden appearance of King Jins king made him feel uneasy.

A very disturbing feeling.

In these years, they are still in peace with the cosmic people in the unknown space. The two are not the rivers, and the thirteen kings of the universe have not killed them.

Because the cosmic family is still jealous of the evil spirits.

But now, King Jin Yu invades the unknown space, and destroys the 18 hells, in an attempt to let countless evil spirits leave the 18th hell, and then let countless evil spirits mess up the unknown space!

This means that the cosmic family has to start with the unknown space?

Zhu Chen thought of it, Huang Xiaolong also thought of it.

Huang Xiaolongs face is indefinite, and if the cosmic family starts with the unknown space, it will definitely start with the avenues of the worlds of the thirteen universes!

At that time, the world of Xiaolong and the world of Pangu will all be destroyed!

By then, his parents! His family, Shi Xiaowei, Li Xiaoyu's girls can be imagined.

Huang Xiaolong has a double fist.

"Can you contact the demon?" Huang Xiaolong suddenly asked Zhu Chen.

Zhu Chen stunned and shook his head: "The murderous adult has not been born for many years. No one knows where he is now, let me not, even if it is a dragon tyrant, the **** of death does not know where the savage adult went."

Huang Xiaolong frowned.

"Maybe, the green ghost may know where the fierce devil is." Zhu Chen suddenly said.

"Green ghost!" Huang Xiaolong was wrong.

"Yes, its the Green Ghost." Zhu Chen said: "The Green Ghosts have rarely been born in the past few years. Some people say that the Green Ghost and the Demon Lord are in a secret space to enlighten the Supreme Avenue. In fact, I have been retreating in the past, in order to continuously improve my own strength and fight against the cosmos."

Zhu Chen hesitated: "The murderous adult said that since the cosmic family had destroyed the thirteen universe for the first time, there will be a second time."

Huang Xiaolong nodded, which is exactly what he worried about.

Moreover, Huang Xiaolong has a kind of hunch, I am afraid that the cosmos will not be used for a long time, it will be the second to destroy the thirteen universe.

"Why do the cosmic family destroy the thirteen universes?" Huang Xiaolong asked Zhu Chen.

Zhu Chen shook his head: "The reason is not very clear, but the fierce demons guess that it may be related to the black **** to break through the universe."

"Related to the God of Black Pluto to break through the universe?" Huang Xiaolong blinked: "You mean that the Black King wants the universe to harvest all the life of the thirteen universes, extract the energy of all the life of the thirteen universes, and help him to attack the realm of the universe. ?"

"Yes." Zhu Chen nodded and said: "When the Black King used the energy of all the life of the thirteen universe to impact the **** of the universe, it seems to have failed, but the Black King will certainly not give up on the realm of the universe."

So, in the future, there will still be a second time to destroy the thirteen universes, the third time!

Until he broke through.

Therefore, only by solving the Black King, can we solve the danger of the thirteen universe.

Later, Huang Xiaolong asked about some things about the evil demon.

Although the ghost waiter is the right arm of the green ghost, but it is not very clear about the evil spirits. For the vicious demon, Zhu Chen, the existence of these ghosts is not up to the grade.

From Zhu Chenkou, Huang Xiaolongs combat power of the demon has surpassed 2.9 billion fights. As for how much he surpassed, Zhu Chen is not very clear.

Then, Huang Xiaolong asked about whether Zhu Chen and others could not leave the unknown space. After all, he learned from the Xinglong universe that Zhu Chen and others would smash the robbery once they left the unknown space.

Zhu Chen nodded: "This is true. Although we escaped the annihilation of the universe, we still have the power to destroy the curse. We can use the power of the unknown space to suppress the power of the robbery and curse. If you leave the unknown space, the curse of the body will break out."

Huang Xiaolongs heart sinks. If Zhu Chen and others cant leave the unknown space, then when he confronts the cosmic family, he cant rely on the power of Zhu Chen and others.

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