Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 3728: The fourteenth universe is the treasure?

Chapter 3728: The fourteenth universe is the treasure?

On the way to Bailudong Road, Huang Xiaolong sent Pangu to a safe place, and then continued to Bailudong. After all, Pangu followed him inconvenience.

However, after Pangu was sent to a safe place, Huang Xiaolong Get back.

The Bailudong Road is far away, and Huang Xiaolong is fully driving the boat of the universe. It took more than a year to come to Bailu Cave.

But when I came to Bailu Cave, what made Huang Xiaolong unexpected was that many masters were pouring into Bailu Cave, and many of them were masters of some hidden ancients.

These hidden ancients are extremely ancient, and some are even the ancient tribes at the beginning of the birth of the thirteen universe. Although the cosmos are the earliest ancients born between heaven and earth, some ancient tribes in the thirteen universes are only later than the birth of the cosmos. a little.

These ancient tribes are hidden in the world. Even when Huang Xiaolong traveled to the thirteen universes, he did not find these ancient hidden places. Later, when Huang Xiaolong was in an unknown space, he knew the original from the dragon, the **** of death and the Zhuchen population. These ancient tribes exist in the thirteen universes.

At that time, the cosmic family was running the universe to destroy the big squad. Not only the evil spirits, the green ghosts, the dragon tyrants, the death gods, Zhu Chen and others escaped, and some hidden ancient powers escaped.

These fascinating ancient ancestors, some of them have no shortage of 20 billion fighting power.

In the thirteen universes, there are two people who make the fierce devils jealous, one is the black meditation king, but the other is not the white feather king. The white feather king has the most strength and the murderous demon, and it is not enough to make the fierce devil.

Another thing that makes the murderer jealous is the old man.

The creation of the elderly is the ancestor of the founding people.

This old man, the strength may not be as good as the black king, but stronger than the evil spirit!

The fierce devil's combat power is close to 29.9 billion fights, but this old man is 29.9 billion fights, not close. It can be said that this old man is also the strongest being closest to the **** of the universe.

Looking at the master who constantly rushed into the Bailu Cave, Huang Xiaolong was surprised and came to the mouth of Bailu Cave.

"This Taoist friend, so many ancient masters come to Bailudong, is it something that Bailudong has?" Huang Xiaolong took one of them.

The other side of the body to the yang to the power surge, and between the movements, there is a faint glimpse of light, Huang Xiaolong saw at a glance that the other is a Yang Lei master.

Like the creators, the Yang Lei family is the top ancient group in the same period of the thirteen universe.

The other side turned to look at Huang Xiaolong, apparently can not see the strength of Huang Xiaolong deep, some surprised.

"Does the Taoist friend know that Bailudong has a universe to be born?" The other party hesitated, said.

"The universe is the treasure?!" Huang Xiaolong is wrong, big accident: "Thirteen universes, are not all the thirteen universe treasures born?"

The other party said: "Since the birth of the thirteen universes, there are indeed only 13 universes, but no one has ever dared to be sure that only 13 pieces of the universe will be born."

"I heard that this white deer hole, the fourteenth universe will be born."

But then he shook his head again: "Maybe it's just a rumor, in fact, I don't believe that there will be the fourteenth universe to be born."

However, although he did not believe, he could not help but curiosity.

Of course, not just curiosity.

Most of them who came to Bailu Cave did not come with curiosity.

No one is not guilty of this fourteenth universe.

Huang Xiaolong thought a lot. This so-called fourteenth universe treasure is the source of the universe?

After all, the probability of the birth of the fourteenth universe is too embarrassing. Since the birth of the thirteenth universe, I dont know how many years, if it was born, it was born.

"In the Xiayang Leizu ancient ancestor Yang Dingsheng, did not ask?" When Huang Xiaolong thought about it, the other side asked the fist.

The top ancestors of the thirteen universes, such as the Yang Lei nationality and the ruling ethnic group, were called the ancient ancestors.

Generally speaking, the strength of these ancient ancestors of the thirteen universes is extremely strong, comparable to the landowners of the unknown space. Huang Xiaolong can see that this yang-top is in front of him, and his strength is comparable to that of the endless master.

"In the next Huang Xiaolong." Huang Xiaolong did not arrogant, holding a fist.

Yang Dingsheng heard it and looked very surprised: "You are the owner of the Blue Dragon House, Huang Xiaolong?!"

In the first universe, Huang Xiaolong unified Hengtian League, only our alliance, the creation of the temple, and then the establishment of the Blue Dragon House, so the reputation is not small, the name of Huang Xiaolong, has also been passed to many of these hidden ancients.

Huang Xiaolong said with a smile: "It is just under the blue dragon palace that it is only a small force, and it cannot be compared with the Yang Lei family of Yangding."

Yang Dingsheng laughed: "Huang Xiaolong's friends are modest."

Although Huang Xiaolong unifies Hengtian League, only our alliance, the creation temple, and the creation of the world, but the master of breaking the billion is only Huang Xiaolong, so the top thirteen ancient cosmos of Yang Lei are indeed not How to put the Blue Dragon House in your heart.

According to the survey of thirteen cosmic-class top ancients such as Yang Lei, Huang Xiaolongs power in the big world may be around 15 billion.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong and this Yang Dingsheng accompanied.

In the White Deer Cave, the light is very dark, but for the masters of Huang Xiaolong and Yang Dingsheng, these darkness is nothing.

In the Bailu Cave, it is not a hollow, but there are mountains and waters. There are various creatures in the earth. It is a bit like the cosmic shackles. However, the universe of the universe is very beautiful, very dreamy, and there are stars everywhere. But in this white deer cave, there is no light of the stars, it seems very dark, very quiet.

The two flew while talking, and they talked very much. If people smell like each other, there is always something to talk about, and if they don't speculate, they say that they are redundant.

Huang Xiaolong and Yang Dingsheng are the same kind of odor. Although they have not met each other for a long time, they feel like they are old friends for many years.

"In fact, I don't want to smash the Yellow Brothers. I came to Bailu Cave this time, except for the 14th universe. I want to find something." Yang Dingsheng said to Huang Xiaolong.

Although less than half a day, the two are already brothers.

"Oh, I don't know what the Yang brothers are looking for?" Huang Xiaolong couldn't help but wonder.

"White deer." Yang Dingsheng slow channel.

"White deer!" Huang Xiaolong was taken aback.

The reason why this white deer hole is called Bailu Cave is that there is a white deer in the Bailu Cave! The white deer that is born with the power of purification, this white deer has the only blood in the world, called the source of blood.

This kind of blood, called the sky, has the power to heal the heavens.

However, although there are white deer in the White Deer Cave, the thirteen universes have been born so far, and the people who have seen the white deer do not exceed one palm.

"Yes, white deer." Yang Ding is a secluded road.

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