Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 308 The Army Appears

"Sir Raigon, I presume?" Reign asked as he walked into the office, the eyes of all four people were glued to him but he showed no change in behavior or expression, meeting 4 influential people of the kingdom at once seemed to be no big deal to him at all.

"Yes, please, take a seat, we were just discussing what we were going to do with the attacking army."

"Thank you." Reign calmly walked to the giant table and took a seat right next to Ilas, he gave a happy smile to Ilas who simply nodded respectfully, he was inwardly a bit surprised however as even though he knew that Reign was young from the information he had received, he never expected him to be this young. To be so powerful at such a young age was no small feat and he would definitely become a powerful person in the future, perhaps even more powerful than the king himself.

"Well, let us return to our previous topic now, about 2 000 soldiers are marching to our castle, unfortunately, my men can't confirm just how strong they were or who they were at all since they are being shielded by an anti-detection array," Raigon says as he suddenly brings out a huge leather map, the map was spread out on the table as the holographic one disappeared, he points at a location not too far away from the gorge before he continued speaking.

"From what information I have received from my men, they are currently somewhere in this area, if they continue with their current speed then they should be arriving here in about 2 hours, of course, there is always the possibility of them suddenly slowing down or perhaps even speeding up, our defensive preparations should be finished in about 1 hour and the possibility of them taking us by surprise is almost non-existent."

"So, what brings us all here is simple, why would the coalition suddenly attack this location with so few troops, I don't mean to brag but even if their numbers were quadrupled I am certain that we would be victorious," Raigon says as he looks at Reign, the other three do the same as Reign raises an eyebrow, it was obvious to him that they wanted his input on this matter.

"Well, just like you have said, the preparations will be done soon and I have already seen just how busy the soldiers are with it, the possibility of them taking us by surprise is almost zero and their numbers are simply far too low to pose a threat, which means that they either created some new weapons that they are either certain could destroy the defenses, or they are perhaps trying to test some new weapons out."

"There's also the possibility that they gained some new top combatants that they wanted to use this opportunity to surprise us and kill everybody present with a swift and deadly attack, maybe they're even trying a "Blitzkrieg".

"A blitz-what?"

"Oh, sorry, that was something from my world, to put it simply, a deadly surprise attack that would allow them to not only destroy this fortification but to get deep inside the kingdom in a short period of time, the one from my world is made by the use of rapid overwhelming force that was concentrated at one spot, but if they had some new top combatants or perhaps even a first evolution one amongst them, they could simply attack once and obliterate everything here."

"So there was something like that in your world, if you don't mind I would like to learn more about such tactics from your world after we deal with the attackers, sir Reign."

"Please don't use the sir anymore, it's weird, I'm the youngest one here after all."

"Very well, I expect you do the same for us as well then."

"Sure thing, Raigon."

"You do seem quite confident that we will win though."

"Let's just say that I have made preparations for multiple scenarios, a surprise attack by a first evolution combatant being the top one of course."


"Well, I can't exactly give you all the details, but don't worry, even a first evolution combatant won't be able to break through our defenses so easily, we should have more than enough time for reinforcements to arrive, and if you were going to ask about the mountain, yes, I do have men positioned there as well, it might be hard if not even impossible for an army to pass there, but for a squad of powerful fighters it wouldn't."

"Seems like you thought of everything."

"Well, that is my job, after all, not to mention that we had a couple of the coalition's top combatants infiltrating the kingdom once before, even though we managed to deal with them it cost us a lot when it came to public safety and morale, I don't want something like that to happen again."

Reign raised an eyebrow after hearing that, he wasn't aware that the kingdom had once been infiltrated like that, compared to Earth, warfare here was a bit different as people that could rival entire armies actually existed, for some top fighters below the first evolution to enter the kingdom would be the same as a couple of tanks passing through the border and causing mayhem inside, of course, compared to tanks the fighters would be much harder to spot and they would be many times faster as well.

The rest of the meeting went without any kind of news, they didn't have a lot of information about the enemy force and as such there was no specific plan they could take, they simply needed to wait and fight the enemies when they arrived. Reign however still felt that something was off, even though Raigon had multiple plans for different scenarios planned out, there was simply no way that the coalition would send 2 000 of their soldiers to simply die.

Either this was only a diversion, albeit a quite bad one since only Reign was here and the other top combatants were still available, or the coalition had a surprise for the kingdom. One had to remember that the system existed and one could gain help from it with the use of many resources, Reign could do the same later when his territory expanded and he became stronger, for now of course he could only buy buildings and put rules in the territory, in the future however there would be a lot more that could be done.

If the coalition had managed to get reinforcements or a powerful new weapon from the system then things might get tricky here, of course, Reign wasn't all that worried as he was quite confident in his own strength and was certain that he could escape if there was a need for it. The mountains also gave Reign a bad vibe, although Raigon said that there were men posted there he knew that it would be incredibly hard for those people to stop the top combatants of the other kingdoms, there was even the possibility of his men never even spotting them.

What Reign didn't know was that Raigon and the others had the same thoughts, it was impossible for one person to think of every single thing that could happen, and to create countermeasures was even harder. Raigon had done his very best ever since he took over command of the fortification, but even he wasn't able to make it impervious, just creating the countermeasure against a first evolution combatant took a long time and many resources, the good thing however was that if a first evolution combatant did attack they could potentially seriously injure or even kill the person with the help of one of their own first evolution fighters.

Amongst the first evolution combatants in the area, only two could rival the king in power, the two were of course rulers of the other two powerful kingdoms in the area. Against other fighters, the king would never lose as was shown during the war as the coalition needed two of their fighters to fight him evenly.

As time passed there was still no change when it came to the attacking army, they continued marching using the same speed as before and Raigon's men were still unable to figure out what exactly was happening, they could only see blurry figures and even counting the number of fighters was hard, the figure of 2 000 was only a rough estimate as there could potentially be over 3 000 of them, they were also unable to see if the army was bringing something as the array shielded them well.

Soon the sound of people marching could be heard in the gorge, after about 2 hours had passed the army had arrived, their uniformed march showed that they were a trained and strong army, but even with that it would be almost impossible for them to break through the defenses of the fortification. As soon as they had arrived the array started flickering before disappearing, Raigon and the others were finally able to see exactly what they were facing.

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