Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 710 Entangled Fates: The Mysterious Connection [ R-18 ]

"Sorry, I understand why you would feel like this and why you are currently hostile toward me, but I promise you, I did nothing but make you snap out of it once you started with … well … you know what," Reign told Liara whose eyes were staring daggers at him.

"Let me go," Liara said calmly as she continued staring at Reign who was shaking his head. He could sense that she was gathering mana, so he knew that if he truly let her go, she would attack him immediately.

"Listen, I will explain everything later, but for now, at least for the next day or two, you will be fine, I made sure that you won't lose control as you have, just trust me, alright?" Reign asked Liara, but she gave no answer and continued channeling mana, which prompted him to sigh.

"I told you to-" Liara's words were cut short by Reign who had suddenly leaned forward and kissed her. She tried to struggle, but Reign continued with his kiss, which made Liara slowly blush before returning it and even dropping her weapon.

'Even though the vortex has been isolated, it seems she is still influenced by it, or at least by the remnants of the power that made her lose control previously.' Reign thought as he let go of her arms that went around his neck and hugged him while one of his arms went around her back, and the other went lower.

The kiss lasted for a good minute before Reign pulled himself back from Liara who was almost in a trance by the kiss. A thin strain of saliva connected their mouths as Liara's tongue was still out as she tried to get closer to Reign who promptly turned around and turned on the shower before resuming what he was doing before Liara lost control.

Liara suddenly snapped out of it and her face went beet red as she thought of what had just happened. This time, she had her memory and remembered everything, which only made her more embarrassed. She was the second-in-command of an entire region, a powerful warrior that enjoyed respect from everybody, and yet, when faced with Reign, not only was her halberd so easily pushed to the side and her arms held in place, but a mere kiss made her almost lose control of herself.

"What is happening to me?" Liara softly asked.

"It's your soul, there's something inside of it, a vortex of sorts that is influencing you, for some reason, it is only responding to me, and I have an inkling of why that is, but I still need to gather more information before being certain just what the hell is going on." Reign said as he turned off the shower.

"I have managed to isolate it for now, the barrier I have placed will work for a day, two at the longest, so what happened last night, or a couple of minutes ago, won't happen again to you, but I will need to create a barrier again as the vortex will destroy the one I have placed." Reign said softly before getting out of the shower, not even glancing at the naked Liara who was staring at his back.

He crouched down and got his clothes before putting them on while Liara stared blankly at him.

"You said the vortex is responding to you, why?"

"Remember the friend I told you about?" Reign asked Liara who nodded her head.

"I think you and her are connected somehow, but I have no idea how, nor why, which is why I'm not confident in doing anything to the vortex in your soul, it's simply too dangerous right now, I have no idea whether it will damage your soul if I take action, so for now, the best as well as the only course of action is for me to place a barrier there and make sure it can't influence you."

"And I'm just supposed to trust you?" Liara asked Reign as she grabbed her halberd and glanced at Reign before sighing and summoning the halberd back, turning it into a tattoo on her right and left hands.

"Well, yes, to be honest, you need to trust me on this one, or I can just not put a barrier the next time, which will make you lose control again, perhaps the next time right in front of other people, which will definitely not be good."

Liara's eyes opened wide upon hearing Reign's words. She briefly imagined herself losing memory again in the future and finding herself doing something incredibly embarrassing in front of other people. Her reputation and image would be ruined completely and she definitely couldn't allow something like that to happen.

She was still not entirely sure whether what Reign was talking about was true or not, and she still held suspicion about him, but what he had previously done made her calm down a little.I think you should take a look at

His kiss made her lose control of herself, and she was certain that if he wanted to, he could have done even more without her denying him at all, but he didn't, he simply turned around and continued showering, not caring in the slightest.

"Just who is that friend of yours, how the hell are we connected, just what is going on?!" Liara shouted in anger as she didn't know why this was happening. She had been living here for all of her life, and she was certain that she had no siblings, after all, both of her parents were still alive and fine.

For a person like Reign to suddenly arrive here and tell her that she looked exactly like a friend of his was weird, especially since that friend was from an entirely different planet, but now, he was also saying that her weird actions were because she was somehow connected to that friend of his?

How did any of that make any sense?

'This has to be the system's doing, it's too big of a coincidence that Laura had been here twice before, which allowed her to get close to the people of this planet before it sent me here together with her.'

'Liara was too much like Lieara, and all of this is simply too much to be a coincidence, the system has planned this from the very beginning, didn't it?' Reign asked Jared and Aethion who were lost in thought.

"Perhaps, perhaps the system knew that something like this would happen, after all, the power of the system is unlike anything in the universe, it is everywhere and knows everything, so it could have known that there were too girls who were connected in a sense, and upon finding that demons existed on both of the planets, it might have been able to realize what would happen in the future and had sent you to these places because of that."

"Just because it's all connected doesn't mean that the system had done it, it could have merely noticed everything that was going on and simply sent you there because it believed that it was the best course of action," Aethion stated in a calm manner before Jared stepped forward.

"It could have also manipulated things to happen as they did, there's nothing to prove that the system can't indeed do such things," Jared said calmly before looking at Aethion.

"The system is everywhere and it knows anything, that is what you have said," Jared told Aethion before looking at Reign and continuing to talk, "But what proof does anyone have of that either, after all, we have already seen that there do exist civilizations that are outside of the scope of the system, and we have seen that the system will target them, sending people forward to attack and kill them."

"This might have been seen by the system, so it has decided to send you as it would bring you the most benefits and motivate you to work hard, but the system might have also decided to shift things around a bit as well, it might have been the reason why the demons had possessed miss Lieara as there is no evidence that the system could have predicted that would happen."

Reign simply nodded his head before turning around and glancing at Liara, who was still naked but was simply looking straight at Reign without any shame present on her face this time.

"You should get ready quickly, we need to go out and continue exploring, we'll continue this tonight." Reign's words made Liara blush for a moment as she imagined continuing a different thing entirely before realizing he meant continuing their conversation.

Reign had left immediately upon finishing the sentence, so he didn't see Liara's actions.

'Calm down Liara, calm down girl, stop acting like a teenager that has gotten their first crush ever.' Liara told herself before finishing her showed and gathering her things, only to throw her panties away as she could sense a peculiar smell on them.

It seems like during the entire talk she had with Reign last night, although she barely remembered it, her body had been responding to him, drenching her underwear.

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