Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 729 Unmasking The Stealthy Foe And Unleashing Their Power

The mere thought of a new tribe of demons joining the battlefield immediately made Alistair and the rest who overheard Reign's words turn serious.

Even without that, the current situation they were in was dire enough. A new kind of enemy, one that was very well versed in being stealthy and staying out of sight was a big threat to anybody.

Even if it was the demons they had previously fought, the change in strategy would make the following battles much more difficult.

Reign simply continued looking ahead with a nonchalant smile on his face. The enemy was still far away, so they couldn't hear what they were saying, but they could see them, and Reign didn't want to alert them.

"No matter what it is, we have to keep calm, everybody gets ready for battle, but don't make it obvious, I don't want the enemy to realize we have noticed them." Reign said calmly as he continued staring ahead with a calm and peaceful expression.

"Don't use mana to charge up spells, not yet, I'll give you guys a signal as to when to attack, for now, just get prepared but pretend that nothing is out of place."

"We're going to give the newcomers a nasty little surprise." Reign smiled warmly upon finishing his sentences as if he was talking about something very relaxing and calming instead of giving orders which would doom the lives of tens of demons.

'Trying to sneak up on me, sorry, but you guys are below both Wolf and Shadow in that regard, even without your souls giving you away, I'm able to see your outlines now.' Reign thought as he looked at where the demons are.

'So it's able to perfectly hide them up to about 350 meters away, huh?' Reign thought as he calculated the distance between their two forces.

Previously, he couldn't see a thing, no matter how hard he tried. He even channeled some mana to his eyes, but was still unable to notice anything.

When the demons came to around 350 meters away from him, he was able to see faint outlines of the demons, they were still invisible, but from time to time, he could see what looked like blurs that appeared where he was sensing the demons.

'Hmm, at around 300 meters, the blurs get more noticeable, but still, without channeling mana to my eyes, it would be nearly impossible to notice a thing.'

'Their hiding isn't as good as Wolf's or Shadow's, but this is not one or two demons we're talking about, but a group of 40, for all of them to hide in such a way, they're good.'

'I just can't imagine this being the work of an item or artifact, it would have to be a very powerful one, rank SSS at the very least, which I can't see being utilized by a group of demons.'

"They're now about 250 meters away, when they get to around 100 meters, or if they stop before that, we will attack, I'll tell you when they get closer so that you can prepare." Reign said as the others all nodded at him while smiling.

Their fake smiles weren't very convincing, but luckily, they were on a hill, and the demons could only see Reign, as well as Laura and Alistair who were next to him, the others were not in their sights.

"Can you see them now?" Reign asked Alistair and Laura, and neither of them responded.

"I can see some slight blurs when using mana, is that them?"

"Same, that's the only thing I can see." 

Both Laura and Alistair gave Reign the same answer, which made him nod his head before musing to himself.

The fact that neither of the two could see the figures like Reign could now mean that the demons weren't hiding themselves using a normal skill or item. For two people who were both peak Tier IV combatants to be unable to see any figures when they were 200 meters away meant that whatever they were using, affected more than eyesight.

It reminded Reign of the monster he and the others had come across in the mountain range quite some time ago. The 'Doomgarg' was a monster that looked like a ball of flesh. It could conjure an illusion that made the place it was staying look like a nice path of grass filled with some small animals.

Reign and the others had managed to see through the illusion, but it was difficult. Not all of them could see through it by channeling mana to their eyes, which was why Reign believed that what the demons are using was actually a combination of a hiding skill and illusion.

He didn't know if such skills existed, or if it was a combination of skills or a combination of items that were being used, but it was bad news. 

The demons hid themselves and then created an illusion around them, making them blend perfectly with the surrounding area. If it was any other being than a demon, Reign might not have noticed them at all before it was too late.

He was simply too sensitive to demons, even more than Laura and Alistair who were demon hunters and were more sensitive compared to a normal person. As a Nephilim, a being that existed in perfect balance between light and darkness, he was sensitive to those that wished to do nothing else but destroy.

Live and death were a part of life, without the two, there would be no balance. Beings that existed simply to destroy, to disrupt the balance, like the demons, were hated by all Nephilims, it was simply in their blood, the great hatred they had for such beings.

"150 meters away, you should all get ready to attack soon, in just a couple of seconds." Reign said as the others all nodded. Some got up and started stretching whilst talking, doing their best not to alert the enemy while others had already clenched their weapons behind their backs, ready to use them and attack the instant Reign told them to.

Right now, Reign could somewhat see the demons. He couldn't really see them, they were more like blurry figures that were walking toward him and the others. If they stood still, it would be even more difficult for Reign to notice them, but while walking, it was quite easy for Reign to do so.

"130 meters away." Reign calmly said as he suddenly glanced up.



"One hundred and, wait, they stopped."

The demons suddenly stopped about 103 meters away from Reign and the others.

"Wait a bit, let me try to see what they're trying to do." Reign said as he glanced down and started channeling more and more mana to his eyes. He was doing it slowly so that the demons wouldn't notice.

He saw three demons at the front.

He still couldn't see exactly what they looked like, but they were no longer invisible blurs, right now, he could see a bit of them.

Their skin was dark brown. Reign couldn't see any notable features on them because they were still hard to see without him going all out and pouring more mana into his eyes, which would definitely alert them.

They were seemingly talking to one another and looking at something, something one of them was holding in their hands.

"About 40 demons, the leading three are all peak Tier IV, they're talking and holding something, some sort of item."

"You guys can attack, but attack the ones behind, I'm taking those three, Alistair and Laura, you guys can do whatever you want, one of the peak Tier IV combatants should come and support me against those three." Reign's words had just ended when everyone nodded and released their mana.

The demons were alerted, and the leading three glanced up, only to find Reign staring down at them from only 2 meters away. Lightning coiled around him as he twisted his body and used his leg like a whip, hitting all three of the demons and sending them flying backward.

Usually, a kick wouldn't be able to do that to three peak Tier IV demons, but every single demon present was calm and relaxed, none of them were on guard against possible attacks as they had full faith in their ability and were certain that the humans would never notice them before they attacked.

The moment Reign's kick landed, the three demons became visible.

He kicked the ground and charged at the three as numerous attacks suddenly came from the hill and rained down on the demons who were now scrambling to defend themselves.

Some demons tried to intercept Reign, but Alistair and Laura were right behind him and made sure he wouldn't be bothered.

Laura hadn't been doing anything during the time they waited for the demons, and neither was Alistair.

As demon hunters, they were some of the worst opponents that demons could face, and both of them were at their strongest when they had some time to prepare their pentagrams and symbols, which they had been doing ever since Reign alerted them of the demons.

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