Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 769 Unveiling The Demonic Revelation: The Past And The God Of Death

"That's it, you're telling me you got all that because that b*tch told you the artifact is of demonic nature?!" The spirit roared in anger as he stared at Reign, even the guardians and the rest of the group had stopped fighting and were merely staring at them.

"Anything demonic is not to be trusted, that is my firm belief." Reign said before chuckling and staring at the artifact.

"But, as I said before, everything that has happened was simply too coincidental, I was thinking about it before, but I just couldn't put my finger on what was wrong, the fact that the artifact was demonic in nature was just the final piece of the puzzle, the one thing that made me realize that everything was connected."

"The demons found out about the artifact because you wanted them to find out, which allowed the other regions to learn of your existence, finally allowing the one that possessed the fragment of your late master's soul to find you."

"The other dungeon, as well as the reason why the most powerful guardian, as well as you, are Tier V beings was that the Will interfered and sealed the other dungeon which had plenty of incredibly powerful monsters."

"The Will gave us more power because it knew how dangerous you were, it was the one thing that kept you here, I did wonder why an artifact that had been made and wielded by a Saint would simply wait here when it was obvious that you didn't wish to be controlled, that was a lie, you were being kept here by the Will, and you wanted a person that had the fragments to come here."

"Actually, that isn't fully true, you weren't waiting for a person with the fragments, but one like Liara, a person that had some of the fragments, as well as the prison that kept the other souls and fragments, with their help, you can control the person that comes here."

"I guess the vortex in Liara's soul wasn't there by accident, you guys probably have a way of sensing each other, so it arrived here on purpose, waiting for the perfect time for everything to be in place."

"Unfortunately, me and Laura arrived on time, I managed to sense the weird influence in Liara, and even though I still don't know exactly why she looks so much like Lieara, and why the vortex was influencing her and making her act like her, I guess I won't have to wait for long to get my answer."

Reign suddenly smiled as the guardians, as well as the spirit, all charged at him. They all launched their attacks, aiming straight at Reign.

It happened so quickly and suddenly that the others didn't have any time to respond and could only stare as the attacks flew over to Reign who grabbed Liara's hand before placing both of their hands on the artifact.

Suddenly, they could see everything slow down and come to a stop before darkness fell around them, swallowing everything.

When the darkness dissipated, Reign could see that he was alone, Liara wasn't there, but he had expected as much.

The artifact wanted to take possession of her, and he was certain it was planning on doing so with the souls inside the vortex.

With the souls panicking after what Reign had done, he was certain that it wouldn't be easy for the artifact to take control now, and Liara only had to defend for a short bit before he would help her.

What he was seeing, however, was not what he expected to see.

He saw a demon, a very young demoness who was surrounded by the entire tribe. Weapons had been drawn and pointed at her, and even the most powerful fighters of her tribe were staring at her with fear and vigilance.

The demons stared at her, and the young demoness was clearly confused and scared. She was taking a few steps back when suddenly, one young demon jumped out from the crowd and attacked her with a sword, causing her to extend her hand in fear.

Light exploded out of her hand, and the young demon found himself bathed in it, his body scorched from the light and his life gone, even his soul wasn't sparred, which terrified the others.

The demoness stared at her hands before running away.

Years suddenly passed.

Reign was watching everything, getting all the information that was possible as he saw how the life of the young demoness had passed.

She was a demon that was born with the ability to use light, which was something that nobody in her tribe had ever heard of.

Demons were beings of destruction, the power of light, a power that was able to heal, was something they didn't possess, which was why she was isolated from the rest and hated.

She fought outside in her homeworld, fighting against and killing tens of thousands of demonic creatures and demons, taking their souls and devouring them to become more powerful. Even the world she was in started being hostile to her as taking the souls of the demons there was not something that was really allowed.

She fought and fought and fought before leaving the planet and then traveling around the universe. As a Transcendent, she had amassed a large following of demons who were outcasts like her, as well as other beings.

She had ruled over an entire world and went to conquer more and more while using her powers of light manipulation and soul manipulation.

Such powers being held by a demon was unheard of. Soul manipulation wasn't shocking, but the light manipulation was, and each enemy that knew of demons called her an abomination, a singularity in the universe that shouldn't have been born.

It was because of her existence that demons that could control light were later given birth by a new demonic planet, a rare breed of demons that were hated by everyone in the universe, just like the first of their kind.

When she became a Saint, she started making powerful artifacts as she had witnessed the birth of a new planet, one that had a Will that cherished and helped her forge them. The Monolith was one of them, an artifact she created by imbuing her soul manipulation in it and allowing herself to create her own army of abominations to fight against her enemies.

It was later, when she was about to reach the higher realm and become a demonic god, that she was slain. Reign was able to witness it all.

"An abomination like you should not exist in the universe, the planet you have given birth to shall be destroyed and all mentions of your existence shall be gone." 

A person that was covered in darkness, a being of immense power that stood in front of the woman said before clenching his arm, causing darkness to swallow an entire star, the star being the demoness that was using her light to fight back against him, but she failed.

"A singularity, truly an existence that is hard to snuff out, perhaps later I shall return and finish the job, my power does not allow me to do more currently." The figure said before he extended his hand and caused the darkness to cover the fragments of her soul that had suddenly started flying through the universe.

He collected almost half of them with his darkness, as he did with the followers that were with her when she died.

"Eternal Prison of Nothingness," The figure said as he stepped forward, finally allowing Reign to see him.

The man had long black hair that reflected no light as it was simply absorbed into it, he was cleanly shaven and looked young while the eyes, the eyes were like two black holes that would suck your very soul if you looked too long in them.

He wore black and gold armor and seemed unbothered by the screams and curses being thrown at him by the souls.

"By the name of my father Kronos, I, Hades, banish you from existence, begone you pitiful being, may your soul be swallowed by nothingness, forever lost, forever gone from existence." 

The god of death, the eldest son of Kronos and the older brother of Zeus, who had given Reign his mark, said as he clenched his hand, causing the darkness to become a small vortex before stabilizing and becoming nothing else but a smudge in space that suddenly shone before disappearing, causing Hades to furrow his eyebrows.

"To think you were holding on even at the very end, I wonder how long you will be able to survive, for how long you shall exist until I find you." Hades said before his figure got enveloped in darkness and he disappeared from the spot.

Reign' mind was suddenly blank as he stared at where Hades disappeared.

"Hades was involved in this, so why give me and Laura this challenge, why not give it to Shadow?"

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