Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 817 Jungle Field Boss: First Battle Together

Chapter 817 Jungle Field Boss: First Battle Together

The dense foliage of the jungle obscured the sunlight, creating a mysterious ambiance. Reign's group moved cautiously, their senses alert to the slightest rustle of leaves or distant growls. The alliance with Ishmail's enclave had opened up new possibilities for exploration as they had gained a lot of knowledge of the jungle that they previously didn't possess.

As they ventured deeper, the jungle revealed its treacherous nature. The trees seemed to close in, creating natural chokepoints that required careful navigation. The ground was uneven, with hidden pitfalls that could spell danger for the unwary.

Laura, Wolf, Shadow, Beast, and the rest of the group moved in a formation that balanced offense and defense. Each member knew their role, their skills complementing one another. Despite the challenges, the alliance held strong within the jungle's depths.

Suddenly, the air tensed as the ground beneath them shook. The distant sounds of roars echoed through the trees. The alliance braced itself for an incoming threat.

Monstrous figures emerged from the shadows, their forms distorted and corrupted. These were not the usual creatures of the jungle; they were manifestations of the corruption that lurked deep within. The corrupted entities, twisted and malevolent, advanced with hostile intent.

Reign signaled to the group, and they swiftly formed a defensive perimeter. Beast's bow hummed as he unleashed arrows, targeting the corrupted entities from a distance. Wolf and the others engaged in close combat, their weapons a symphony of slashes and strikes.

The battle was fierce, the alliance showcasing its strength and coordination. However, the corrupted entities proved to be formidable opponents. Their movements were unpredictable, and their attacks carried a touch of the unnatural.

Amidst the chaos, Reign and Ishmail found themselves side by side, facing the corrupted entities together. The alliance wasn't just a collaboration on paper; it was a union forged in the crucible of battle. Ishmail's magic intertwined with Reign's swordplay, creating a synergy that enhanced their effectiveness.

As the battle raged on, a new threat emerged—an enormous creature, a manifestation of the corruption's influence. The corrupted giant, towering over the trees, bellowed a deafening roar that sent shockwaves through the jungle.

Reign and Ishmail exchanged a knowing glance. This was no ordinary opponent; it was a challenge that tested the limits of their alliance. The corrupted giant swung its massive limbs, unleashing devastation in its wake.

The alliance adjusted its strategy, focusing its efforts on the corrupted giant. Beast's arrows targeted its eyes, Wolf, Tank, and Greenie aimed for its legs, and magic surged from Ishmail's enclave to weaken the creature. One of Ishmail's men transformed into a werewolf, and lunged at the giant's torso, tearing through corrupted flesh.

The battle reached its climax, the jungle echoing with the clash of steel, the roar of the corrupted giant, and the incantations of powerful spells. The alliance fought with unwavering determination, each member pushing themselves to the limit.

In a decisive moment, Reign, empowered by the alliance, delivered a powerful blow to the corrupted giant's core. The creature convulsed, its form dissipating into motes of corrupted energy. The jungle fell silent as the remnants of the corruption dispersed.

Exhausted but victorious, the alliance regrouped. Ishmail nodded at Reign, a mutual respect forged in the crucible of battle. The corrupted giant was a testament to the challenges that lurked in the jungle, challenges that required unity and cooperation to overcome.

As they caught their breath, Ishmail spoke, "This jungle is a realm of ever-present danger. But together, we are powerful enough to defeat these monstrosities, still, I don't think we should venture deeper, we have no idea just what kinds of monsters exist there."

Reign acknowledged Ishmail's words with a nod. The alliance had faced a formidable foe and emerged stronger for it. The jungle, with its mysteries and dangers, was an important location for them all thanks to the presence of so many Tier V monsters.

More than 10 days had passed since Reign had invited Ishmail and his men over to the mountain range base for the start of the trading. Even though Reign had said that he didn't plan on hunting together with Ishmail and his group because the exp gained would be diluted and simply too low with so many people together, this was an exception.

Ishmail had called them last night to tell them that they had found a powerful monster, a field boss inside the jungle. This wasn't the first field boss they had found in the jungle, nor would it be the last, but this one, the corrupted giant they just took down, was different.

The giant was unlike the other field bosses that had their own territories and stayed there, this one was constantly moving, his distorted and corrupted servants that were once normal monsters of the jungle always exploring the surroundings, doing their best to find more living beings that could be corrupted so that their numbers would grow.

Upon finding him and doing some basic calculations, Ishamil's group discovered that if the giant was not stopped, it would arrive near the enclave in 3 days, right where the tunnel was.

That was something none of them wished to see as the giant would make it impossible for their men to go out in the jungle or get back to the enclave through the tunnel for the next couple of days, hence they decided to ask for help.

Defeating a field boss would bring great rewards, and upon hearing of their offer, Reign and the others had thought about it for a bit before deciding to accept.

The possible rewards that the system would give after killing a field boss were never bad, especially when it came to a Tier V Field Boss.

Reign and the others met up with Ishamil and his group and discussed what they knew about the field boss, what powers it might possess, how powerful it might be…

Upon finishing their discussion, Reign and the others decided to help them out, and then they ventured forth to fight the boss.

Upon defeating the boss, the party was rewarded with good gear, as they had hoped they would be.

The giant had dropped 2 Rank SSS items, 3 Rank SS items, as well as a good number of materials, most of which were seemingly corrupted and weird.

As they had fought together, Reign's and Ishmail's groups took 1 Rank SSS item each, and Ishmail was adamant about letting Reign's group take two Rank SS items and splitting the materials equally amongst them.

The alliance, now fortified by the spoils of victory, stood amidst the clearing where the corrupted giant had met its end. The Tier V monster had been a formidable adversary, but the united efforts of Reign's group and Ishmail's enclave had prevailed. The sense of accomplishment and the rewards they reaped fueled a camaraderie between them, one that could help them with their potential alliance immensely.

As the groups sorted through the loot, Ishmail, his gaze fixed on Reign, spoke with genuine gratitude, "Your assistance has been invaluable. We wouldn't have been able to take down the corrupted giant without your group's strength and coordination. This victory is shared, and the rewards reflect that."

Reign nodded, acknowledging the sentiment. "This was a mutual victory for our two factions, an important one, without either of us present, the battle would have been many times more difficult, some might have even died."

The division of loot was settled amicably, and the alliance turned their attention to the peculiar materials harvested from the corrupted giant. Ishmail, with his knowledge of magic and the arcane, examined the items closely.

"These materials carry the taint of corruption," Ishmail remarked, his brows furrowed in concentration. "But there's a strange energy within them. It's as if the corruption itself is a source of power. We should be cautious in how we use these materials."

Reign agreed, his eyes scanning the surroundings. The jungle, though momentarily quiet after the defeat of the corrupted giant, still exuded an air of menace. The alliance had proven its strength, but the dangers of the jungle were far from over.

With a shared understanding, the groups decided to return to Ishmail's enclave to regroup and strategize their next move. The alliance had a momentary respite, and they intended to make the most of it.

Back at the enclave, the leaders convened in a makeshift war room. Maps of the jungle were spread across a wooden table, and the leaders discussed the ever-evolving dynamics of the game world. Ishmail's scholars delved into the lore of the corrupted jungle, unraveling its mysteries.

Ishmail, his eyes glinting with determination, addressed the assembly. "The corrupted giant was a mere manifestation of the jungle's malevolence. It's clear that the corruption runs deep, and there might be more formidable foes lurking in the shadows. We need a comprehensive strategy."

"Even though we have been here for quite some time, we have yet to explore any deeper regions thanks to how dangerous they are, we believe that there might be Tier VI monsters there, but we haven't confirmed that as we don't dare venture deep inside."

"As for the corruption, we still have no idea why it's present or how it came to be."

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