It's Lonely to Be Invincible

Chapter 206 Do you know about the four blood types?

Chapter 206 Do you know about the four blood types?

Lin Fan followed behind the man into the huge cave. The deeper Lin Fan went, the stronger the smell of blood was. Tick-tock. He could hear water trickling inside the cave.

There was a huge pit inside the cave. Stone stairs could be seen on the walls of the pit, spiralling to the bottom of the pit. The pit was so deep that one could only see darkness when they looked down from the top. But if they were to look up from the bottom of the pit, they would be able to see numerous metal chains hanging down from the top. Corpses belonging to humans, beasts, and various monsters that looked like both were tied on the metal chains.


Torches along the walls of the pit lit up all of a sudden. It led to the bottom of the pit, lighting up the stairs and the surroundings.

The man walked carefully, not daring to make any noise. “Be quiet. Do not make any noise.” He said softly to Lin Fan.

This is a strange place. But to me, the stranger it is, the better it is. At least this can prove that there is a surprise here waiting for me.

Fear was the only thing the man had for this place. However, the thought of him ending his shift in a few days made him heave a sigh of relief. I’ll be able to return to the sect by then.

This place is even worse than hell. Especially the Big monster master. I feel that if he had the need, he would use me for his experiments without hesitation.

As to Lin Fan, the man only hoped to wish that he would be able to survive more than three days.

Since it’s quite rare for people to survive for even three days. Seven days is the longest that the Big monster master’s assistants have ever survived.

When they got to the bottom, they were surrounded by different passages. Cries resembling humans and beasts could be heard coming from all passages.

It did not scare Lin Fan, but he could feel the other man trembling. He seemed to be fearful of this place.

Just then, two-people walked past them, dragging a corpse behind them. When they got closer, Lin Fan realized that half of the corpse’s face was that of a beast. Sharp teeth could be seen sticking out of the mouth. It was a terrifying sight.

However, there weren’t any signs of breathing. It was obvious that the person has died.

“Come with me. This will be an usual scene for you in the future. But it’s too late for you to regret now.” The man said.

Lin Fan smiled and said nothing else.

They walked into a passage. After some time, the man pushed open a metal door. Fierce growls could be heard coming from inside. There were even sounds of metal chains clashing

“Big monster master lord, an assistant is here.” The man said with respect. He looked at the shadow cast on the wall. It was obviously a shadow belonging to a beast which was hung against the wall. However, all of a sudden, it broke into many pieces.

“Useless. How can you not even withstand such strength?” A creepy voice could be heard coming from inside. The person had obviously failed the experiment, and he was in a rage. Hearing his words, the man trembled in fear. Cold beads of sweat trickled down his forehead.

“Oh? My next assistant is here? Let me take a look.” Footsteps could be heard coming towards Lin Fan.

To the man, the person coming towards them was as if a devil king had woken up. He could feel the terrifying aura coming towards him. The man looked down at his feet, not daring to look at the person.

Lin Fan frowned. He seemed to be powerful. But luckily, not powerful enough to make me fear him.

The shadow got larger. But when it reached Lin Fan, there was nobody to be seen. He looked down and he was dumbfounded.

An old man that was at most 1 meter tall. Is this the Big monster master?

“Mhmm, not bad.” The Big monster master looked up at Lin Fan and nodded in satisfaction.

“I’m glad the lord is satisfied.” The man replied with respect.

“Come with me.” The Big monster master said, walking away. Lin Fan did not think much. Instead, he followed behind the Big monster master. Curious about what he’s going to do.

Just as he was thinking about the situation, the Big monster master spoke. “You’ll be my assistant from today onwards. You need to be familiar with my work, which is to make the best hybrid, and the strongest weapon for war.”

“But I will not tell you anything about the work. You should learn it during the experiments. If I feel that you’re good for nothing, you will be the next material for my hybrid experiments.”

The Big monster master sneered and pressed a button on the wall.

Suddenly, the two openings could be seen on the ceiling. A human and a beast tied on two different metal chains were sent down. “Ahhh! Let go of me!” The man screamed, struggling, sounds coming from the metal chains.

“Devils! You will die a terrible death!”

“The Big monster master grabbed the badge that was tied on the man’s ankle. “Magnificent Flame Sect disciple, Earth Star Border Stage One, captive.”

“Mhmm. A great material. I can use him for the next experiment, swapping a human’s and beast’s heart.”

Lin Fan frowned upon seeing the captive. He had not expected that the Big monster master would make use of Magnificent Flame Sect disciples for real. However, as one from the Magnificent Flame Sect, how could he watch his sect mates end up as an experiment?

This Big monster master is such a hateful person.

“Big monster master, you have previously failed the heart exchange you’re talking about, right?” Lin Fan spoke up.

As soon as the Big monster master heard his words, he stopped in his tracks and looked at Lin Fan angrily. A scary aura could now be felt. “What are you saying? I’ve failed? As an assistant, is that how you should speak to me, the Big monster master?”

The Big monster master’s aura is indeed strong, but it’s nothing to Lin Fan. “Why? As the Big monster master, are you unable to accept such a small failure? In fact, I feel that your research method is wrong.” Lin Fan said calmly.

The Big monster master who was flaring up calmed down after hearing him. “Wrong? Why is it wrong?”

Well. Very well. Since you’re asking what’s wrong, then let me trick you. After all, I was a salesman in my past life. “Have you only been using Magnificent Flame Sect citizens as your materials?” Lin Fan said calmly while looking at the man on the chain, trying to hint him to stop shouting as he’s trying to save his life.

However, the man did not understand Lin Fan’s look and continued to curse in anger.

The Big monster master pondered. “Yes, what’s wrong with that.”

“Hmm. That’s a very big mistake. I’m sure you don’t understand how blood works at all.” Lin Fan sneered and look at the Big monster master in disdain.

“Are you mocking me?” The Big monster master could hear the disdain in Lin Fan’s voice. He flared up immediately, looking as if he was going to kill Lin Fan the next minute.

To Lin Fan, the Big monster master was bad-tempered. However, it did not matter to him as he had figured out that the Big monster master was a pervert who researched on human and beast hybrids.

“Why? Do you not want to know why?” Lin Fan looked at the Big monster master calmly.

“Tell me. Why? If I’m happy with the answer, I’ll reward you.” The Big monster master said. “Why don’t you use Sunshine sect disciples for experiments?” Lin Fan asked.

“Sunshine sect disciple?” Big monster master looked up. “Why should we use them when we have the slaves from the Magnificent Flame Sect?”

Lin Fan shook his head. “You don’t get it. That’s because of blood. Blood has a huge secret inside. The most four common blood types are A, B, AB and 0.”

“Wait, what did you just say? What four common blood types?” The big monster master was confused. He had no idea what Lin Fan was saying, and he had never heard of the common blood types before.

“You’re trying to make a man and beast hybrid despite not knowing about blood types?” Lin Fan laughed. “Are you dreaming of playing with luck?”

“Tell me, what are those?” The Big monster master felt that he was being introduced to a whole new world. And there were many new things to learn behind its door.

“This Magnificent Flame Sect disciple is not suitable. Get a Sunshine sect disciple down here.” Lin Fan said and remained quiet as if he would not continue if the Big monster master doesn’t do as told.

To the Big monster master, he was dying to know what was going on. He paced up and down. Suddenly, as if something had come to mind, he pressed onto a switch and the Magnificent Flame Sect disciple was sent back up. A Sunshine Sect disciple was instead sent back down.

The Sunshine sect disciple was being punished to stay here for a year in order to instil fear in him because of a mistake he made. But when he saw his surroundings, he let out a scream.

“What are you doing? What are you guys doing? I’m from the Sunshine sect and I was only punished to stay here for a year! What are you doing?” The disciple realized what was going on immediately.

“Is he suitable?” The Big monster master stared at Lin Fan.

“Yes.” Lin Fan nodded.

“I hope that you’re being honest, or you will die a terrible death.” Without any hesitation, the Big monster master got to work. The disciple struggled but to no avail.


The sound of skin was being cut open.

“No, you can’t do this to me, Big monster master! I’m a disciple of the Sunshine sect. You can’t use me for this!”

But the Big monster master was in his experimental mode and was totally insane.

Lin Fan was planning to kill everyone that was here. But he suddenly realized that the Big monster master is useful too.

Back during the war, the scary beasts made for war was evidence of how deeply the Sunshine sect was looking into this area.

The Life and death puppet.

It’s not a bad idea to control him with that either.

Just as Lin Fan was thinking about this, mysterious energy could be felt.

“Hahahaha!” The Big monster master laughed crazily. “I have succeeded. The perfect mix of a human’s and a beast’s heart! I have finally succeeded.”

The body that was used to experiment stood up suddenly. A blood-coloured light could be seen in its blank eyes. Green veins could be seen on his chest, where its heart was supposed to be. The veins looked like tree roots.


The disciple growled. He then stood at the side quietly under the Big monster master’s command.

“How did you know about this?” He looked at Lin Fan, surprised at his knowledge.

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