I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?

Chapter 196 Bloodline Arts Activation

"Fuck! my whole body hurts." Shaman finally woke up after having been crushed and felt a wave of pain go through her body.

Looking around, she saw Elysia snuggled up next to her asleep. Out of habit, Shaman patted Elysia's head, then continued to look around to figure out where she was.

'Oh that's right, we went to Kiruya's secret hideout.' Remembering what happened before, the pieces were aligning, solving the riddle of where she was.

'I guess since Elysia is here everyone else is resting, although I don't even know what the time is.' Contemplating whether she should get up or continue sleeping, Shaman kept looking at Elysia and then the door.

'Yeahhh we will sleep a bit longer.' Laying back down, she got comfortable and hugged Elysia. However, just as she was fading back into sleep Clara slammed the door open.

"Wake up you lazy vixens!" Clara, appearing with fresh bed hair, yelled them out of their stupor, her voice echoing out throughout the entire hideout.

Shaman shot up, followed by Elysia as well who thought she was in danger and leaped to grab her spear.

"Clara! What's with the sudden wake-up call? I was enjoying my snuggle time!" Elysia glared at Clara since she disturbed the peace and quiet they were having.

"You have been out for a whole day alright, we can't stay cooped up here forever." Only after explaining to her that she'd been out for a whole day did Elysia stop glaring at Clara.

"A whole day!?" Shaman was surprised she was out that long, but she then remembered they'd just raided the dungeon, so it wasn't too far-fetched to think they were exhausted.

"Anyway, Kiruya wants to fill you in so come out soon." After Clara delivered the message, she quickly turned and left.

*Sigh* "I guess we should get up." Shaman pulled herself out of bed, still reluctant to leave the warmth it provided.

"Hey Shaman." Elysia, who had woken for the first time since the dungeon, couldn't quite remember what had happened.

"Eli?" Shaman looked back and saw the worried look on Elysia's face.

"W-what happened during the dungeon?"


Shaman while getting changed explained to Elysia what happened to her and the fox form she gained. The mention of this form brought back memories of the moments just before she activated the skill.

"I see, good thing I didn't hurt you. The description of the skill was rather worrying." Elysia initially hesitated to use the full form due to entering an irrational state.

"Heh, guess you can say your love truly prevailed." After speaking it out loud Shaman cringed at herself for saying it, but she saw Elysia blush.

"Y-yes indeed." Putting her hands to her chest, Elysia was happy that things turned out okay, not to mention that the situation was proof that her feelings were real.

"Ahem, anyway, we should get going, Kiruya is waiting for us." Shaman changed into her usual casual outfit and so did Elysia. Stepping out, they walked down a hallway before reaching the living room where Kiruya was sitting on the couch.

"About damn time." Kiruya had been sitting and waiting for the two for about 30 minutes and was about to get up.

"Sorryyy Elysia wanted to know what happen, so I explained it to her." Hearing why they took so long, Kiruya then let out a sigh as she couldn't argue.

"Fair enough, come sit down. I need to tell you what I told the others." Kiruya gestured at them to sit on the couch. Once they all sat down, Kiruya began to recite what was said when they arrived and explained how the hideout functioned.


After about another 30 minutes of talking, Kiruya finished her small lecture and they could finally move on.

"Now that you know the exit is behind you through a portal, feel free to come in and out, but make sure no one is around."

"Mhm." Shaman nodded her head and was glad it was finally over. Elysia however, went back to sleep while leaning on Shaman.

Kiruya gave a rather unimpressed look, but she couldn't be bothered to deal with Elysia's antics and left it up to Shaman to relay her the information.

"Now, do we want to head back to the dungeon today or do we want to take today off?" Kiruya let them do as they please as yesterday was a hectic day, so she didn't mind if they didn't do anything today.

"Hmm I think we will take the time to rest, plus I got something from my system and would like to use it." Shaman remembered the skill select and wanted to try to acquire the same skills as Elysia.

"Sounds good to me, I believe Clara is taking a bath and Silver is still in bed. Since there is nothing else to do, I will go make a report back to Freja that everyone is okay." Kiruya stood up and headed towards her room.

Shaman waved at Kiruya and once she left the room shook Elysia lightly until she woke up.

"Huh?" Elysia leaned off Shaman and quickly got her bearings as she was still half asleep.

"Wake up, we have some things to do." Bonking Elysia on the head to wake her up, Elysia's attention was now fully on Shaman.

"Tsk, let me sleep more."

"No, now come with me." Shaman pulled Elysia up from the couch and dragged her to the open space that was in the common area.

"What are we doing?" Elysia had no clue what Shaman wanted to do and, still feeling sleepy, was a bit slow on the uptake.

"I want to use my skill select we got from the quest, and I intend to get the bloodline arts you have." Shaman explained her plan to Elysia, making her eyes widen from shock since she didn't think it was possible.

"Apparently I will need you for it, so here we are." Shaman opened up her system and saw in her inventory the skill selects.

"Oh yeah, don't forget to use your points." Seeing a notification symbol on her profile icon, Shaman quickly spent her points.


Unused: 500 -> 0

Vitality: 600 -> 700

Agility: 650 -> 750

Intelligence: 710 ->810

Strength: 750 -> 800

Dexterity: 710 -> 760

Defence: 600 -> 700

Feeling the usual tingles through her body, Shaman waited for it to be over before going back to her inventory. Elysia had also spent her points and her body shivered slightly from the feeling.

"Alright, now let's see what we have to do." Shaman opened the skill select screen and knowing what she was looking for entered in the name. Showing the results for bloodline arts, there was also a variant of the skill.

[Bloodline arts]

[Bloodline arts – Original]

Shaman wondered what the difference was, thinking it could mean choosing between another family's bloodline to creating her own. At this point, Rea stepped in to explain what it meant as well as using it as an excuse to talk again.

[As you just thought, the skill allows you to create your own bloodline skills. There was a reason why you needed Elysia as it will allow you access to the same skills she had.]

"Ohh I see, but you made it sound like I had to do some ritual?" Shaman thought back to how Rea said there were ingredients necessary, but that she already had them.

[Yes, you need Elysia's blood in order to do this and the system should be able to do the rest.]

"I see, well I guess I just click on it, and we begin?" Shaman didn't see any point in waiting and so she clicked the skill.


"You okay with this Eli?" Shaman quickly asked just to make sure but assumed it would be okay.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Elysia was quite intrigued by this and wondered if she would be able to use the same skills as Shaman.

Getting Elysia's confirmation, Shaman waited for the following prompt to come up, telling her what she needed to do.

[In order to activate your own bloodline arts please consume the blood of someone else]

A message came up and Shaman was a little thrown back by the wording as it asked to drink Elysia's blood.

"What's up?" Elysia became a little worried seeing Shaman's expression, hoping it wasn't bad.

"Oh it's okay, just need to drink your blood apparently." Shaman explained and Elysia, hearing what needed to be done, bit her lip as it sounded nice to her.

"Oi don't give me that look." Shaman saw the sensual look on Elysia's face and knew where her head was.

"Oops, hehe~." Elysia giggled while exposing her shoulder to let Shaman get the blood.

*Sigh* "Whatever." Shaman, knowing Elysia would make it sexual, did not bother to try to stop her.

Walking up to Elysia, Shaman opened her mouth revealing the small fangs she had and bit down on Elysia's shoulder.

"AH~!" Moaning as loud as she could to be extra annoying, Shaman still held on trying to play into Elysia's plan.

Blood came out from the bite marks and Shaman began to suck on the wound, drinking the blood.


The system went off and Shaman pulled away from Elysia while using a heal spell to heal the bite mark. However, Elysia immediately stopped Shaman from continuing her healing.

"Let the mark stay hehe~." Wanting to keep the mark since it was from Shaman, Elysia quickly got a cloth from her inventory and held it on the wound until it stopped bleeding.

"Fineee." Shaman wasn't going to protest and didn't mind as it was a rather nice feeling marking Elysia in such a way.

[Proceed to the next stage]

[Yes | No]

Seeing the prompt, Shaman clicked on yes and suddenly a light blue magic circle appeared beneath her feet.

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