I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?

Chapter 203 Not Ready?

The small group of at least 20 elves rushed at the girls, splitting into groups of 5 with at least 1 guard in each.

Shaman and the others spread out to give themselves some space so they don't accidentally hit each other.

In the first group of elves the guard was the first to attack, thrusting at a great speed toward Shaman. Intending to dodge the spear, she was about to sidestep when suddenly a wooden wall arose from the ground to block her path.

Behind the guard, one of the regular elves had their hands on the ground, clearly responsible for the sudden wall trap.

'Shit!' Being forced to block the spear, Shaman held Kotetsu in front of her bracing for the strike. The Spear hit Kotetsu, launching Shaman back where another wooden wall rose to meet her. Going right through it, Shaman continued to fly through the air until she hit the concrete wall.

"AH!" *Cough* *Cough* Getting stuck deep in the wall, Shaman was surprised at the difference in enemy strength.

"We are definitely retreating after this." Shaman knew this would be way too difficult and couldn't imagine how much stronger the boss would be.

The elves once again charged at Shaman intending to finish the job. Meanwhile, the spear in the guard's hand had become much bigger. Encasing the spear in wood and conjuring a swirling ball of wind at its blunt end, the elf was preparing for a throw while the other elves rushed to restrain Shaman.

For Shaman however, this was the perfect opportunity to test her [Bloodline arts], which would be a much-needed power boost.

Activating the skill, Shaman's body quickly transformed into her hybrid-fox form. The tips of Shaman's hair were attuned to her stardust, making them shine like the stars.

The elves paid no attention to the sudden change and attempted to trap Shaman by binding her with tree roots to the wall. The guard, being impatient, threw the spear before Shaman was fully restrained. The ball of wind lagging behind the spear burst to propel the spear to much higher speeds.

"Heh." Shaman hoped this would happen as she opened a rift in front of her. The spear entered the [Spatial rift] which confused the guard as it vanished from thin air. What he did not expect was for a portal to suddenly open up behind him with the spear blasting out of it.

Not having any time to react, the spear pierced through the guard's chest armour. A clean hole opened in the elf guard's chest, killing him instantly.

Shaman, while redirecting the spear, escaped into her stardust dimension, avoiding all the wooden restraints.

Appearing behind one of the elves, Shaman grabbed the elf by the back of the neck, crushing it. After the elf went limp, Shaman came back to her senses, now realising she was in some sort of beastly trance.

'Hmm, so the side effects of using this form seem to make me more savage and brutal.' Shaman looked over at another elf and the urge to brutally murder it filled her, confirming there was some sort of new bestial instincts within her.

The elf closest to Shaman began running at her, however just then the spear from the guard came flying, hitting the elf in the head.

"Heh." Shaman still didn't mean to time it, but it was quite the amusing scene to watch the elf's head vanish.

Looking over to the guard to confirm it was dead, Shaman was happy her plan worked out.

'Now for the last two.' Having 2 more elves to deal with she dashed in their direction while they tried to put up walls to protect themselves. This was pointless as Shaman simply opened up a portal on her side of the wall and easily came out the other.

Completely bypassing the wooden wall, the elves were shocked and were unable to react.

Shaman swung Kotetsu at their heads sending a fire slash. In one last desperate attempt, they tried to dodge it, but Shaman was too close and the fire slashes easily hit them, setting them ablaze. Creating a chain reaction, the conjured wood shortly caught on fire as well.

Quickly exiting the area so as to not get trapped in her own flames, Shaman looked over at how the others were doing.

<Elysia POV>

Having activated her [Bloodline arts] right off the bat, Elysia did not have the initial struggle like Shaman. Elysia targeted the normal elves first as she did not want to have any nuisances during her fight with the guard.

Using her bow, Elysia aimed up into the sky and activated [Arrow storm]. The elves covered themselves in wood to stop the arrows, but the fire was easily able to burn them. To make things worse, Elysia's flames now sucked the vitality out of things so the wood quickly became withered and weak.

2 of the normal elves were killed this way, being unable to avoid the arrows. The guard was able to maneuver itself much better so dodging the rain of arrows was not a problem for it.

Still focusing on the normal elves, Elysia didn't want to waste too much energy so she prepared a strong explosive arrow. Activating [multi-shot] Elysia let go of the arrow that split it into two, each aimed at one of the normal elves. She also activated [power shot] which increased the speed of the arrow, making it unavoidable.

Small explosions went off killing the elves, leaving only her and the guard.

Smiling at the guard, Elysia swapped out the bow for her spear and spun it around before sticking it into the ground. Blood red flames swirled around as she activated a new bloodline skill she got.

[Blood flame field]

A wave of fire spread over the ground, creating a small 20-metre radius fiery zone around her. The guard prepared to jump away, expecting the flames to do damage but once they reached him he found them to be harmless.Unfortunately for him, this was not really the case, as suddenly the guard's legs began to wither as if he was aging faster.

Quickly creating a wooden tower from below him, the elf got himself out of the red flames, his legs slowly coming back to life as blood circulated in them once more. The tower would not last long though as the wood was slowly withering and breaking apart.

'This skill seems way too strong.' Elysia was surprised at how effective it was and thought it was too powerful. She pondered if there may be a drawback, but even if there was, she has yet to find it.

The elven guard, not having a choice as his platform was slowly being destroyed, tried to jump off it and get out of the domain.

Elysia took this opportunity to attack the elf while he was in the air. Pulling the spear out of the ground, she dashed forwards, quickly appearing below the elf before he landed. Elysia then slashed upwards, trying to slice him in half, yet the elf managed to block the spear.

This surprised Elysia as she didn't expect the elf to still have so much strength.

The elf used Elysia as a way to push himself further away and secure his landing outside of the domain.

"Tsk, get back here." Elysia wasn't happy that she was used as a bounce pad, so this time she threw her spear. As she was throwing it, Elysia created an explosion of fire at the flat end of the spear, vastly increasing the power of the throw.

Sailing through the air, the elf moved to block it again, but due to the extra strength from the explosion, he was not able to stop the spear.

Getting pushed through the air while his own spear cracked, he crashed into the tree which was the last push to break his weapon. Elysia's spear on the other hand kept its momentum, piercing deep into the heart of the elf and lodging itself in the tree behind him.

The elf's body hung from the tree as its blood dripped into the pool below, further tainting it red.

"Phew that wasn't too bad, but I have to say I can't imagine fighting more than one at once." Elysia didn't struggle too much, but it felt like a boss in and of itself, as she had to use quite a lot of mana to power her spells enough to do damage.

"Kiruya wasn't lying, it is quite the jump, we definitely need to get to tier 6 before we start clearing this fully." Elysia still thought that if they all worked together it would be okay, but felt she would be more comfortable to first raise their strength so that any one of them could clear it up to at least the final boss of the dungeon.

'I should make sure Clara and Silver are okay since they are not as well versed.' Elysia knew Shaman would be okay since she had a wide range of skills. The same could not be said for Clara and Silver so their fights would likely take longer.

Just to make sure, Elysia quickly glanced over to Shaman's area and saw that she was about to finish up.

"Perfect." Not having to worry, she quickly made her way over to Silver and Clara.

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