I've Turned Into A Fox Girl?

Chapter 245 Dark Magic Possession

The black mist dispersed from Kinzoku's body revealing that he was alive and well. However, his eyes were completely blacked out with liquid oozing out similar to Bartholt. No one wanted to approach initially because of the dark magic, so everyone stood back waiting.

A few of the demons dragged Issac away to safety leaving only 8 to deal with the possessed admiral.

"Since when did the pope know dark magic, I knew he was suspicious, but I never thought he would go that far." Jane seeing the use of dark magic only strengthened her will to stand by the demons. The fact that Klaus was revealing such a power meant he had no intention of letting them come out of this alive.

If the whole territory were to find out, it would put the people in a state of panic.

'That might be what he wants.' Jane didn't want to rule out that Klaus wanted everyone to freak out. It would allow him to go completely unhinged.

"Jane, any ideas?" Carole wanted to know as much as she could about this admiral as anything could be useful. No one has ever dealt with this kind of possession before so until the fight started they wouldn't know if the possessed Kinzoku still had access to his magic.

"He manipulates any form of metal to his will, but needs to be near it or else he must draw it out of his body. Physically he is weak, but I am not so sure about that now." Jane gave a brief description of Kinzoku to Carole and the demons that were staying to fight.

This caused them some worry as there was plenty of metal on their attire which could be used against them.

"Don't worry another limitation is he can't control metal on another person unless he has physical contact." Luna saw the panic, so she quickly corrected her mistake. This would be the last of her explanations as Kinzoku seemingly woke up.

His body moved as if controlled by strings like a puppet, but due to his shattered bones, many of his limbs bent in ways not humanly possible. It was a gross sight for everyone, but it was the least of their worries.

Issac's armour that was spread out across the field slightly shook, catching the eye of Jane. Knowing exactly what it meant she swung her long sword leaving a trail of water.

"Get close to me!" No one hesitated to listen to Jane as they quickly rushed behind her. A water barrier enveloped everyone just as metal spikes shot at them. They shot at such a high speed that it took everyone a second to even realise they were being shot at.

The barrier rippled vigorously from the spikes pushing as hard as they could. Jane struggled to keep the barrier up, feeling the pressure mount on her.

Everyone else took the opportunity to destroy the spikes to lighten the pressure. Carole fired her pistols, shooting out small balls of condensed flames. Thankfully the barrier allowed for attacks to come out without dampening any of the involved elements.

Everyone managed to destroy the spikes allowing Jane to drop the barrier. They all quickly spread out surrounding Kinzoku who had been observing the whole time. It was unclear as to why since he was now just a lifeless puppet, but there had to be a reason.

All of a sudden the ground shook like an earthquake prompting everyone to jump in the air. Creating platforms out of their respective elements, they watched as metals of various kinds shot out of the ground.

They were not in the form of spikes but instead remained as chunks of unrefined ore. The group felt their hearts sink as they stared at the sheer amount of metal now floating in the air. It was clear that up till now Kinzoku was merely preparing the field, setting up to allow for himself to shoot metal from any direction.

Just as expected spikes came from every direction making it hard to block. Many opted for dodging, but a few were still grazed.

Before they could even think of retaliating, the 2 admirals and 1 demon that got grazed by the spikes started to spasm. Their bodies convulsed as some of their limbs began to inflate. As if they were balloons their muscles popped, black liquid shooting out everywhere.

Everyone avoided the black liquid as it was clear dark magic was the reason behind it. This made Kinzoku all the more dangerous as even one scratch can mean death.

"Damn it!" Jane hated this and contemplated running away. It was not worth it to stick around, but she felt obliged to help. Her and Carole were leading this alliance, so she didn't want to betray that bond they formed.

'Gonna need you to come out, Tangetsu.' Jane pressed the palm of her hand against a rune on her blade, lighting it up. A burst of water that looked like a dragon's head shot out from the blade. The head itself quickly travelled around destroying the spikes and buying her allies some breathing room.

The admirals and demons followed Jane's lead, working hard to finish quickly so they could finally focus on Kinzoku.

Jane directed her dragon head, Carole overcharged her pistols and the admirals created grass, Ice and crystal projectiles. The 2 other demons conjured up fire and lightning.

Everyone fired at the same time at Kinzoku, but a black bubble protected him. Everyone's projectiles turned to black dust as soon as they made contact. No one knew what to do now as approaching close quarters was death and long-range attacks now seemed ineffective.

Jane tried sending a few more, but nothing worked, it would just turn to dust and get blown away by the wind.

"I think we just run." Jane didn't see any way to beat Kinzoku without getting anyone else killed. They already lost 3 people with just a simple scratch, so was it even worth continuing the fight?

The dark magic being used was simply too unpredictable, turning even the relatively weak Kinzoku into an unkillable abomination. It was as if the dark magic elevated him to a tier beyond tier 10 and far above their reach.

"I agree." Carole saw no conceivable way and didn't want any more of her friends getting killed.

Kinzoku suddenly twisted his body, sending the chilling sounds of bones cracking as he did. Dark mist seeped out of his body towards the dead bodies like a tentacle.

Everyone could only assume that they were going to get possessed, so it was their cue to leave.

"Run everyone!" Not wanting to stick around, Jane gave the order to get away as far as they could. Using every ability to make themselves faster they tried to create as much distance as they could.

However, it would be too late for some as Kinzoku was faster, soon catching up to the 2 demons that were still alive.

"Arial! Krone!" Carole stopped in her tracks trying to go help them, but Jane grabbed her wrist.

"We can't stop it's too late." Jane knew it was hard, but they didn't have a choice. If they stopped to help it would only mean their death, but Carole seemed not to listen. Breaking out of Jane's grip she sealed her fate right then and there. Jane kept running without turning back, knowing what the outcome of such an action would be.

On the other hand, Carole's pride and friendship wouldn't allow her to abandon her friends, so she rushed back to save them.

Kinzoku was about to stab the 2 demons who were paralysed with fear, unable to even scream, but Carole intercepted him, jump-kicking him in the face while firing her guns. This would prove to be useless as spikes pierced right through Carole's body and straight into the 2 demons behind her. Just like everyone else black liquid poured out of their body and they fell to the floor dead.

The damage Carole did amounted to nothing as Kinzoku was already dead. Unless his entire body was destroyed it will still continue to fight. Jane didn't see the outcome but hearing Carole's cries suddenly stop clued her to the demon's death.

Only one other Admiral was left alive now as well as some other demons that took Issac away, but they would be best not to come back.

Jane at this point did not care what the outcome was, she only wanted to live. While running she rummaged through her dimensional storage ring trying to find anything that could get her out of there. She wasn't one to have travel stones or teleportation talismans because she never needed them.

She truly never cared much for battle since she preferred to spend her time on blacksmithing, creating her famous weapons. However, a stroke of luck occurred when she found an old stone at the bottom of her dimensional storage.

It was given to her by Himeko but she had no idea where it might lead to. All she remembered was it would take her to a safe place if need be. It was given to her around the same time that conflict between Himeko and Klaus arose.

"Fuck it." Crushing it suddenly blood enveloped her, teleporting her to an unknown place. The admiral that was left behind felt betrayed, but it wouldn't matter in the end as his heart would be pierced by a random spike from a nearby building. In the end, running was futile as they were surrounded by weapons. If Jane were a second too late she too would have been killed.

A mere moment after she teleported dozens of spikes took her place, shish-kebabing the air that once surrounded her.

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