Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 77: Creator Rank

Chapter 77: Creator Rank

After Cloud said that they successfully got into the top 16, the two of them got teleported back from where they came from.

The moment his vision came back to him, Greg looked at Emma, who was dizzily sitting on the ground, while holding her head with a frown.

"Argh... What happened? I can't remember anything at all", murmured Emma quietly as she tried to remember back what just happened with her a moment ago.

Greg stepped next to her and helped her to stand up, while saying, "Our opponents specialized in making their enemies fall asleep with their chants. It's a quite scary ability, especially if they use it on a battlefield. Luckily, I could knock them out in time."

Hearing this Emma nodded and grabbed Greg's hand and started to stand up slowly.

Joe on their side looked at them with a thoughtful expression and said, "Those two weren't just simply chanting some kind of sleeping spells. If so, then Emma would have remembered the things that happened. I think things could have gone real bad if you didn't finish them off in time."

"Then do you think one of the two had the power to erase memories just by a simple song?", asked Greg as he helped Emma to stand up.

Joe on the side shook his head and said, "No, I don't think he can make other's memories disappear just with a simple spell. It's much more like an..."

"Amnesia?", asked Mila next to him.

Joe looked at her and nodded.

"Yes, something like that. Between amnesia and making other's memories vanish is somewhat similar, but in the end, they have huge differences. But still, both of them are a terrifying ability, especially if there is another person, who can make your target fall asleep. Then using such power is as easy as clapping."

Listening to what Joe said, Greg thought, "Now that I think about it, my memories of the fight are a bit foggy too. I think Joe is right. Those guys were scary."

As the four talked between each other, up on the estrade, Mistress of Fortune walked in and sat down comfortably into her chair.

The legendary man on her side, looked at her and after a small silence, he asked, "So, how did it go? Did you find out why did he refuse the opportunity?"

Mistress of Fortune looked at the man and said, "Well yes, but you won't believe what he replied."


Before answering, the woman turned her gaze toward a direction, and with a smile, she said, "He answered, he wants to get strong only by his power. He also mentioned that an opportunity like that would be just waste in his hands because there is no one else who knows him better than himself."

As she said this, she looked back at the man and continued with a smile, "He said the exact same words that you said to me back in our teen years. If this is not surprising to you, then I don't know what will be."

The man hearing this, looked just as unfazed as ever and asked, "And what about if he said the exact same things I did? That doesn't mean anything."

The woman smiled and said,"Maybe you are right, maybe not. We will see it."

The Saint on their side, after hearing their conversation asked, "And what about your vision? Did it change?"

The woman looked at the old man, but instead of answering she took out a gold coin and threw it high up into the air.

The moment she did so, suddenly the door behind their back opened and a man in a pirate uniform walked in with a monkey sitting comfortably on his shoulder.

But the moment the monkey saw the golden coin, it instantly jumped toward the shiny object in the air and like a lightning, it snatched the coin away.

Seeing this, Mistress of Fortune looked at the old man and said, "As you can see, it is the same."

The Saint watched as the monkey licked the coin in its small hands on the ground and smiled.

"Haha. What an interesting fellow."


Fights went on one by one.

After getting into the top 16 amongst the duo's, Greg and Emma strangely didn't have any more duo matches, so as a result the two of them just relaxed and watched the other's matches down below with Joe and Mila.

Time ticked by hours after hours and around 2 o'clock, their cards finally lit up.

"Ah, finally! I thought we would never get a turn.", said Mila with an excited expression and let the silver light to cover her body.

Joe, Emma, and Greg nodded in agreement.

After the four were teleported down onto the stage, Greg opened his eyes, but the moment he did, his expression froze.

"Look who we have here. Aren't they our school prodigy and black sheep Joseph and Dia?"

The one who said this was Eric, the one with the invisibility ability.

Next to him were Gerald, Steve, and Roy. Except for Roy and Gerald, the other two looked at them with a mocking smile.

Greg looked at Joe and said, "I met with them in the morning. That guy named Roy is a 4th ranked fighter."

In an instant after hearing this, Mila and Emma looked shocked, while Joe nodded.

"Somehow I knew it. His presence was too strange, to begin with, so the reason was because of that."

Greg nodded and thought, "Not only that, but Gerald is also on the verge of a breakthrough. With Steve's copying ability, we are in a very dire situation."

As the two teams were looking at each other, up in the estrade, the skinny guy pointed at their way and said with a weird smile, "Look! That fight will be an interesting one for sure."

Hearing what he said, all the experts around him turned their gazes toward where he was pointing at and waited for the fight to begin.

Roy looked at Greg and Joe and said calmly, "Eric you will be our substitute this time."


Hearing what Roy said, Eric got instantly angry, but the moment his eyes met with Roy's, his whole body stiffened.

"I... I understood."

With a face as white as a sheet of paper, Eric turned around and started to walk next to Cloud.

Joe saw this and without looking behind he said, "Emma, please."

Knowing what he meant, Emma nodded, and like before she ran next to Cloud and waited for the fight to begin.

Joe looked at Greg and asked, "How much time do you need to beat Steve first?"

Thinking for a while, Greg smiled and answered, "I think they already know that our first target will be him, so with your and Mila's help, it should be about... 3 seconds."

Hearing how confident Greg sounded, Joe was a bit surprised and asked, "3 seconds? Didn't you just say, they know our target will be him? Then how is it 3 seconds?"

Greg just smiled and after turning his gaze back at Steve he answered, "Just wait and watch. When I say now, you and Mila only need to attack without hesitation."

Cloud on the side after seeing that both sides were ready, raised his staff, and with a slight hit on the ground, he started the fight.

"I don't know what you two were planning, but it won't matter, because we will win this time for sure.", said Steve with a smile and was about to use his ability, but suddenly he felt as something touched his leg below.


Gerald and Roy after hearing Steve a bit surprised, turned their gaze at him, but the next second their faces turned to disbelief.

In the distance, Greg was kneeling on the ground, while his hand was almost fully in his own shadow. As he looked at Steve, on whose ankle his hand could be seen, he smiled and with a fast move, he started to pull his hand out.

"Come here for a second."


With a sudden pull, Steve's body fell into the shadow below his feet and a second later he appeared on the other side of the stage, in Greg's hand.

"Joe, Mila! Now!", shouted Greg as he threw Steve high up into the air.

Not knowing what was happening, Steve still looked confused, when suddenly a huge thunderbolt and an enormous fireball came at him from below and powerfully hit his body.


A gigantic explosion, which made the whole stage and the shield around it shake like crazy, turned Steve's body to ash black, while his unconscious body fell heavily onto the platform below.

Gerald and Roy after seeing what just occurred were utterly speechless. Everything happened just too fast and not even Roy could think of a way to help Steve.

The only way to counter the ability Greg just used, was extreme speed and reaction. Unfortunately, Roy's powers weren't specialized in those two, he couldn't do anything.

Up in the estrade, the experts saw what just happened and were shocked.

"Are you kidding me? I knew he could control the six elements, but with this proficiency? Does he really only have a black Soul Stone?", asked the skinny guy with wide eyes.

Mistress of Fortune looked at the man on her side and smiled.

The man seeing her gaze didn't say anything and just continued to watch the fight below.

The woman seeing him like that just rolled her eyes and turned her head toward the fight too, while talking to herself quietly, "Let's see what you will do against him."

As she said that, she looked at Roy's back on the stage and started to smile slightly.

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