Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 92: Size For Price

Chapter 92: Size For Price

In the vast green lea, hundreds of black dots could be seen moving with incredible speed, while chasing a single person without a single moment of stopping.




While using the vortex's speed boost around his body, Greg swung the black staff in his hand from time to time, making the closest shadowy figures to him to be sliced in half in seconds.

However no matter how hard he tried or how many times he tore them apart, somehow they always regenerated and came at him again, making the fight grow harder and harder as time went on.

But even like this that hundreds of enemies with insane healing powers were all around him to eliminate him, he was doing quite well.

"This staff is much better than I thought. It's almost as easy to use as breathing the air in. Unfortunately, I couldn't use it against Roy, but now that I have finally reached the last level of the Body Grade, everything will change."

Using the staff in a way he never believed that he could, Greg swung it around his body, while tearing each shadowy figures apart in his way.

On the side, Kuragari just stood motionlessly with a wide smile etched on his face and said to himself, "Just like I thought. Only under a few hours his efficiency with that staff reached an amazing level. I can't wait to see what he will achieve only after a year."

Spinning, swinging, trusting, pulling, and slashing. One move after another, Greg felt like the staff started to merge with his body, while making every attack he performed feel incredibly easy and enjoyable.

No matter how many enemies came at him at once, they couldn't get any closer than a meter to him. Even if one successful broke through his attacks, they couldn't do anything about his reaction and speed.

After he reached the last level of the Body Grade and got his Cultivation Art from Alice, it was simply impossible to touch him. Only those could attack him properly, who was faster or had the same attack speed as him, but luckily there was no one yet who could compete with him in speed under the Creator rank.

Seeing that it started to get easier to attack and move for Greg among the hord of enemies, Kuragari laughed and said loudly, "Haha! You are doing well kid! You didn't disappoint me at all!"

Saying this, he raised his hand and with a flick of his wrist, suddenly the hundreds of shadows started to duplicate, making their numbers reach over a thousand or even more, while their aura became even stronger than before.

Noticing the sudden changes, Greg started to sweat a bit and thought, "Does he try to kill me or what? One of his shadows has a rank close to the Creator rank!"

Until now he just fought against low ranked shadows, so except for their vast numbers it wasn't a danger for him at all. However after Kuragari's move, not only did their numbers increase, but even their rank jumped higher. This kind of power was simply ridiculous.

"Well, if I thinking about it, it's not surprising at all. Sith he was the one who almost won against that man, so I can say he is still going easy on me."

Thinking about this, Greg's eyes turned firm and steadied himself, while holding the staff before his body.

"Let's figure out your last power, shall we?", said Greg with a smile, while activating his Soul Creature's 3rd ability. 

He already knew what the other three did so far. It can change shapes, can use the owner's elements and also have the ability to duplicate itself. But there was this one ability he didn't have the chance to try.

And that was Size for Price. 

"Betting from its name, it can grow in size, but what I don't understand is the word price. What will happen if I start to use it? Let's find it out!"

In an instant, as he said that, the golden carvings on the staff started to shine, while the whole weapon started to shake like crazy.

Seeing this Greg frowned and just as he was about to check if he really activated the staff's ability, suddenly a scary power invaded his body, making him feel as he was about to explode from the inside.

"What... The..."

With clenched teeth, Greg tried to resist the bone piercing pain, while the staff in his hand trembled crazily with a golden light.

On the other hand, Kuragari just watched all of this happening with a calm smile and said, "Let's see what you are up to."

As he said that he raised both of his hands and suddenly all 10 of his fingers started to move with insane speed.

And as the moment his fingers started to move, all the shadowy figures started to move, but with the only difference that now they followed some kind of strategy. 

One-third of them surrounded Greg, one-third summoned a weapon similar to a bow and arrow, while the remaining third just stood before Kuragari like some kind of bodyguard.

Greg saw this happening, but no matter how hard he tried to do something, he knew that if he moved even an inch there could be fatal consequences.

Feeling as the swelling power inside him finally started to move back to the staff, while the crazy trembling quietened down a few levels. 

"It seems before I can use this ability, I need to bear this insane power inside me. In a life and death battle, using this is only a death wish.", thought Greg and after a while, he looked at Kuragari.

Seeing that Greg was finally ready, he smiled and said, "Finally! Took you long enough!"

Hearing what he said, Greg shook his head helplessly and thought, "He is still going easy on me. If he wanted to he could have easily finished me off."

Thinking about this, Greg bent his leg a bit and after raising the staff he said with determination in his eyes, "Come!"

"That's what I like to hear!", said Kuragari and just like before, his fingers started to dance hear and there with insane speed, while the shadow clones around him started to move.

From every possible angle, hundreds of shadows started to run at him with much more human-like movements, while the ones in the distance fired at him arrows, which came at him from above.

Hundreds of enemies all around him, while hundreds of arrows from above. If someone saw this from the outside, they would think it was simply an impossible feat to defend against this attack. Maybe if you had an indestructible shield, then maybe you had a chance, but like this...

Greg looked at the incoming army and attacks and smiled slightly.

Seeing his smile, Kuragari didn't why he was so confident in the middle of a battle, where he was visibly the one on the disadvantage.

However, the next second something incredible happened, which made Kuragari's eyes widen in an instant.

Greg raised the staff high above his head and started to spin it with inhuman speed.

But this wasn't the reason why Kuragari was so surprised. No, the reason why was because each spin the staff in Greg's hand started to grow, while a fire tornado started to form high in the air.



With each second the staff grew in size, the fire tornado grew also in size. Under a few seconds, it was so huge that it easily engulfed every arrow in the air and burned them into nothingness.

Seeing that his defense was a success after using two abilities, which let the staff grow in size, while also making it to use his fire ability, Greg was quite satisfied.

Turning his gaze before him and after noticing that the shadow clones around him were almost in close range his eyes brightened slightly.

"Perfect!", said Greg loudly, and with a firm hold on the staff, he lowered it to the level of his waist and started to swing it powerfully.

Because the weapon in his hand has reached a monster like length, over ten meters, it was an easy task to cut the shadows, which were a few meters away from him.

And also this ten meters didn't stop there and continued to grow, while the fire on it burned even more.

With the shining of the golden carvings, the fire wasn't red anymore, but instead, it had a mix of golden and crimson. It looked beautiful yet scary at the same time.



Just like a knife cutting through butter, the burning staff in Greg's hand tore each shadow clones in its way, while making them burn with a golden fire even though they were just solidified darkness.

Seeing as the shadows got utterly destroyed by that burning staff in Greg's hand, Kuragari squinted his eyes and said quietly, "What is that weapon? I have never seen anything like that."

As he was thinking about what type of weapon was in Greg's hand, suddenly he felt a sudden danger come at him, making him tilt his head to the side.


A second later he did, the burning staff's end flew by where his head was a moment ago, making Kuragari a bit surprised.

Seeing that he missed the target, Greg scratched his neck said, "Ah, damn... Almost!"

Hearing what Greg just said, Kuragari suddenly started to grin creepily and looked at Greg coldly, while a small vein appeared on his forehead.

"You sure have a lot of guts, kid!", shouted Kuragari angrily, and putting his hand on his sword's hilt, he pulled his katana out of his scabbard.

Seeing Kuragari pulling his sword out, Greg started to smile wryly and said," I... I was just kidd-"


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