Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 94: Practice Makes The Master

Chapter 94: Practice Makes The Master

"Would you mind being my dancing partner?"

Seeing Greg's gesture and warm smile, Emma looked at Mila, but after seeing her teasing face, she instantly turned her head back toward Greg.

After thinking for a while, she nodded, and with a slight blush, she answered, "Sure."

With that, she grabbed Greg's palm and stood up slowly.

Cloud in the distance smiled and said happily, "Splendid! Well then, let me demonstrate how this 'special' dancing moment will look like."

Putting his hands before his chest, he clapped twice, and suddenly a small amount of mist appeared below Greg's and Emma's feet while making the two of them fly high up into the air.

"Won't! What is happening here?", asked Emma with a surprised expression, while she hugged Greg's arm tightly and watched as her legs went further and further away from the ground below.

On the other hand, Greg looked as calm as ever and waited for Cloud to finish whatever he wanted to do.

While the two were raised high up into the air by those clouds on their feet, Sandra looked at Greg and said angrily," What does he think, who is he? Saying that don't judge people simply as I did? To begin with, he was the one who almost killed, while going insane and not me. It's simply ridiculous."

Jonathan on the side looked high up into the air and after thinking for a while, he sighed and said, "You are wrong. What he said was true. We should have simply asked him about that matter instead of ostracizing him, making the atmosphere around him that disgracious."

Seeing that Laura, Sarah, and Juan nodded in agreement with Jonathan Sandra looked a bit mad, but still, she couldn't say anything that could rival that statement.

While this happened, in the air, Greg and Emma finally stopped rising and stood motionlessly above everyone in the hall.

Cloud looked at the pair and with a smile, he said, "Let's start dancing!"

As he said that, suddenly a slow and steady song started to be played, making the whole hall feel much festive than before.

Noticing that Cloud and everyone else was looking up at them, Greg smiled and after making Emma stop hugging him, he stepped back.

Feeling that Greg suddenly put her hand away, she started to panic and was about to shout, but the moment she saw that she didn't start to fall and she was standing just as perfectly as she would below on the ground, she looked at Greg with a surprised expression.

Catching a glimpse of his carefree smile, she realized that she overreacted the whole thing, which resulted in her face to turn instantly crimson red.

Seeing her act like that, Greg started to chuckle. Naturally, he knew from the beginning that the mist on their feet was Cloud's ability, which let a person travel on air and that's why he let go of Emma.

However, he didn't think that after letting her go, she would react in this way, which was truly a funny sight to behold.

Chuckling for a second, Greg smiled and with a gesture toward Emma, he asked, "Shall we dance then?"

Calming herself down a bit, Emma looked at Greg's hand and a while later she said quietly, "I... I can't dance properly"

Hearing this Greg smiled even more and said, "It's not a problem at all. Just follow my lead and everything will be alright."

Seeing his confident smile, Emma nodded barely and grabbed Greg's palm and wanted to ask him what to do next, but before she had the chance, Greg pulled her closer and put his hand around her waist.

This act made her flinch in an instant, but after feeling that this was all, she gulped slightly and put her hand on his shoulder, and looked at him with a small blush.

"Are you ready?", asked Greg quietly and after seeing Emma's nod, he smiled and started to move with the music's rhythm.

Emma tried to imitate Greg's move, but no matter how hard she tried, there were occasions when she made a wrong step here and there.

Seeing her feeling a bit uncomfortable with the dancing, Greg smiled and said, "Look here."

Doing as he said, Emma raised her head and looked at him calmly.

"Just look into my eyes and follow my steps. Don't bother with anything else and just simply close the outside world out."

With a nod, Emma tried to do as he said and looked into his eyes, while she tried to close her surroundings out of her mind.

As time ticked by second after second, she felt that looking into those eyes of his, made her somehow relaxed and comfortable.

Feeling all of these positive things, she felt as her mind slowly started to drift away from reality, leaving only her and Greg there dancing.

Greg after seeing that Emma finally let her go and she started to enjoy the moment, smiled, and said quietly, "Let's start the real dance then."

In an instant, as he said that, his steps started to quicken, while a cute little fairy appeared next to him, who also started to fly around the two while making the two's body shine slightly.

Like a professional dancer but with the only difference that they were in the air, Greg started to dance with Emma gracefully, while doing different kinds of dance poses with her from time to time.

The sight as Greg made her spin gently around him or the moments when he threw her slightly up and a second later catching her without dropping her down, made not just Cloud, but everyone else in the hall to feel an urge to go and join them.

The two were like two love birds, who flew around the air here and there without the slightest sign of bothering with the others below them.

They were in their own, separated little world, where nothing else existed only them.

It was especially true for Emma. She was so mesmerized by Greg and his eyes, that she didn't have the time to bother herself with other things. She was simply enjoying the moment she was in.

Mila looked at Emma's happy look sighed slightly, but suddenly a hand appeared next to her.

Seeing that the hand belonged to Joe, Mila looked slightly surprised and asked, "What do you want?"

Joe after hearing the question just shrugged and answered, "I don't know. Maybe inviting you for a dance?"

"But I thought you can't use your hand. So how do you plan to dance?"

Joe just smiled and said with confidence, "The doctor said I can't fight, but he didn't say I can't use it for a little dancing."

Hearing this, Mila didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but in the end, she sighed and grabbed Joe's hand.

With a smile, she said, "It would be my pleasure to dance with you."

Cloud seeing as two more stood up to join, he clapped his hand, making small mist float around their legs in an instant.

As the two flew up into the air just like Emma and Greg and started to dance too, more and more people stood up, making Cloud smile slightly.

"Splendid! Simply splendid!"

Watching as more and more people started to dance high up in the air, Cloud started to smile more and more, while his expression looked incredibly happy.

And just like this, time started to go by invisibly, making the night a very special and enjoyable one for everyone who was there.


On the next morning at around 10 o'clock, Greg woke up slowly with a tired face, because the sun was shining onto his face.

Seeing that it was 10:11, Greg's eyes popped out, and said in an instant, "What the... It's already this late? I won't have time for breakfast if I don't hurry up!"

Jumping out of the bed he ran into the bathroom and after a fast shower and cloth changing, he went down to the dining hall.

However the moment he stepped inside the hall, he noticed that there was no one else there except for one person.

"Juan? Are you here too?"

While asking the question, Greg walked toward Juan and sat down next to him.

Seeing his carefree attitude toward him after what happened, Juan didn't know how to react, but in the end, he still decided to put his hand out, while saying, "About yesterday... I want to apologize. What you said was true, I should have asked before behaving that way as I did."

Hearing the unexpected apology, Greg was a bit surprised, but still shook Juan's hand and with a smile, he said, "It wasn't such a problem, but the next time please ask. I'm not the type to get mad, because someone wants to get answers for unanswered questions."

Listening to this, Juan smiled and said, "I see, then that's a relief."

A while later Greg looked around and seeing no one was around he looked at Juan and asked, "You are not participating in the Solo event?"

Shaking his head, Juan grabbed the glass before him, and before drinking, he said, "No, I don't. However the twins yes."

"I see, that's a good thing.", said Greg and after thinking for a while his eyes brightened, and asked," Then... do you want to be my practice partner?"


Hearing Greg's question, Juan spits out the milk that he wanted to drink and looked at Greg with a shocked face.

"Your... What?"

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