Lady Lin's First-ever Journey to Immortality

Chapter 383 - Ants of Gold

Chapter 383 Ants of Gold

It sounds like leaves rustling in the wind. This regular, neat and subtle sound reminds Lin Luoran of many silkworm babies raised by Mrs. Lin when she was a child. They also made a neat sound when they ate mulberry leaves.

What comes for Lin Luoran is definitely not cute silkworm babies.

This sound can make people’s scalp tingly from one kilometer away even without using spiritual mind. It cannot be from harmless silkworm babies but extremely troublesome ants of Gold.

Lin Luoran knows ants of Gold are Rank Two monsters. Three months ago, she hid in the dark and saw a group of golden ants eating a Rank Six python. In the end, there was only a skeleton left. She was amazed at how powerful this group of ants are so she stealthily picked up an ant’s body. Its monster bolus was just the size of a peanut. From its Reiki, she knew it was a Rank Two monster.

Lin Luoran is going to cast a spell to completely wash off the smell of purple berries on her hands. However, an idea suddenly comes to her. Now she thinks being chased by them may not be a completely bad thing.

She just keeps on moving forward. Monsters nearby all run away because of ants of Gold or the smell from her body. Therefore, Lin Luoran’s journey goes very smoothly.

She meets aggressive ants of Gold before long. The head of an ant is the size of an orange. Lin Luoran only can see a golden sea like a boundless wheat field. These ants even eat poisonous flowers on their way here. The colorful jungle in the direction of where ants of Gold come becomes stream-shape and golden “wheat sea” on the horizon.

Lin Luoran and ants come into unavoidable confrontation but the ants seem to lose their mind.

The spearhead of ants of Gold stops abruptly and are not excited anymore. Ants behind do not know what happened so they just recklessly step on the body of the spearhead. Later on, they follow the same old disastrous road of their vanguard.

Lin Luoran knows it is because she has both the smell of purple berries and stinky mushroom which low-rank monsters hate so much. One is their favorite “cuisine” while another is the mushroom they avoid like the plague... Lin Luoran can understand the dilemma of the ant army. She thinks about it and walks forward boldly to come closer to the team of ants of Gold.

Ants of Gold smell her and they could not help avoiding her. However, Lin Luoran moves in a flash when these ants are pushing each other. It gives her the opportunity to go deep into the center of this army.

An extremely weird scene appears when ants of Gold organize their team well.

Lin Luoran is standing in the center of the ants. Within a five-meter radius of her circle, a vacant lot is formed. Ants of Gold form a circle around this range. They dare not move forward and they are reluctant to leave.

Some ants of Gold feel unreconciled and try to spray formic acid onto Lin Luoran. She notices it and sets up a magical shield.

Formic acid like saliva ends up falling only two meters away from her and all grass there withers in an instant. Lin Luoran feels so relieved. The distance of five meters is great so she doesn’t have to change her plan and waste Wakan.

Ants of Gold are not stupid. Some ants begin to prop each other up to deal with Lin Luoran, an enemy making them feel complex.

Lin Luoran won’t be so stupid to stand still. She will never just wait for them to stack up and spray farther.

She moves on.

As she moves, ants of Gold also move. This mighty army becomes her free bodyguard. Wherever she goes, she can’t see birds or beasts. For the first time, Lin Luoran can hold her head high on this island full of monsters.

Is she adorning herself with borrowed plumes?

Lin Luoran decides not to consider this question about shame.

It is noon now and the dense fog covering this island is dispersed. Lin Luoran looks out into the distance and she can see the contours of the mountain clearly.

A Rank Nine monster is hiding deep in the cloud.

Divinized cultivators have not been seen in this world for at least two thousand years. This strange island next to the Sea of Sin locates in this strange space of another dimension connected to Mount Penglai. It is truly a paradise of monsters.

Thinking about facing a monster equivalent to a cultivator with Divinization personal ability, Lin Luoran can’t keep calm even with her current state of mind.

People in the world always say Spirit Mountain is gorgeous. However, who knows how dangerous it is?—and can the word “dangerous” conclude it all? If Lin Luoran hadn’t come here, she would never even have known everything she experienced here.

Monster boluses and various materials are not the most important thing. As the sentence often mentioned in some intellectual digests says, the process is the most significant compared with the ending.

The process like the Sea of Sin or the monster forest is very important to Lin Luoran.


As night comes, the monster forest becomes horrible and full of danger again.

For humans, night is the time to sleep. For animals, they are not lazy as they are during the day and they start to hunt. Monsters are the same as animals.

Things can be hidden very well at night. Ordinary people can’t see things clearly but monsters hunt by smelling, feeling and hearing. For them, night is of immense help.

A villain doesn’t harm his next-door neighbors but this does not apply to predators.

Animals like to mark their territory by urine or odour. They occupy territory where they are the supreme kings so they can recklessly kill defenseless animals here.

The reason why the monster forest violates this rule is that monsters here can’t see through others’ power. However, they all know the closer to the mountain, the more abundant Reiki it is. Whether monsters are intellectual or not, they all like the feeling of Reiki purifying all tissues of their body and know that warm flow is a good thing. Monsters here have been fighting for getting closer to the mountain.

In this case, they can’t see through others’ personal ability but a conventional theorem has been formed after so many years of fighting, which is the closer to the depth of the forest you are, the higher rank of monsters you will encounter.

Even if the low-rank monsters want to have a challenge, they will not be so stupid to enter the deep forest.

However, if high-rank monsters deep in the forest want to prey, they like to go to the edge of the forest. It’s not that they don’t want to hunt in the neighborhood. It’s the law of this monster forest. The monsters near these high-rank monsters have all been through countless tests and killings. In fact, their personal ability is almost the same. When they are hungry, it is the best idea that not taking each other as preys—since their personal ability is similar, they can do nothing to each other. The best idea is going to the edge of the forest as early as possible to catch rabbits of Fire!

Lin Luoran and these monsters go in opposite directions and destinations. In such a doomed night, she will definitely meet many monsters.

Ants of Gold have an overwhelming reputation so monster all run away as they hear their sound.

However, these ants are only Rank Two monsters. Lin Luoran has been really lucky to have them as free bodyguards along the way for so long.

The monster forest is so full of undiscovered talents. Some talented high-rank monsters are not afraid of this arts army which is as much as sand. On the contrary, these ants’ heads as big as oranges serve as the containers of many Rank Two monster boluses for them.

Human cultivators cannot directly absorb Reiki from monster boluses but high-rank monsters can.

Although the Rank Two monster boluses for high-rank monsters are like peanuts as snack, it still makes one monster hiding in the dark salivate greedily when it sees moving “peanuts of monster boluses” appearing in groups deep in this monster forest.

These ants of Gold always appear and disappear mysteriously as a gust of wind and they only move around the outer edge of the monster forest. Today, it seems like they have lost their mind and enter the depths of the forest madly. It should take advantage of it.

This pair of greedy eyes glances in the direction of ants of Gold and stays on Lin Luoran in the center for a while.

Alas, what kind of monster is it? Why does it never see that?

That “monster” can walk in the center of the ants of Gold slowly and leisurely. Its limited intelligence is not as active as humans’, but it always maintains some vigilance against unknown creatures.

This thing with ugly eyes follows the ant army quietly and doesn’t rush to have its meal.

Surrounded by the ant army, Lin Luoran has enjoyed the tour as a Queen since noon.

To maintain the attention of ants of Gold, she crushes two more unique purple berries difficult to get on the way. The temptation of food excites ants of low intelligence. They follow her all the time and come deep into the forest.

Estimating the distance she has traveled, she should have been deep in the monster forest for 400 miles now.

The towering mountain lies only ahead. This is where high-rank monsters are. Lin Luoran stays in the army but she dares not get careless.

After walking for a while, ants of Gold in front stop abruptly.

Lin Luoran narrows her eyes.

She has felt an unfriendly gaze hiding in the dark. What’s worse, there is more than just one.

Lin Luoran has been so prudent but she is still under siege now?

She has no idea about what the ranks of monsters are ahead and behind.

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