Lady Lin's First-ever Journey to Immortality

Chapter 438 - Jump!

Chapter 438 Jump!

Fight that steel monster? Even a burly earthling will be overshadowed in size by the gigantic starship, let alone a slender woman like Lin Luoran.

Nevertheless, she braves the wind and rain and approaches the starship by the flying sword. The fluorescent figure scares the alliance soldiers who are standing in front of the virtual screen in the central control room of the starship!

The troposphere is, among the layers of earth’s atmosphere, closest to the ground. In such a layer, the temperature decreases with increasing height. Wind direction and speed also frequently change in it, causing vigorous air convection. Seen in this light, the weather is nice tonight—it’s windy with light rain, which is rarely seen on the Kalahari Desert. Nevertheless, the visibility is extremely low, which makes a perfect excuse for the starship’s missed attack.

Of course, such failure should be attributed to the fact that the female earth cultivator evades attacks in quite a flexible manner. It’s like she knows in advance where the attacks will be targeted. Is it this cultivators’ prowess?

Cultivators can even become immortal through certain kind of self-cultivation! Such an enviable capability is unavailable to the intelligent lives of the Alpha Alliance who are mostly short-lived, so they want to destroy the earthlings with such power.

The longest-lived species of the Alliance can live no more than the equivalent of 800 years on the earth. In contrast, earth cultivators are said to have a lifespan of a thousand years once they get through the Gathering Vitality period.

For instance, the female cultivator in front of them, was a 500-year-old Bearing Essence cultivator three hundred years ago, according to the information obtained by the Alliance.

Colin Weir turns on the virtual optical screen in the room.

The picture flickers for a while before he sees the figure of Lin Luoran proceeding by the sword in the stormy night. If Lin Luoran didn’t belong to a different camp from his, Colin would even applaud her performance.

He has come to understand why some members of the Alliance still unabashedly support the cause of cultivation, though the Alpha Alliance is suppressing earth cultivators.

This may result from the desire of intelligent lives for greater individual power, even if they are powerful enough to oppress cultivators with advanced technology.

Colin Weir lowers his head in contemplation, but suddenly hears Ma Shuangshuang screaming in a low voice in the room.


He looks up and finds that the other three’s eyes are fixed on the screen. Lightning happens to illuminate the windy and rainy night. In the three-dimensional picture that encompasses everything, there’s only airships buzzing around the starship aimlessly as if mocking the Alliance’s incompetence.

Well, Lin Luoran actually disappears under the watchful eyes of everyone!

A commotion ensues on the starship. The soldiers’ composure and honor are crushed when they deal with the mysterious earth cultivator!

All of a sudden, Colin Weir feels his neck is cold. He stiffly turns back his head with enlarged pupils. Recalling how earthlings greet each other before the new era of the earth, this handsome aristocrat from the Caesar Star forces a smile.

“Hi... Mortal Heart Fairy. How are you?”

Lin Luoran has gotten wet by the drizzle. The cyan little fox on her shoulder glances at Colin Weir and shakes its head. “This alien barbarian doesn’t look honest.”

It’s no surprise to meet a fox who can speak, for there are tens of millions of intelligent species in the universe.

But why kick me when I’m down? I’ve never offended you. Fuck! Colin Weir scolds secretly. Obviously, he doesn’t know that foxes are extremely narcissistic and that the fox is just jealous of the good look of this handsome aristocrat from the Caesar Star.

Colin is still pondering over the reason for such an attack when Lin Luoran flicks the cyan fox on its head. “He can’t do harm.”

In order to confirm her words, Lin Luoran withdraws the Bright Sword on Colin’s neck.

Lin Luoran calmly goes over to the three captives and asks whether they have experienced anything unpleasant these days. Colin feels that such outright disregard for him is more irritating than a threat!


Robots shuttle through the clean aisles. After all, the members of the Alliance are not fools. Referring to the information provided by the garrison about the former invasion, they can guess at once where the missing cultivator has gone!

In fact, the key to hiding oneself lies in the similarity between the environment and the human body.

Based on similar principles, stealth fighters were developed by the earthlings before the new era, not to mention what the Alpha Alliance could accomplish. Actually, the Alliance has conducted a lot of research on earth cultivators in recent years, and concluded that cultivators are good at magical camouflage. In their opinions, if earthlings could easily transfer between different dimensions of the space, the earth would not have been defeated in the invasion war years ago.

It is magical camouflage! Intelligent brain program, make an analysis! Analyze the electromagnetic fluctuations, anomalies of water molecules, etc. Traces are sure to be found as long as magical camouflage is used!

The starship is thrown into chaos. Conducting a search throughout it is time-consuming, since the starship is huge, just like a satellite city suspended in mid-air. Therefore, it will take some time before the Alliance reaches the living area.

In this situation, the lizard soldiers guarding the door receive an instant notice to supervise the hostages before the arrival of the reinforcements.

Before the lizard soldiers hit the alloy door, it slides open silently. Colin Weir comes out of the room with a cold look. “I hear that the enemy has infiltrated the starship. You should have an eye on the hostages! Since there are so many areas on the starship, the enemy won’t be here within a short time.”

The lizard soldiers nod, their eyes involuntarily surveying the area behind Colin Weir. Things are clear at a glance, for this room, unlike a luxury suite, occupies only a few square meters.

Only three hostages are in the room. The lizard soldiers breathe a sigh of relief.

Colin Weir closes the door in their face and walks to the central control room.

In the room behind him, someone is planning a crazy thing. If it fails, he will be a traitor to the Alliance. Death is nothing to him; He would rather die than sully the reputation of his family. However, even if that succeeds, he may have to erase his identity and start over henceforth.

Neither is a good choice. Nevertheless, Colin feels excited in spite of himself. Is he what’s called... an ass?

Colin Weir looks grim as usual. He enters the central control room unhurriedly. His anxiety can be detected only by the subtle changes in his eyes.


“Xiaozhi, are you ready?”

Several teams have arrived at the room which is guarded by the lizard soldiers. It has been only four or five minutes since Lin Luoran sneaked into the starship. Three minutes ago, she and the intelligent brain program decided to carry out a bold, interesting plan and now they have come to the critical stage.

“Five minutes for preparation is not that sufficient. After all, it’s not travelling from the earth to the moon.”

Child’s voice gives a human touch to the electronic sound of Xiaozhi, the absolute controller of the starship. Undoubtedly, Xiaozhi can tackle issues without Lin Luoran’s help.

They are planning to go somewhere without coordinates. It is intriguing but inevitably worrying.

“The starship is ready for a space jump. Please cling to the nearest object, for the jump may cause dizziness and spiritual tingling...”

Hearing the mechanical sound, members of the Alliance are completely stunned.

Looking at each other, they can’t believe what’s happening. The technology experts wear expressions that are never seen before. It’s so funny.


“Space jump? Who ordered that!”

Personnel tries to break into the system of the intelligent brain program, while Gaut Sutherland has a grim, defeated look on his face.

“Haha... I said earlier that this damn intelligent brain program had betrayed us...”

“The backdoor is closed. It’s impossible to enter the system.”

“The information channel is blocked. Requests for help can’t be forwarded.”

“A space jump... has already begun.”

“We are finished!” Many people say to themselves. The light in the central control room becomes unstable, and the starship starts shaking. Many technicians with low spirit power have turned blue, and their bodies are beginning to tremble slightly.

Headache, weakness, weightlessness, shaking.

All are indicative of the starship’s ongoing space jump!

Shit! Where will the earth cultivator take them?

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