Land Sword Immortal: Eighty Years as the Guardian of the Sword Pavilion

Chapter 36 – Pure Yang Thunder Cultivation Scripture

Chapter 36 – Pure Yang Thunder Cultivation Scripture

Elder Lin couldn't believe that someone could memorize a sword technique in the time it takes half an incense stick to burn!

But then...

Meng Fan rattled off the entire sword technique without missing a single word.

Normal people don't do such things, but this kid doesn't do anything normal.

He's not a normal person at all!

Elder Lin had come to this profound realization.

He felt a bit embarrassed, yet his face betrayed no sign of it.

"Not bad, truly exceptional enlightenment, I wasn't wrong about you!" he said, nodding at Meng Fan with satisfaction.

Meng Fan smiled, his face the picture of simplicity.

Next, Elder Lin stood up and began to personally teach Meng Fan the Thunderous Sword Technique.

He took a sword from a wooden rack nearby.

Meng Fan took a special look and saw that it was just an ordinary wooden sword.

Upon closer inspection, it was indeed just an ordinary wooden sword!

He had thought that the second floor of the Sword Pavilion only housed Spiritual Swords, not ordinary ones. It seemed he was mistaken.

It turns out Elder Lin had a fish that slipped through the net!

But with Elder Lin's cultivation level, even the most ordinary wooden sword would become a divine weapon in his hands.

Elder Lin started to practice the Thunderous Sword Technique in front of Meng Fan.

Meng Fan had already seen and memorized the Thunderous Sword Technique, so he had some foundation.

So, watching Elder Lin practice wasn't completely confusing.

Even more, with his talent for Sword Dao Transcendence, Meng Fan could instantly grasp the essence of Elder Lin's swordplay.

The Thunderous Sword Technique consisted of just three moves.

Thunderous Roar!

Thunderous Flash!

Thunderous Explosion!

When Elder Lin executed the Thunderous Roar, Meng Fan could hear a faint thunderous rumble from the ordinary wooden sword.

This sword seemed to have the power to shock the soul!

Those with weak minds, facing this move, might lose their composure and stand frozen.

Unaware of how to defend, dodge, or counterattack!

The second move, Thunderous Flash, was as fast as lightning, terrifyingly quick.

People often use the word "wind" to describe speed, but in front of "thunder" and "light," the speed of wind is nothing.

Without a doubt, Elder Lin had suppressed his strength to the lowest, otherwise, Meng Fan wouldn't have been able to see the trajectory of Thunderous Flash.

And this move was not only fast but also fierce, taking the meaning of swift and ferocious to the extreme.

Truly fast, accurate, and ruthless!

This move, even when facing someone stronger, might not give them time to react.

Then, Elder Lin practiced the last move of the Thunderous Sword Technique.

Thunderous Explosion!

When the Thunderous Explosion was unleashed, Meng Fan saw Elder Lin's wooden sword actually flash with lightning.

This move seemed to be able to faintly summon the power of heavenly thunder.

Incredibly powerful!!!

Without saying anything else, if someone like Meng Fan, at the third level of Qi Refining, were to fully execute this Thunderous Explosion, it could likely directly obliterate a cultivator at the seventh or eighth level of Qi Refining.

Of course, that's assuming the other cultivator practiced only ordinary sword techniques and arts.

If the opponent also had such a terrifying sword technique, it would be a different story.

But then again, a cultivator at the third level of Qi Refining couldn't possibly master such a terrifying sword technique!

Unfortunately, Meng Fan is not a normal person!

After Elder Lin demonstrated the Thunderous Sword Technique once, he looked at Meng Fan calmly and asked, "How does it feel, did you catch any insights?"

It must be said, this sword technique was indeed difficult, and even for Meng Fan, it was hard to learn just by watching once.

He replied somewhat sheepishly, "Disciple is dull, please demonstrate it once more, Master."

Elder Lin chuckled to himself, thinking even this monstrous talent has his moments of setback.

He continued to practice the Thunderous Sword Technique once more.

After this round, Meng Fan didn't wait for Elder Lin to ask and took the initiative to draw the Hong Qi Sword.

Thunderous Roar!

Thunderous Flash!

Meng Fan executed them with a semblance of form, and although he didn't reach Elder Lin's level of mastery, he at least managed to perform them smoothly.

However, he stumbled on the third move, Thunderous Explosion!

Thunderous Explosion required a strong surge of True Qi to unleash its terrifying power.

Meng Fan, only at the third level of Qi Refining, was somewhat lacking in True Qi!

In such a case, he needed to control his True Qi with extreme precision to execute this sword technique.

Unfortunately, Meng Fan's control over True Qi was not as proficient as his sword technique.

Thus, he failed to perform the third move of the Thunderous Sword Technique!

He needed to practice diligently, mastering the flow of True Qi required for Thunderous Explosion to perfection.

Without practicing for a couple of days and nights, Meng Fan estimated he wouldn't be able to do it.

"Disciple has failed to live up to Master's teachings; I am temporarily unable to perform the third move, Thunderous Explosion," Meng Fan said, somewhat dejectedly.

Little did he know, Elder Lin was already facing a storm in his heart, a tsunami of shock!!!

Previously, he thought that if Meng Fan could master the first move of the Thunderous Sword Technique within three days, it would already be a sign of genius.

In the history of the Shu Mountain Sword Sect, even the most outstanding disciples took ten days to master the first move.

Setting a three-day goal for Meng Fan was already a high expectation!

But now...

This kid, after just watching him practice twice, not only mastered the first move but also the second?

Do such monstrous talents really exist in this world?

Elder Lin considered himself well-versed and experienced, having seen all kinds of geniuses in his many years.

But he had never seen anyone like Meng Fan!

He hadn't even imagined such a possibility before.

Yet now, this inconceivable event was unfolding right before his eyes?

He couldn't help but recall his own youth, when his master first taught him the Thunderous Sword Technique, how long had it taken him to learn Thunderous Roar?

After a careful recollection... was it half a month?

Meng Fan... half an incense stick?

It's maddening to compare!

Elder Lin adjusted his mindset, reminding himself never to compare with this kid and to get used to his monstrous talent.

A few moments later, Elder Lin calmed his heart and tried to maintain a serene expression.

He must not lose composure in front of his disciple!

"Not bad at all, it's already very impressive that you've managed this much on your first encounter with the Thunderous Sword Technique, even though you didn't perform the third move, Thunderous Explosion," Elder Lin said, trying to sound nonchalant.

But inevitably, if you listened closely, there was a slight tremor in his voice.

"Your realm is still too low; Thunderous Explosion requires a large amount of True Qi to perform. Once your realm advances, you'll be able to execute it with ease!"

Elder Lin strove to maintain his image as a master, instructing Meng Fan.

"Disciple understands!" Meng Fan responded earnestly.

As a disciple, he knew he had to act the part, at least showing the proper respect to his master.

Elder Lin sat back on his cushion, feeling his heart settle a bit as he sat cross-legged.

He couldn't help it; the kid was just too astonishing!

He regulated his heartbeat, slowly calming down, then said to Meng Fan, "The cultivation art you're practicing is the Spirit Wind Profound Art, right?"

"Yes," Meng Fan nodded.

"Junior Luo passed it to you, didn't he? The Spirit Wind Profound Art is decent, but it's not worthy of you."

Hearing Elder Lin's words, Meng Fan couldn't help but show a hint of excitement.

It seemed Elder Lin was ready to impart a new technique to him!

Since arriving at the Sword Pavilion, Meng Fan had been cleaning swords daily and observing in the Training Hall, picking up quite a few sword techniques.

But when it came to cultivation arts, he truly had no access.

If it weren't for Senior Disciple Luo giving him the Spirit Wind Profound Art, he would have had to choose the most basic art from the Scripture Pavilion.

"I was planning to test you for a while before passing on a technique, but now it seems you're worthy of it!"

Elder Lin spoke as a scroll of scripture suddenly appeared in his hand.

It materialized out of thin air.

Clearly, Elder Lin had a storage treasure on him.

This was normal; even Liu Yanping had a storage treasure, so how could Elder Lin not have one?

"Envious of the storage treasure? Hehe, if you can master the sword rhyme of the Thunderous Sword Technique within three months, I'll give you a storage treasure," Elder Lin said with a chuckle.

To be honest, the more he saw of Meng Fan, the more he liked him.

He knew Meng Fan was outstanding, but only after personal interaction did he realize just how exceptional he was!

This time, he had truly found a gem!

As for Meng Fan, his heart raced with excitement upon hearing Elder Lin's words.

A storage treasure, something he had long coveted.

As a time traveler, he was genuinely interested in such things that science couldn't explain, yet somehow felt scientific!

"Thank you, Master!" Meng Fan said, his face alight with excitement.

"Thanks are premature, as if you've already mastered the sword rhyme of the Thunderous Sword Technique."

Elder Lin rolled his eyes, helplessly saying, "If you don't master the sword rhyme within three months, I won't give you the storage treasure!"

Three months?

Meng Fan smiled, thinking he'd get it done in three days!

Meanwhile, he took the cultivation technique Elder Lin handed over.

Undoubtedly, this technique was far stronger than the Spirit Wind Profound Art, and by a lot!

Pure Yang Thunder Cultivation Scripture

Meng Fan saw the five characters on the cover of the scroll.

Another technique with "thunder" in the name?

This was a thunder attribute cultivation art!

Meng Fan couldn't contain his excitement; thunder attribute arts were much stronger than the five-elemental arts.

Most importantly, he had a Mixed Spiritual Root, compatible with any attribute.

Mixed and Inferior Spiritual Roots don't carry attributes.

Whereas Intermediate Spiritual Roots and stronger ones carry a specific attribute.

Cultivating an art of the same attribute would yield twice the result with half the effort, with rapid progress!

But the downside was the need to choose suitable arts, and you might get a high-level art that isn't suitable for you, which is frustrating.

Meng Fan had no such worries. Seeing the Pure Yang Thunder Cultivation Scripture, he was completely overwhelmed with joy and excitement.

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