Land Sword Immortal: Eighty Years as the Guardian of the Sword Pavilion

Chapter 56 – Given too much, really can’t handle it

Chapter 56 – Given too much, really can’t handle it

Meng Fan looked at Liu Yanping with a speechless expression.

He had anticipated her shock at his rapid advancement in cultivation, but he certainly hadn't expected this kind of reaction.

However, Meng Fan quickly grasped Liu Yanping's thoughts. Although her idea was absurd, it seemed somewhat reasonable.

With no other option, he helplessly explained, "I haven't been crippled, my cultivation is intact, it's just that you can't see it."

"What do you mean I can't see it?" Liu Yanping was confused, not having considered the possibility that Meng Fan had surpassed her.

Meng Fan had no choice but to release the aura of his True Martial Realm second level.

The next second, Liu Yanping's eyes widened in utter shock.

"You... you've reached the True Martial Realm?"

How was that possible?

The last time they met, Meng Fan was only at the third level of Qi Refining.

How much time had passed since then?

Just a little over two months, not two years!!!

"True Martial second level," Meng Fan casually said to Liu Yanping.

True Martial second level?

Liu Yanping was also at the True Martial second level, having successfully broken through from the first level after her time away.

But... how could Meng Fan be at the same level?

When she was at the first level of True Martial Realm, Meng Fan was at the second level of Qi Refining.

Now that she was at the second level of True Martial Realm, Meng Fan was also there.

This was just monstrous!

"Are you joking?" Liu Yanping stared at Meng Fan, dumbfounded.

Meng Fan rolled his eyes. He had already released the aura of the True Martial second level, and yet Liu Yanping still doubted?

In fact, Liu Yanping wasn't doubting, she simply couldn't believe it.

It was unthinkable for someone to break through from the second level of Qi Refining to the second level of True Martial Realm in just a few months.


Yet this impossible feat was unfolding right before her eyes, forcing her to believe.

After a long while, Liu Yanping finally calmed down and accepted the reality.

Fortunately, she had known Meng Fan was a monstrosity, capable of guiding her when she was at the ninth level of Qi Refining, even though he was only at the first level.

For such a monstrosity, any monstrous event seemed somewhat acceptable.

A hint of helplessness appeared on Meng Fan's face as he asked Liu Yanping, "Senior Sister Liu, when did you return? Is there something you need from me?"

Liu Yanping rolled her eyes.

"Can't I find you if there's nothing important?"

However, she did have a reason for seeking out Meng Fan.

"I have something to tell you. While I was out, I encountered..."

Liu Yanping chattered away, talking non-stop for the duration of a stick of incense.

Meng Fan could only listen patiently.

During her time away, Liu Yanping had been slaying demons and exterminating evil.

Of course, to say she was slaying demons was perhaps giving her too much credit.

She did indeed slay some demonic beasts, but the strongest among them wasn't even as formidable as a Purple Thunder Pig!

To call them demonic beasts was a bit of a stretch; they were more like fierce beasts, with little to do with actual demons.

During one such "demon-slaying" incident, Liu Yanping had her kill stolen.

She had managed to seriously injure a beast, and just as she was about to finish it off, a disciple from the Limitless Sword Sect swooped in, delivered the final blow, and claimed the beast as his trophy.

Naturally, this infuriated Liu Yanping.

But being a rich woman, she didn't really care about the beast itself.

However, she couldn't stand the injustice and argued with the disciple.

The argument escalated, and what started as a trivial matter infuriated Liu Yanping to the point of explosion.

She unsheathed her sword and fought the Limitless Sword Sect disciple.

Unfortunately, she was no match.

It was a humiliating defeat.

Afterward, the disciple insulted her with words, mocking not just her but the entire Shu Mountain Sword Sect.

This incident became a psychological shadow for her.

When had Liu Yanping ever suffered such humiliation?

So upon returning to the Shu Mountain Sword Sect, she sought out Meng Fan, hoping he could guide her in improving her sword technique, so she could seek revenge on that individual.

Meng Fan listened to the tale for the duration of a stick of incense, and after hearing it, he felt that Liu Yanping, like Li Xuerou, had too much free time on her hands!

Was such a trivial matter really worth so much concern?

"Senior Sister Liu, all sorts of things can happen when you're out gaining experience. What you've described is also a form of tempering. I think you really shouldn't take this matter to heart, turning grief and anger into motivation is indeed..."

Just as Meng Fan was about to persuade Liu Yanping to let it go, as he had done with Li Xuerou, she held up a finger.

"If you can guide me to improve my sword technique and let me defeat that bastard, I'll give you one hundred Spirit Stones!"

Meng Fan suddenly found himself at a loss for words and fell silent.

Who could resist such an offer?

Actually, Meng Fan just wanted to immerse himself in studying the sword scriptures and perfect his own sword technique, without any distractions.

But there was no helping it; Liu Yanping, the young lady, was offering too much!

A hundred Spirit Stones just for opening her mouth; whether others could resist or not, Meng Fan certainly couldn't.

This was the power of a rich woman!

"How about this? You take me to that guy, and I'll beat him up for you. That would be much simpler," Meng Fan suggested to Liu Yanping.

Liu Yanping shook her head, "No, I must do it myself to feel the satisfaction of revenge."

Hearing her words, Meng Fan could only smile wryly and helplessly.

"Do you know what sword technique that Limitless Sword Sect disciple practices? And how strong is he? How big is the gap between you and him?" Meng Fan asked.

If he was to guide Liu Yanping, he needed to understand her enemy first.

Meng Fan had no fondness for the Limitless Sword Sect, having seen a memory within a sword wraith that showed the Clan Master of the Limitless Sword Sect, Li Qingyun, killing his pregnant wife to cultivate the Supreme Heartless Sword.

A double life lost!

One was his child, the other his wife.

Such a vile man was unworthy of humanity.

Honestly, if Meng Fan had the strength, he wouldn't mind acting on behalf of heaven to slay Li Qingyun.

This wasn't meddling; Meng Fan had witnessed that memory as if he had been there to see Li Qingyun commit the act.

It was as if Meng Fan had been at the scene, watching Li Qingyun in action!

Therefore, Meng Fan harbored a killing intent towards Li Qingyun, an unavoidable sentiment.

And by extension, he had no good feelings towards the entire Limitless Sword Sect.

"That Limitless Sword Sect disciple and I have crossed swords. Although he's stronger than me, he didn't have the power to crush me outright; I could still exchange a few moves with him.

This proves that he's only slightly stronger than me; let's say he's around the fourth level of True Martial Realm, at most the fifth level.

Of course, realm isn't the only measure of strength.

In any case, he's not much stronger than me, and I still have hope of surpassing him!"

Hearing Liu Yanping's words, Meng Fan had a rough idea.

Strength is difficult to quantify with precise data.

Meng Fan felt that as long as Liu Yanping achieved higher accomplishments in sword technique, she should be able to defeat that Limitless Sword Sect disciple.

If it were about increasing Liu Yanping's realm, that would indeed be difficult.

But improving sword technique? That was something he could do!

Especially since Liu Yanping had left the Shu Mountain Sword Sect to gain experience, Meng Fan had gone to the Sword God Stele to gain insights, achieving significant improvement.

Additionally, he had been studying sword scriptures in the Scripture Pavilion, and compared to before, Meng Fan had reached a deeper level of understanding in the way of the sword.

Guiding Liu Yanping was not beyond his capabilities.

"Senior Sister Liu, it's not difficult for you to defeat that Limitless Sword Sect disciple," Meng Fan said casually.

"Oh? Do you have a good method?" Liu Yanping perked up.

"The method is simple; you just need to do one thing."

"What's that?"

"Cultivate Sword Intent!"

Hearing Meng Fan's words, Liu Yanping rolled her eyes.

Wasn't that obvious?

She knew that if she could cultivate Sword Intent, she could definitely hang that Limitless Sword Sect disciple out to dry.

But how could she possibly cultivate Sword Intent?

"You're joking, right? I'm only at the second level of the True Martial Realm, how could I cultivate Sword Intent? There's no one in the entire Shu Mountain Sword Sect at the second level who has cultivated Sword Intent!" Liu Yanping rolled her eyes, speaking with exasperation.

"Senior Sister Liu, you're wrong there. There's one right in front of you who has cultivated Sword Intent at the second level of True Martial Realm," Meng Fan said calmly.

Liu Yanping was taken aback for a moment, then quickly realized Meng Fan was boasting about himself.

"You..." She said helplessly, "Can I even compare to you? You're a freak!"

"Heh, Senior Sister Liu, how about a bet?" Meng Fan said with a smile.

"What bet?" Liu Yanping frowned as she glanced at Meng Fan.

"If I can help you cultivate Sword Intent within a month, two hundred Spirit Stones. Do you bet?" Meng Fan said earnestly.

Liu Yanping's eyes narrowed. Wasn't this raising the stakes?

She had previously agreed that if Meng Fan could guide her to defeat that Limitless Sword Sect disciple, she would give him one hundred Spirit Stones.

And now, in the blink of an eye, he had doubled the price.

She had encountered people in the jade markets during her travels who wouldn't dare to haggle like this!


But Liu Yanping agreed without a moment's hesitation, with no sign of reluctance.

Because if Meng Fan could truly guide her to cultivate a sword intent within a month, those two hundred Spirit Stones would be well worth it.

To be fair, Liu Yanping always had a grand vision. In her eyes, there was no such thing as a loss, only worth.

"Then you go back first, come find me tomorrow," Meng Fan said to Liu Yanping.

"Why do I have to find you tomorrow? Can't you start guiding me today?" Liu Yanping was always impatient, so she urged him.

"Why?" Meng Fan's face showed a wry smile and helplessness.

"Because tonight, I need to first cultivate the Emerald Sea Tide Rises Sword Intent."

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