Last Wish System

Chapter 197 - Lar and Liye’s Story

Chapter 197: Lar and Liye’s Story

“Listen, you have to accept my requests if you really want to learn that skill, no jokes right now, understood?”

Lar wanted to say that she wasn’t joking, but she decided to remain in silence and just nodded; that skill was far too important to her.

“First, you will always tell me the truth and won’t hide anything from me.”

Lar looked to Yale with a strange face.

“I never planned to lie or hide anything from you! Have more faith in me! I can even tell you my three sizes if you want!”

Yale wanted to laugh after hearing the reply. After all, those were just some words, not an oath nor anything truly binding, so if she wanted to lie or hide something, there wasn’t anything he could do to avoid it. He just wanted to put some pressure on her.

“Well, you were telling that you were my wife, isn’t that a lie? As for the three sizes of a kid, I don’t need them, maybe after you have grown up.”

Yale started to find funny teasing Lar; she had put him in an awkward situation before, so he was having fun with the revenge.

“I always considered myself your wife; I wasn’t lying at all! Even if you don’t accept me, you are my only man! You will beg for my body after I learn that skill!”

Yale was really curious about why she had developed such a deep love for him, or more exactly for his past life, but he decided to ask it later as he wanted to continue putting some pressure on her with the conditions.

“Well, no one would believe that you are the wife of someone with those looks anyway. Second, you need to follow my orders from now on, any orders. Even if I ask you to stop hugging me or I told you to go away, you must obey.”

Lar definitely didn’t want to obey anything like that, but she decided to agree with a condition.

“It will be hard to obey being far from you, but if it is only temporary, I can do it if you needed it. However, I will never obey you if you ask me to allow other women to be near you.”

Lar was quite a possessive woman; if it weren’t for Liye’s extreme circumstances, she would have never agreed to those two disciples of Liye also had a child with him.

“I am not interested in relationships right now; I just want to train, so you don’t need to worry about such things. However, I hope you don’t kill any woman who nears me, especially for those of my family, I will never forgive you if you hurt them.”

Yale was speaking about Wyba, Aiwai, and Ange; he wouldn’t forgive anyone who harmed them.

“Well, if it is just your current family, I will try to restrain myself and act nice with them, but I just turn crazy when I see you near other women...”

The next part of the sentence was just in Lar’s thoughts because she didn’t dare to say in a loud voice.

“You also said that you weren’t interested in romantic affairs and just wanted to train in your previous life, but you still don’t know how many women were interested in you.”

Liye was even more training madman than Yale. Although that was also something that Lar loved about him, she always felt frustrated by not being able to near more to him.

In fact, if it wasn’t because Wyba and Aiwai, Yale would also be someone who just cared about training. Even Ange didn’t have that much impact on him because Yale hadn’t stayed with her for a long time due to their circumstances, so it wasn’t until later on that he noticed that had always been too cold with her although she had always been kind to him. Yale knew that his social skills were inexistent in those days.

At least, Yale had been able to develop some family love because Liye had never loved anyone even as a family, he cared about his disciples, but he never hesitated in killing them if they broke the rules.

There was something strange with that behavior, but no one knew the true reason and mostly attributed it to be a madman of training. Although some people had asked him about that topic, he always avoided replying, so there was no doubt that there was some deep reason behind that behavior.

“Well, that is all. Now start explaining to me everything about us, maybe I will be able to remember you better after that.”

Yale didn’t know if Lar would really tell the truth or not, but as her personality was still childish, Yale thought that maybe she would believe that having agreed to his terms was really binding.

“You probably don’t remember, but I wasn’t someone from this world; there are too many worlds inhabited by humans, and I lived in one of them. The first time we met was when you went to my world in your training journey.”

Humans were one of the species most spread across the worlds, and foreign humans were usually accepted in any other world controlled by humans.

“My father was the strongest human in that world although I can only remember that he had surpassed the Law Master level in seven laws when you appeared in our world.”

Lar almost didn’t remember anything about her family, and the parts she remembered were all related to Liye.

Yale was shocked by the power of Lar’s father; he was far more powerful than his own peak of power in his past life.

“At that time you have only surpassed the Law Master level in Swordsmanship, but that was still impressive, so my father requested to meet you.”

Any human who had surpassed the Law Master level in any law was someone worthy to befriend by the other powerful humans in different worlds.

“The first time I met you, I hated you. My father treated you too well, and I was jealous of you. At that time I was already a Law Master and had lived for a lot of time, but I had always been too pampered, and my experience dealing with outsiders was near to inexistent. Thus, I interrupted you and my father asking for a battle against you while I was thinking that beating you would be easy. In the end, you won against me without any effort, a completely one-sided battle, that was the first time I lost to someone else than my father in a battle of pure swordsmanship. That was a great shock for me.”

Yale had difficulties to understand how Lar ended loving him that much with such start.

“My father invited you to reside in our mansion while you were in our world and you accepted it. That just made me more upset, and I continued challenging you every day although I lost no matter how I tried to win. After some years, that daily battle with you was already something normal to me.”

There was nostalgia in Lar’s eyes.

“One day you told us that you were going to leave. My father wished you good luck on your journey, but I couldn’t accept it, I wanted to continue battling against you. In the end, I decided to pursue you to continue challenging you, we couldn’t battle every day like before, but that was still better than nothing.”

Yale was still confused, until that moment, she had just following Liye to battle against him, and that explained their constant battled across different worlds, but it had no relation to that deep love she had towards him.

“Although I always told you that I just didn’t want to stop challenging you before surpassing you and even I told that to myself, after some time I understood that what I wanted wasn’t just battling against you every day, I wanted to be with you forever. Unconsciously, I had started to love you in those years you had lived at our house when you battled against me every day. However, I had never enough guts to tell you because I feared being rejected as there was never any romantic interaction among us since we met.”

The nostalgia was replaced by sadness.

“It was only when you told me about your soul that I realized that my hesitation made me lose you, so I swore to myself never hesitate about my feelings again. When you told me about your need for bloodlines, I offered myself without thinking about it two times.”

Lar’s face changed again, but that time her face was red.

“It wasn’t for a long time, but that time you remained together with me was the happiest in my life, and I wanted my life to be like that forever. However, I knew that you didn’t have a lot of time before dying due to your soul, so I could just restrain my wish and hope to have another chance in your next life.”

Although Yale didn’t understand how she ended loving the person she wanted to beat in battle, he felt that Lar spoke the truth.

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