Legend of Legends

Chapter 298 Variable 3

Once the Spatial Slash came off cooldown, Junhyuk would target Lujet first. Lujet could summon the demon, and the allies didn’t have a way to kill it within a short time. So, to deal with the demon, the allies had to kill Lujet. Lujet jumped down from the castle wall, and Junhyuk made his preparations. If the bonus damage triggered, he might be able to kill Lujet. However, the Spatial Slash hadn’t come off cooldown yet. Aak ran toward the center of the allied camp and stomped the ground. Boom! All of the allies got hit by the shockwave and were stunned, and that’s when Lujet summoned the demon. Once there, the demon punched Junhyuk. "Ugh!" He got hit on the chest and bounced away. Now, he was completely aware of why the demon was so dangerous. Junhyuk had lost 50 percent of his health from a single hit. He was furious. Meanwhile, Lujet extended a hand toward him and said, "You are blacklisted," and from the tip of his fingers, missiles shot out. When Junhyuk saw them, he dove to the side with all of his might. However, Halo stepped in front of Junhyuk, spinning his sword in front of him. The sword blocked the attack, and after all missiles had exploded, Lujet scowled. "I’m not going to let you live." Because Halo had blocked the attack, Keros ran toward him and made his massive sword explode. The shrapnel of the explosion swept through all of the allies. Lujet had grabbed the allies’ attention, and Keros took the opportunity to use an area-of-effect attack. Junhyuk had lost most of his health in no time at all. The only reason Junhyuk survive was due to the fact that the shrapnel hit everyone instead of focusing on just him. Then, Junhyuk felt the Spatial Slash come off cooldown and swung his sword, shouting, "Kill Lujet!" He used the Spatial Slash on Lujet’s neck, and it hit. Lujet’s eyes widened, and blood gushed out of the hero, but he only lost 30 percent of his health. The allies focused their attacks on Lujet now, and Junhyuk looked around. He was thinking about how he could help the allies when, suddenly, he felt a sharp pain, and his eyes widened. The expert was standing next to him with his insect mandible open. He smirked and said, "You thought you were so smart." "You...!" Before he had a chance to finish his sentence, he started losing consciousness. The fight between the allies and the enemies raged in the background. --- A sudden death. He had been killed by that expert. Junhyuk was furious, and he went through the empty darkness as quickly as possible. Once out, he breathed heavily. "Whew!" he said, leaning his head back and grinding his teeth. "I got destroyed." The demon’s attack, Keros’ power, and the expert’s sneak attack. He had been killed once again. Two deaths. He had tried to get through the darkness in any way he could, and his soul had grown because of it. He got stronger every time he died, but nobody wanted to get hurt. Junhyuk inhaled deeply. The heroes were all alive and engaged with the enemies. It was five against four. The enemy had the expert, but Junhyuk believed the allies would do well this time. "We have to kill one or two enemies." Thinking about a bunch of things, he walked out, and Sarang walked toward him. "The enemies returned, and I didn’t know what was happening. Are you OK?" "I’m fine." "You died again." Sarang was worried about him, and he hugged her lightly. "Let’s wait here until we find out what happened in this team battle." Sarang nodded. Vera and Diane showed up next. When they both saw Junhyuk, the two of them smiled bitterly at him. "You are having a hard time." "I’m fine. What happened?" Vera sighed and said, "After you hit Lujet with the Spatial Slash, we all attacked him. But they used the multi-status ailments on us, and we got killed." "Multi-status ailments... You mean the expert?" "Right, that bug-looking thing." Junhyuk sighed. Vera and Diane were their team’s main offense, and they had both been killed. The rest of them would be massacred. The bug was only an expert, but it could sneak-attack and inflict status ailments. He could simply hide until there was an opening to stack the bad statuses on his enemies, and his job was done. "Maybe that expert has some good equipment." Junhyuk had gotten stronger after becoming a champion, but that expert was displaying some absurd damage. Considering the expert’s damaging power, he had to have impressive items. He would be able to assassinate heroes. That’s the kind of damage he had. The legend candidates would cover the expert so that he could assassinate someone at the end of the fight and get himself better equipped. Halo and Nudra showed up next, and Junhyuk asked, "What happened?" Halo sighed and answered, "We killed Lujet, but they killed us." "What about Artlan?" "Last I saw him, he was attacking Keros." "Did Keros have a lot of health?" Halo nodded heavily, and Junhyuk sighed. Diane walked over to him and caressed his butt. "You did everything you could. Don’t blame yourself." He smiled bitterly. Diane’s caresses of his butt happened whenever she wanted. Before he could say anything, Artlan showed up. The hero sighed and said, "You all got killed!" Frowning, Junhyuk asked, "What do we do now?" Artlan looked at the allies and said, "This time, we killed two and we picked up their items. We all got killed, so we lost five items, but the cost of the items we gained and lost might be similar. Did anyone drop an expensive item?" Everyone checked their equipment and shook their heads. "No, we only lost cheap stuff." Artlan continued, "We need a different way to distribute items. We’ll put these into a group auction." Junhyuk couldn’t understand. Whoever picked up the items was the items new owner, so why were they giving up expensive items? Vera smiled and said, "Right. We are all one team." When Junhyuk looked at the group, the heroes all agreed. Artlan continued, "If anyone needs an item, buy it, and we’ll share the money earned from that. Vera will put up the price, so anyone who is willing to pay more will get the item. Any complaints?" Everyone nodded, and Artlan smiled. "Right now, none of us has any money. I’ll tell you the attributes for the two items, so if anyone is interested, they should say so." Tuelus and Lujet both had dropped item. Tuelus’ item dealt with magic, so Vera should take it. She inspected the item and said, "I’ll buy this. I don’t have any money now, but I’ll pay 1,400,000G." Artlan nodded. "There wasn’t anybody else bidding, but thanks for being fair." "We are all friends here." Artlan raised Lujet’s items. "Anyone can use this, so inspect the attributes." As Junhyuk looked at the item, Vera walked over to Junhyuk and put her arm around his neck. "Junhyuk, I need your help." "My help?" "Can you win the next Champions’ Battlefield?" Junhyuk thought about it. "The depends on who the new champion is." Aktur had lacked items, but his powers had been very useful. Now that Aktur was gone, would Junhyuk be able to fight as well? Vera whispered, "You must win." After some thought, he answered, "I’ll win for sure." Junhyuk had upgraded his items. If the battle were held now, he would win. It’s true he didn’t know who the next champion would be, but he already had Gongon. As the two talked, the auction ended. "Diane is the new owner. She’ll pay 1,600,000G." Diane put the bracelet on and smiled. "I’ll deal serious damage to the enemy." Junhyuk looked at Artlan and asked, "What do we do now?" "We wait for the enemy," Artlan answered calmly. "Where do we fight them?" Artlan frowned. "We’ll have a better chance with the giant golems." A golem could fight a hero, so with the golems, they would be able to really hurt their enemies. However, it hurt Junhyuk to say that since he knew the plan was cheap. Artlan frowned for the same reason. Then, he turned to the group and said, "Right now, we can’t win. We’ll just let them become legends. However, we’ll kill at least one of them as a farewell." Junhyuk turned to the group. Prices for hero items ranged from low to high. Junhyuk had cheap items, but others had items priced between 80,000G and 2,000,000G that they had gotten from the legend candidates. They had lost many things while fighting the legend candidates, but if lucky, they would get more items from them. The allies were now able to kill two of the candidates at a time, and with the golem, their chances of killing another were even better. Junhyuk agreed with what Artlan had said, and Diane walked over to Junhyuk and smiled. "Let’s go to the castle wall." "The castle wall?" "Correct, we’ll use our archers to the fullest." Junhyuk knew what she meant. The allies would attack the enemies and because of that the archers would be buffed and also focus on their enemies, and Junhyuk had no objections about taking full advantage of the archers. If used right, the Spatial Slash would further damage the enemy. Junhyuk, Vera and Diane took their positions on the castle wall. Junhyuk was positioned at the center of the wall, and Sarang walked over to him and stood in front of him. "Why are you here? Get inside." "When the enemy gets here, I’ll go inside." Junhyuk smiled bitterly at her. The minions were standing in front of the gate. They didn’t know what would happen to them, so they were just standing there. There was no way to save them, so putting his hands on the parapet, Junhyuk said to Sarang, "The enemy has long-ranged attacks. You’ll die even if you just get hit by a single blow. You know that, right?" "When you land your attack, I’ll withdraw." He looked at her and smiled. "Don’t forget to do it." "Of course. I don’t want to die either." Junhyuk smiled, looked down and gathered his breath. The enemy wasn’t there yet, so he started absorbing mana for his living spirit. Without leaving the wall, he started to slowly absorb mana. Meanwhile, Sarang was doing the same thing. While Junhyuk absorbed mana into his gut, Sarang absorbed mana into her heart. As he looked at her, Junhyuk saw that she had focused on the task and was really into it. He frowned a bit. The first time he had absorbed mana on the battlefield, he had needed help from Artlan. However, Sarang didn’t need any help from anyone. She was absorbing mana for the first time on the battlefield and doing so at enormous quantities. He realized that she was in a trance, unable to recover consciousness until she was done. Junhyuk thought about waking her up, but that’s when the enemy showed up through the middle path. They were accompanied by five hundred minions. Junhyuk scowled. "They are ready." Suddenly, Diane and Vera walked over, and Vera turned to Sarang and said, "When you withdraw, take her with you." "Sure." The enemies were gathering toward the gate, but they were still out of range of the Spatial Slash. "Attack!" They sent the five hundred minions ahead, but the allies were lacking in numbers. Frowning, Junhyuk said, "Are they...?" Vera saw it too and finished, "They are trying to destroy the gate with the minions." "Is that possible?" "No, it’s not." Vera pulled out her orb and added, "We are here." Junhyuk smiled and said, "Shall we make them crawl?" After he said that, he jumped down from the castle wall and ran toward the minions. To the enemy minions, he was like a natural disaster.

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