Legend of Legends

Chapter 307 Dimensional Tear 2

Waves of monsters were coming out of the dimensional tear, so how could he know that was inside it and if he should go in? He was worried, but Vera said calmly, "When you go inside the dimensional tear, you’ll find a tower with a core. You must destroy that tower." "There is a tower inside?" Junhyuk could no longer worry about things. Parts of the building were collapsing, and he had to teleport. After teleporting, he stood in front of the dimensional tear. With his mind made up, Junhyuk teleported inside the tear. When he entered, pure white light covered his vision, just like when he got summoned to the Dimensional Battlefield. Junhyuk thought that management liked white lights, a useless thought, and he saw a road ten meters wide. When he looked back, he saw the portal he had gone through vibrating. That was the dimensional tear, and he would use it again to leave. Junhyuk walked forward slowly. What was that place? Did it diminish his powers like the Dimensional Battlefield? If not, could he use all of his powers? Junhyuk waited for a moment, and when the cooldown ended, he teleported as far as he could. He had crossed a distance of a hundred meters, however, still couldn’t see the end of the road. It was a brightly lit road, and Junhyuk was hearing loud noises from the other end. He grimaced and kept on slowly moving forward. If anything came his way, he would deal with it. The shape of the existences became clear, and Junhyuk scowled. Twin-headed ogres were heading his way, but he didn’t mind them. He ran toward them and started slicing and dicing the monsters. That was the tenth wave. After the dimensional tear was made and waves of monsters started showing up, the tenth wave was composed of twin-headed ogres. Junhyuk was doing well, but the ranks of the monsters were increasing faster than ever before. He slashed through the ogre, and when a part of the twin-headed ogre flew off and hit the pure white wall, it disappeared instantly. Junhyuk got an odd feeling from it, but he cut down the rest of the ogres. When the bodies disappeared, he inhaled deeply. "They aren’t going to send an A-ranked monster, right?" Even heroes couldn’t deal with A-ranked monsters easily, and while heroes were stronger when in their own dimensions, the monsters were also released from their shackles. Junhyuk tried connecting with Vera again, but his communication device wouldn’t work in there, so he started running. He had only met two types of B-ranked monsters so far, but there might be more of them. Junhyuk didn’t know how long the road was, but he had to get to the tower and destroy it before an A-ranked monster appeared. Then, he thought that the waves started at every five minutes, which meant that the monsters should be five minutes away with their movement speeds. He couldn’t guess at how fast the monsters were, so he decided to run. Junhyuk had run for a while before he saw the next group of monsters. They had gathered up, and it was the first time Junhyuk was seeing that type of monsters, but they were coming after the twin-headed ogres, so that meant that they were more dangerous than the ogres. He sped up and used the Spatial Slash, slicing a monster in half. The shockwave generated from the attack swept through everything around. Junhyuk thought that those monsters were easier than the golem, but there were still ten of them remaining. He ran at them, and they dispersed, and each of them attacked him. Frowning, he swung his sword, but he couldn’t cut them. They were more annoying than golem. The monsters seemed to have turned into mist-like existences, and Junhyuk couldn’t land an attack on them. He thought there might be a nucleus within their mist state, so he looked around in search for one. THen, he felt something strange on his back and stepped forward while turning around and slashing toward his back. The monster was sliced through the center, and a shockwave borne out of that center strike. The rest of the monsters dispersed, and he slowly looked around himself. It looked like, when in mist state, they had to gather and attack as a group, which also meant they formed a single file when they attacked him. Without gathering, they couldn’t attack him, so he had a chance to kill them all. Junhyuk held tightly to his swords and stood up comfortably. He was less nervous than before and he didn’t move even though he knew he was in a situation where every second mattered. Those monsters were at least B-ranked. If they had gotten through the tear to South Korea, society wouldn’t have been able to deal with them. Junhyuk stood there and focused on his senses. The mist surrounded him, and two mists became one and started attacking him. However, Junhyuk had read the attack and triggered acceleration. He slashed the enemy coming toward him, and the mist dispersed again. "I don’t have time for this," he said. The mists converged and attacked him again, forming a single enemy. The enemies could control their shape, and they rushed at him as a single, smaller enemy. He watched as the little mist monster attacked him at once, and he returned the Frozen Rune Sword to the scabbard and punched at the mist. Boom! Even without any weapons, his attack power had increased after he had upgraded his equipment. His punch created a sphere-like shockwaved that expanded within the little mist monster. They were B-ranked monsters, so Junhyuk couldn’t kill them with a shockwave from his punch, but he slashed again with the Blood Rune Sword, creating yet another shockwave, but this time things were different. He was standing at the center of the road when he swung his keenly, and when the enemies gathered, he triggered his acceleration without hesitation, finally managing to kill all of them. Junhyuk looked at them and gasped for air. There was a limit to his acceleration, and he might encounter even stronger enemies. If he meandered, more enemies would come, so he couldn’t just stay there. "Holy shit! Do I have to continue fighting without a regeneration basin?" He didn’t have time to recover, so he continued running even though he was tired. He had to find the tower and destroy it before encountering any more monsters. As he ran, he thought, ’What is this tunnel made out of? The tunnel’s walls absorb monster bodies.’ Junhyuk didn’t know where the monsters were coming from or where they had disappeared to.He thought about a lot of things, but he didn’t have any answers for them. Junhyuk ran just like Vera had told him to, and after a while, the road started getting wider, and that made him nervous. "Perhaps?" The road widening could mean that even larger monsters could show up. The size of the monsters didn’t much matter, but he thought that the larger ones wouldn’t be so weak. Five-meter tall twin-headed ogres had already appeared, and even bigger monsters might show up. He knew that, so he ran with all of his might. Even if a bigger monster showed up, he had to kill it and destroy the tower with the core. He picked up the pace and saw something familiar far away. "A Black Turtle?" The giant turtle had a thick shell, and it had a snake’s head where the tail should have been. When he saw the buff monster, the Black Turtle, he sighed. "So, finally an A-ranked monster." He had never fought an A-ranked monster by himself and he couldn’t ask for help now. The Black Turtle started to move. He had fought one of them before, but not alone. It wasn’t easy to pierce the turtle’s shell. As he ran forward, his eyes beamed. He hadn’t been able to fight one by himself before, but what about now? The Wolf Warlord had instincts that prevented him from using the Spatial Slash on it. The Spatial Slash was his strongest power, but the Wolf Warlord could dodge it. However, things were different now. The Black Turtle wasn’t that fast, and he wanted to know if he could pierce its shell. As he ran, he saw the snake’s head moving quickly, and it attacked him. It struck in a flash, but Junhyuk dove to a side to dodge. Boom! As he rolled on the ground, he saw the wall. The walls around the road were thick, but they had absorbed the monsters’ bodies. Should he kick off of it? He didn’t have long to think about it before the snake’s head raised itself high up and crashed down toward him. Junhyuk threw himself toward the wall. He triggered acceleration and kicked off the wall as he used his Spatial Slash. He thought the snake’s head might dodge his attack, so he focused it on the other head, the turtle’s head. The Spatial Slash penetrated its neck, and the turtle bled out heavily, and blood splattered everywhere. However, it wasn’t dead yet. It had more health than a twin-headed ogre, so Junhyuk grimaced and murmured, "I need more time." He could deal the most damage with the Spatial Slash. His regular attacks could also damage the turtle, but he needed to deal more than they could to take it down. It needed to be a large amount of damage. Junhyuk ran on the wall and dropped on the turtle’s head, and the snake head attacked him at high speed. He teleported while swinging his sword, and Junhyuk was thinking the attack would be the turning point of the fight. Regular attacks had to work against the turtle, if not, he wouldn’t be able to take it down. The Spatial Slashe’s cooldown was too long. The sword left a mark on the turtle’s neck. It was working. However, the snake’s head flew toward him, slamming him on the side. Boom! Junhyuk was thrown at the wall and fell to the ground, trying to gather his breath. The turtle opened its mouth wide and spewed a green fog toward him. Junhyuk felt the corrosion melting everything around him and teleported again. He appeared on the turtle’s back. Junhyuk acceleration was used up, but he slashed the turtle’s neck again. He trusted his attacks, but the turtle withdrew its head into its shell. The snake’s head was still moving and slammed against him again. Junhyuk was thrown off once more, hitting the wall and falling to the ground again. A-ranked monsters were at another level. When he got up again, Junhyuk couldn’t breathe, but he saw the Black Turtle coming toward him. The turtle’s head was still inside the shell, and the snake’s head was bearing its tongue at him. "Are you teasing me?" Junhyuk ran toward the Black Turtle again.

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