Legend of Legends

Chapter 314 Superiority 3

When the centipede raised its body way up, Junhyuk ran toward it, while Gongon and Sarang followed him. Gongon’s feet were sinking in the sand, but he did not stop even though he was scowling. Sarang also followed Junhyuk. If she were left alone, she would be in danger if the centipede attacked her. Junhyuk was taking the lead of the group. He had lost 10 percent of his health from the hit from the centipede, so he thought the fight was winnable, and although he didn’t know how much power the centipede’s bite possessed, he ran toward it. The centipede opened its mouth wide and vomited acid. As he watched the centipede do so, Junhyuk thought there was only way to save his friends. "Gather up!" He raised the force field, and the liquid covered the entire area around the force field. Inside, Junhyuk looked at the group. What could he dow now? "We must go inside its mouth to deal damage?" Gongon asked calmly. "That’s right." Junhyuk looked at the hatchling and asked, "Are you volunteering?" Gongon snickered. "I wasn’t expecting to go inside of anybody’s mouth ever, but I will." Junhyuk laughed. "We only have one chance." He grabbed Sarang and Gongon and used his jump skill. The jump was accurate, and they all went inside the centipedes mouth, the two being held by Junhyuk. The centipede closed its mouth quickly, but it couldn’t chew down on the force field. Tack, tack, tack! Junhyuk felt the impact on the force field. "What do we do now?" "Your Spatial Slash is not off cooldown yet?" "Not yet." Gongon transformed himself, inhaled deeply and breathed fire. The flames burned the inside of the centipede’s mouth. "Raaaaaaah!" The centipede was going crazy, and the group lost balance with all the shaking inside the force field. Sarang cast an electric arrow with her orb, and Junhyuk inspected the inside of the centipede’s mouth. He saw the wound previously made by the Spatial Slash, but he realized he had to maintain the force field. Without it, the centipede would swallow them whole. Its sharp teeth were clashing against the force field even to that moment. He sighed and said, "Gongon, I know you already feel dirty, but we must exploit that injury." Gongon looked at him completely surprised. "Are you saying I have to go further in?" "Sorry, Gongon." Junhyuk kicked the hatchling’s butt, and Gongon left the force field. He was now completely covered in centipede saliva. "I feel so dirty," Gongon murmured. He was on the centipede’s tongue, running on it. "Holy dog shit!" Gongon cursed while placing his claws inside the open wound made by the Spatial Slash. Then, he started tearing it up. "Raaaaaah!" The would opened even more, and it started bleeding heavily. As the dragon got covered in blood, he exerted himself even more. "I will kill you!" While that was happening, the centipede was going berserk, so Junhyuk looked at Sarang and said, "We should make it stop." She cast an electric blast on the centipede, and it was paralyzed. Junhyuk turned to see Gongon going crazy on the wound and realized his force field was about to fade away. "Gongon! Come back! The force field is almost gone!" But Gongon was still going crazy on the wound, so Junhyuk sighed, walked out of the force field, and picked up the hatchling. When the force field finally disappeared, he teleported to the top of the centipede’s head with them. "Raaaaah!" The centipede shook its head, and Sarang cast Thunderstorm on it. The lightning bolts wouldn’t work against its hide, but she focused them on the centipede’s eye. As the centipede went berserk, Junhyuk slid down its back while holding Gongon and Sarang. Covered in blood and saliva, Gongon shouted, "Let go! I’m already dirty!" He put the hatchling down. The centipede had lost an eye, and it was turning around toward them. Junhyuk smiled at it and said, "It’s back!" The Spatial Slash was off cooldown, and he cast it on the centipede’s wide open mouth. Gongon had made the injury even wider, and Junhyuk focused his attack on it. The Blood Rune Sword’s Spatial Slash cut deep into the injury, and the strike finally worked. The centipede took its last breath. It did not even scream. As it crashed down, Junhyuk picked up the rest of the group and ran to the side. Boom! The impact created a large dust cloud, and Junhyuk covered his face to try to see within it. Then, he turned to the group. Gongon, who had already been covered by blood and saliva, was now covered by dirt on top of everything. The hatchling slumped down and sat on the ground. Sarang was also tired. "You did well." "I feel so dirty." Junhyuk looked at Gongon one more time and walked over to the fallen centipede. He had to pull out its organ, and he couldn’t do it through the thick hide. So, he pulled out his sword. Sarang couldn’t help him there, and Junhyuk stabbed the centipede, tearing into the centipede’s hide piece by piece. The ten-thousand-year centipede’s length was in full view, and it was about a hundred meters long. It took time to dig into it.Finally creating an opening, Junhyuk looked inside. The task had been difficult, but he found what he had been looking for, its organ. He sighed as he saw it. Then, he turned to look behind him. Gongon was wiping himself off with the sand, and Sarang was helping him. Junhyuk looked at the pieces of centipede hide and said, "We can use this." His swords had not worked against the centipede’s hide and neither had the Thunderstorm. The problem was cutting it into smaller pieces. Junhyuk pressed his sword against it, and started sawing the hide with it. Little by little, he sliced chunks he could carry, making the pieces small enough to put in his Spatial Bag. After he had taken one piece, Junhyuk realized he could not continue. "What are you going to do with that hide?" Gongon asked. "Its defense capability is incredible, so it should be useful." After some though, Gongon said, "Give me a piece. I’ll experiment with it." Sighing, Junhyuk said, "It’s hard to slice them." The dragon got up and looked at the bits that had already been cut. "You’ve already done it!" Gongon picked up some pieces and placed it in his Spatial Bag. Gongon’s bag was larger than Junhyuk’s, and Junhyuk was jealous. The hatchling took three pieces and said, "I wonder how the meat tastes." Gongon had complained about how dirty he had gotten, but now he was thinking of eating it. After taking another piece of it, Junhyuk got up slowly and said, "We’ve wasted too much time." Killing the ten-thousand-year-old centipede hadn’t been easy, and they had wasted even more time cutting it apart. When Junhyuk saw the coagulated blood on his body, he used the sand to wipe it off. "Let’s go complete the quest." They got back to the stepping stones. They had thought they had spent too much time on the quest and that their enemies would be waiting for them because of that, but they couldn’t see anyone around. Junhyuk had a bad feeling about that and started looking around. "We must complete the quest as soon as possible." He started walking quickly. "Ahhh!" Junhyuk looked back and saw Sarang had been stabbed on the neck. Kilraden had done it. [Kilraden killed Sarang.] Before he could even do anything, Sarang had been killed. "No!" he shouted and ran toward her, but had already vomited blood and died. Kilraden escaped into the forest. He had been waiting for them and targeted her since she was the weakest of the group. When he tried to run after Kilraden, Kraken appeared instead. The octopus tried to use its large tentacles to grab him, and Junhyuk shouted, "Gon!" "Way ahead of you!" Gongon shouted back. Gongon’s speed had increased by a lot, and the dragon headbutted Kraken. The octopus was pushed back, and Junhyuk used the Spatial Slash on it They had lost Sarang just like that, with the flick of a finger, so now wasn’t the time for fight. After using the Spatial Slash, he picked up Gongon and ran. Junhyuk wanted his revenge, but he had to wait. "Are you running away?" Junhyuk was making a mad dash with Gongon under his arm. Kraken had taken the Spatial Slash, but Nid and Kilraden were nowhere to be seen. Nid and Kilraden were hesitant of going against the Spatial Slash, so Junhyuk was able to run unimpeded. He was heading toward Hatma. While running, he answered Gongon, "We’ll finish the quest and then kill them." Gongon stared at him. "You are something else." "What?" "Your first impulse was to kill them, but you still thought about completing the quest." "We can be sure we’ll kill them if we complete the quest." Junhyuk couldn’t kill them all. They weren’t that easy. For the two of them to kill all their enemies, they had to complete the quest. Junhyuk crossed the stepping stone and put Gongon down. "Stay here." "Don’t worry," the hatchling said. Then, he looked to the stones and shouted, "Stop!" Kraken and the other enemies were heading toward him, and Gongon cracked his neck left and right. "Didn’t you hear me? Stop!" Junhyuk walked over to Hatma and gave him the ten-thousand-year-old centipede’s organ. "Hatma! Give us the reward!" Hatma took the organ and smirked. "You killed the ten-thousand-year-old centipede?!" "That was the quest!" The sorcerer chuckled and ate the organ. Meanwhile, the enemies had closed in on Gongon, and the dragon wouldn’t last long by himself. "Hatma!" Hatma swallowed the organ and put his hands together. "I call on you, Thunder. Hatma says that you will move faster than the wind and strike harder than lightning." [The High-Ranking Sorcerer’s buff is applied. For one hour, your movement speed and your critical hit rate increase by 10 percent. When you deliver a critical hit, the opponent will receive an additional 30 percent of damage. If you die, the enemy will take the buff.] Junhyuk was buffed, and he ran toward Gongon, shouting, "Gon! Step aside!"

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