Legend of Legends

Chapter 318 Monster Area 1

A bright light shone on the gold coins, and the light flew toward Junhyuk. He took the bright light in calmly and smiled. He didn’t know the amount yet, but he had a good feeling, and considering that satisfied feeling, the amount had to be high. Junhyuk’s eyes widened as he heard a soft voice. [You gained 7,770,000G from the randomized gold bag.] Up to that point, rewards from the Champions’ Battlefield had fallen between 100,000G and 300,000G. This time, he made over twenty times that amount. Satisfied, he smiled. By combining the amount he had just gained with what he already had, he would be able to buy at least four items from the Vampire Lord’s set. He closed his eyes, and the pure white light pounded against them. When he opened them again, he was at the training facility. He was curious about how much gold the others had gained, and they had to have thought the same thing since two faced appeared in front of him, Gongon’s and Sarang’s. Junhyuk shook his head. "How can I see you both at the same time?" Gongon answered nonchalantly, "I turned the visual communication into a group chat. That way, we can talk as a team." Junhyuk nodded and asked, "How much money did you gain?" Gongon grimaced and answered, "I thought it would be so cool, but it was so bad. I only got 170,000G." That was the amount they earned on average, and Junhyuk smiled at the fact that he had earned more than the hatchling this time. Sarang shook her head and answered, "By the way, am I the only one who can see the projections?" "Only the owner of the orb can see them. Othes, who don’t know better, will think that you are talking to the air or to yourself." Sarang chuckled and answered, "I got 770,000G." Gongon’s eyes widened and he said, "What? That much?" After listening to them both, Junhyuk smiled with victorious satisfaction. "I got 7,770,000G." Sarang and Gongon stared at him and both shook their head. "That’s a huge give away. They shouldn’t have given you so much." "Unless they stole my luck, it’s impossible." Wasn’t a dragon already lucky to be born as a dragon? "Next time, I’ll be able to afford some new equipment," Junhyuk said nonchalantly. He didn’t know the effects of the Vampire Lord set, but he would get four of those items. Only champions would be able to purchase them before the start of the season, and among the champions, he had the money for them. As long as items of the new set didn’t overlap with the ones he owned for the Pure Golden Knight set, he would be able to get multiple set boosts, and he would become much stronger than ever before. Gongon shrugged. "That much money comes and goes, so I don’t care. You’ll be able to get new items, and that’ll help us." Gongon had a positive outlook, and that was nice. Junhyuk looked at them both and said, "You worked hard. See you next time." "Right, I need to train some more." Dragons already had very high basic stats, but Gongon was extremely proud, so he pushed himself even more. If Gongon ever became a hero, Junhyuk wanted to fight alongside him. Gongon disappeared, but Sarang was still looking at him. "Big brother. So... we’ll have to go back in two weeks?" "That’s right. The Champions’ Battlefield happens every two weeks." In the new season, one of the two would have to fight with a new group. It was paramount that whoever changed teams met good heroes, and Junhyuk thought of training harder with her until then. "Rest for a while." Junhyuk cut communications and looked ahead. A monster would appear soon. He was expecting a B-ranked monster, but when one showed up, it was an A-ranked monster, a Wolf Warlord. Junhyuk inhaled deeply. "Should I be happy?" He had to deal with the monster within five minutes, and it seemed like the Dimensional Battlefield management had recognized his skills. He wasn’t sure if he should be glad about that though. Summoning his swords, he said, "I will fight." He had learned many things from fighting the giant golem and he could trigger acceleration on Earth. Junhyuk and Sarang had fought the Wolf Warlord together before, and he had learned from that as well. He attacked the Wolf Warlord. --- It was the first peaceful Friday since the abnormal narcolepsy cases began. In the second week, people realized that the illness was not happening and were glad about it. Junhyuk finished fighting the A-ranked monster, took a shower and had a cold beer while watching TV. The new coverage was entirely devoted to that Friday’s lack of abnormal narcolepsy cases. Only those who had fought against legend candidates knew of the real reason. When Junhyuk emptied the beer can, he threw it in the trash, exhaled heavily and murmured, "This won’t end so easily." They would create monster areas, and the world would find itself in a more difficult situation. People didn’t know about it, but the monster invasion would continue until human heroes appeared. Junhyuk looked at his hand. The living spirit was moving fast. It travelled to the tip of his fingers and returned to his body, but it left a little force on his fingertips. It repeated the process, leaving enough force on his fingertips to trigger the single-point explosion. Junhyuk concentrated mana on his fingertip and balled his hand into a fist. "I will make the living spirit my own." He absorbed mana continuously. Now, he was training the single-point explosion. He pressured the living spirit and accelerated it. He was trying to combine both abilities, the single-point explosion and the acceleration. The Wolf Warlord was very fast, and it was not easy to hit a critical against it. He had used the Spatial Slash on it, but that had its limits. So, he wanted to combine the two abilities into one. Once he succeeded, he would be able to kill the Wolf Warlord without the use of his powers. "If I get new equipment, I’ll be able to kill the Warlord more easily." Junhyuk had a lot of gold, and if he spent it wisely, A-ranked monster would be a lot easier to deal with. After thinking of something, he smiled bitterly. "They wouldn’t send S-ranked monsters, would they?" Buff monsters were A-ranked monsters, but S-ranked monsters also existed. Five heroes had had to fight against it a the same time, the dragon. Junhyuk believed that management wouldn’t send one to his training facility. Even a single hero couldn’t deal with a dragon. Junhyuk realized he was wasting time thinking about it and got up. "Should I pass on the shell of the ten-thousand-year-old centipede?" If they researched the centipede’s shell, their level of biological engineering would advance tremendously. Junhyuk had had a hard time slicing the shell, and he thought it would revolutionize the world. He was in his living room when he started cutting smaller pieces of it. He didn’t want to give it up, at least not all of it. Just enough to spark the research. He sliced a meter square of it. After that, he started thinking. If he were to give it to Elise, research on it would be faster, but... "We’ll research it ourselves." Junhyuk placed the square inside of his Spatial Bag and walked out. If he could make armor out of the centipede’s shell, it would work beautifully at the Dimensional Battlefield. He drove to Guro District, where the lab was located. The facade said it was a research lab for a biological engineering company, but in fact, the lab’s main focus was monster bodies. The construction was ongoing, but the lab was already at work. Tirot couldn’t do the research alone, and Junhyuk wanted to to hire more people willing to sign the non-disclosure agreement. He entered and saw Tirot slicing an ogre’s muscle, researching its elasticity. The twin-headedogre’s muscles could be used to create strength boosts at the Dimensional Battlefield. Would they be able to make equipment from the bodies? Would that equipment work in the Dimensional Battlefield? Junhyuk thought about making an ogre gauntlet, one that boosted strength, but he couldn’t mass produce it due to the low number of bodies. Novices were becoming experts and champions, and they could find equipment on Earth. Now that A-ranked monsters were appearing, he wouldn’t come across a twin-headed ogre unless he met it at the Dimensional Battlefield. Ogres were of no use now, but the bodies of A-ranked monsters had their own special effects. He could earn gold from those, and if he could manufacture items with their quality, he could sell those to Bebe. Junhyuk would no longer be jealous of Gongon. He was doing better than the hatchling since he was fighting A-ranked monsters twice per day, which appeared every five minutes for two hours. He had been gathering the bodies, but he needed a larger storage space. Junhyuk was also thinking about moving the lab to a more secluded place, to a province somewhere where factories were located. He walked over to Tirot. "Any results?" Tirot looked at him and smiled. "No animals we know on Earth have qualities like these. If we made this public, many people would want to research it." Junhyuk nodded in agreement. "We’ll get people who you’ll be able to count on. You can’t do this job alone, and you need more researchers." "Is that possible?" Tirot had dark circles under his eyes, and Junhyuk wanted to talk to him about hiring more people. "Skill is important, but secrecy is more important. Right now, only Guardians is allowed to research monsters." Officially, only Guardians was allowed to research monster, but each country probably carried out research of its own. China had already made known its intention of expelling the Guardians’ branch manager from the country. Junhyuk put his hand on his chest. "I came here today for this." He pulled out the meter square of centipede’s shell. Tirot looked at it and asked, "What is this?" Junhyuk answered calmly, "Something with unimaginable durability. I don’t even know how to cut it. If you can do it, that’ll be nice. I won’t be stingy in my support, so find a way to mass produce it." "Sure!" Tirot was glad to have the new project, and Junhyuk continued, "Considering the event at Yongsan, more monsters will appear. And there may be a new industry based on cadavers that grows from that. We must stay a step ahead of them. We need results." Tirot’s eyes beamed. "I am funded well here, so I’ll show you results." "I’m looking forward to it." He patted Tirot’s shoulder and walked out. The world was experiencing change, and only those who were prepared would get what they wanted from that change.

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