Legendary God of Harem In the Modern World

Chapter 319: All Hell Breaks Loose

Chapter 319: All Hell Breaks Loose

In the end, there were already hundreds of cars chasing him and dozens of helicopters lurking from above! 

This incident was recorded by several people and posted on social media. The internet was once again in an uproar.

"Bet he used to chew his gum in class. Criminal since day one."

"Hopefully they catch him quickly. #PrayforBatavia."

"Just because he stole the neighbor's chicken he was chased like that? Great!"

"Crazy, this is like a 5 star in the GTA series!"

"Bro, not even in GTA I got chased with that many cops hahaha. This has already surpassed GTA!"

Many joked and many others prayed that Batavia would quickly become peaceful as before. 

Meanwhile, at the Kruger family residence...

Today was supposed to be a joyful day, but no smiles were seen from the faces attending this wedding ceremony.

The Lacroix family was just as sullen. The Ghost Marriage had really hurt the relationship between these 2 families.

At this wedding ceremony, the Kruger family invited all aristocratic families in Batavia. The more that came, the better the results. This was the punishment for the Lacroix family!

In the middle of the house, Irina stood silently wearing a red wedding dress and a red handkerchief tied around her forehead.

All members of the Kruger family stare coldly at her.

"Even if Gerard was dead, does she think she can escape her destiny?"

"Really, they're so embarrassing. I hope the Lacroix family can reflect on their daughter's insolent attitude with this Ghost Marriage."

The Kruger family started to ridicule the bride. Gerard's death was still fresh as yesterday in their minds. 

But Irina didn't care about them, she was already immune to any kind of insults people ever threw on her.

After all, her heart was dead so why should she care about them?

Remembering her father's cowardice and her family who did not defend her, Irina's heart grew cold. The only warmth of her heart was wasted.

When she remembered the incident with Ryan and Ivanka falling off a cliff, Irina's hands suddenly clenched. Her nails stuck tightly and her hands started bleeding.

She bit her lip so that her anger did not overflow. Irina always wanted to burst into tears whenever the awful memories of that day returned to her. But on this particular day, she'd sworn she wouldn't cry. She had to kill Nicholas to get revenge on her lover. Only then would she cry happily for setting herself free, embracing death to reunite with her lover in the afterlife.

If the knife she hid under her sleeve had its own life, it'd be her hatred that gave life to it. Irina just stood still and waited for this wedding ceremony to begin.

Renault sat on the front seat, sighing. Although their relationship was not very good, Irina was still his daughter. He didn't want this to happen but he had no power to change it.

Mrs. Susan stood in the back row and looked sadly at Irina. She had considered Irina as her own child since she was little, she did not expect that her child would look so dead on her wedding day.

With a cold face, Nicholas said to his subordinates, "Get them started."

Listening to this order, a servant carrying a paper doll came out. The paper doll represented Gerard and had a red handkerchief tied around his forehead.

Seeing the servant come out, everyone stood up and the wedding ceremony began.

The servant then walked over to Irina and stood level with her.

The first was the sance ceremony. The priest would pray and call the spirit of the groom.

The second was a ceremony to honor parents.

This was it!

Irina gripped tightly the knife she was hiding. This was her golden opportunity! When Nicholas walked over to her, she would kill the head of the Kruger family!

However, Nicholas suddenly said in a serious tone, "There is no need for it, I don't want to accept a savage like her as my daughter-in-law. She will only be my son's friend in his grave."

Renault broke out in a cold sweat when he heard that. Irina was already fuming, her body couldn't stop trembling with rage. Mrs. Susan couldn't help but feel sadder seeing her.

"Get straight to the pledge of allegiance," Nicholas said.

The priest did not dare go against Nicholas's order. He then continued the ceremony as commanded.

"Now the ring exchange and the pledge of allegiance ceremony."

After that, the servant who brought the paper doll stood in front of Irina.

Gerard was dead so he didn't have to put the ring on Irina's finger and take her oath of loyalty. The one who needed to do it was Irina.

However, the bride didn't move.

"Please, you have to do the ring exchange ceremony and recite your oath of loyalty," the priest once again reminded Irina what to do.

Nicholas slapped the back of his chair and said in a cold tone, "If you dare to run away, I will destroy your entire family!"

This threat was real, the Kruger family was certainly capable of doing it.

"Irina, you can do it," Renault encouraged his teary daughter.

Irina felt that her life had always been arranged, she had never had her own freedom.

The bride then smiled while holding the knife. 

"Ryan, Ivanka, wait for me..."

When she was about to commit suicide, the sound of police sirens suddenly boomed.


Everyone was shocked, the sound was really loud.

It didn't stop at that, it felt like hundreds of police cars were sounding their sirens at the same time.

What was really happening?

Everyone present at the ceremony became worried, was there a raid?

Their fear was reasonable, because no residence other than the Kruger family could possibly invite the police here. But why did the police dare to challenge them?

Irina fell silent, the knife she was grabbing slowly left her throat. There was no such thing as a coincidence, could this be.?!

Ryan's face appeared in her mind again. There was no mistaking it, this must be Ryan's doing. But how could that be? She saw him fall down the cliff that day.

Nicholas then said to Renault with a worried face, "Is this your doing?"

Renault was immediately confused. "No, it can't be! How dare I call the police!"

Everyone present was about to run away, they didn't want anything to do with the police.

Mrs. Susan sighed. At this time, the sound of helicopters flying could be heard.

Everyone was immediately shocked, why were there helicopters?

What happened?

All of the guests were completely clueless.

The sound of the police sirens became clearer and the helicopter sounded closer and closer. But suddenly, there was a sound of explosion at the front gate.

Everyone turned their heads but fragments of rocks flew around and made them duck their heads quick. Not long after that, a half-crushed police car appeared before them.

"Who is that?" They were both curious and scared.

Seeing the police car, Nicholas' face was already grim. If the police dared to offend his family, this was tantamount of calling for a war.

Irina quickly left the altar and looked at the police car with hopeful eyes. Somehow, her heart was expecting a lot even though it seemed impossible. 

Was that Ryan?

In her heart, she believed that the person who had come to save her was the man she loved.

At this time, the car's door was suddenly flung out and a male figure came out of it.

Seeing that familiar figure, Irina's tears couldn't stop flowing.

That's really Ryan... It was really him!

Seeing the man's figure, all of the Kruger family members became angry. "Boy, how dare you break into this place!"

But when Nicholas noticed the man's figure, his eyes widened and his heart immediately shrank.

"You're still alive!?"

Ryan stood tall in the middle of the courtyard and glared at every single one of them. His thick killing aura made the atmosphere heavy and people began to have difficulty breathing.

He was chased by hundreds of police cars, dozens of helicopters and was now under siege by those in the Kruger family residence. The boisterous atmosphere had suddenly calmed down.

What an awkward feeling.

Nicholas' face was already sweating cold when he saw Ryan's figure. Didn't that bastard fall off the cliff? Why was he still alive?

But since he still dared to come after the incident on the mountain, Nicholas could not let him go alive. Did he think he could come over to his house and get out after barging in like that?

A deep hatred shone from his eyes. His wish to kill him could no longer be hidden. The person who killed his child couldn't be left alive he must die!

At the same time, his bodyguards had already drawn their weapons and surrounded Ryan. Even the assassins who used to fight against Ryan also surrounded him.

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