
Chapter 250

Chapter 250

I said goodbye to Ulon, and he went back to his house. He already explained to me, the whole process of preparing the field. Now, I just had to water it ever so often. I was supposed to come back to him, when the field was weathered enough. I decided to rest first, before doing anything else, and went back to my room in the central region of Apium.

The next day. I went back to the lake, and asked Sha if I could use the tools, to study the sample I got from the Ophilis Reeds. She of course had no issue with that, but mentioned that my sample would be useless now. Indeed, when I checked it, there was no sign of that blue strand anymore, only fresh water was inside the bottle.

I said "So, this thing doesn't last very long". She nodded her head, and replied "No, that is why we don't extract it. You are free to go, and collect more. Just make sure you don't damage the plants". I nodded my head, and said "I will be careful". I went back to the lake, and jumped in. I headed straight to the place, where Ophilis Reeds were located.

When I got to the plants, I took out a bottle. This time, I placed it on top of the plant. I wanted to catch as much of that blue water, as it possible. Soon, the bottle was mostly filled with the blue water. I quickly placed the cork on it, and swam back to the shore.

Back in the building, I said "I have the new sample. Which tools can I use, to test it?". She showed an apparatus, that was made from few glass containers. She said "This is distillery. You can check the components of that water, by heating up and filtering it to different containers". 'I've seen something similar already… It was back in the Limestone Village, if I remember correctly' I thought. She then showed me another tool, and said "This tool, can be used to check the composition of the water as well, but with a different method. These papers, can test the water's sourness, hardness, sweetness and so on. Each tray with papers is signed, so you can play with them as much as you like". I nodded my head, and asked "Is there anything else?". She shook her head, and said "These are the tools, we use in order to test the water. Let me explain how to use them now".

Sha continued, while we stood next to the desk with all the papers "Using these papers, is very simple. You need to pour some water on top of the paper, then wait a bit, for the paper to change colour. If it doesn't change the colour, it will mean that there is no such property in the water. If the colour changes on the other hand, that means there is such property in the water. I will give you a guide to the colours, and what they mean". I nodded my head, and replied "That would be great". We then went back to the first tool, and Sha explained "This tool, is used to boil the water, which will create steam. It will then be transferred to the next container, and so on. The purpose of this tool, is to separate a few substances from the water, and examine them. I will give you notes, on how to use the temperatures and so on. The notes will also explain, what the results of your test mean". I nodded, and said "This should be enough. I will stay here for a while then". She smiled, and said "Stay as long as you want. If you have any other questions, come over and ask one of us".

Sha then handed me some notes, as well as colour chart, for the second tool. I started from reading the notes. They contained detailed explanations, on how to use the tool. The tool mostly tested contamination of the water, as well as the hardness and whether it was safe to drink. The tool was able to make a more detailed analysis of the water, compared to the papers. The papers could be used for a wider range of experiments, while the distillery was used for more specific examinations.

I followed the instructions from the notes, and poured about half of the bottle with the blue water, into the first container. To get specific results, I needed to control the temperature of the burners beneath. This was accomplished with another tool, which checked the temperature of the water inside the container. The tool was called Thermalmeter, and showed specific values, which suggested the temperature. 'I wonder where they got it from. I will have to ask them about it, when I'm done with my experiment' I thought, and adjusted the temperature to 130 on Thermalmeter scale.

The water began boiling pretty quickly, and the steam started to travel to the next container. 'The notes said, that I need to wait, until the first container had about half of the water left, from whatever was poured inside. I then need to burn the second container at 250 on Thermalmeter scale' I thought, and waited. When the first container had about half of the water left, I extinguished the fire underneath it. I let the steam condense back to liquid form, then lit the fire underneath the second container. I could control the fire, due to learning the Art of Medicine. Getting the temperature to 250 on Thermalmeter scale, was not an issue for me.

The water inside the second container, boiled very rapidly. The steam was being pushed at an increased rate, to the third and final container. 'The notes mentioned, that I have to burn all the water inside the second container, then extinguish the fire. After that, each container, should have a result, that I can read using the notes' I thought, and waited for the water to completely evaporate from the second container.

When all the water from the second container was gone, I extinguished the fire, and let the tool cool down. After a few minutes of waiting, I could already see some results of my experiment. The water in the first container, was not crystal clean. There were some impurities laying on the bottom of the container. A black soot of some sort, but the amount was very small. In the second container, there was no water. Instead, there were some crystals at the bottom, which were grey in colour.

The third container, contained pure water but it was different from normal water. It was blueish, not transparent. I check the notes, and read the possible outcomes. 'The first container, is water with impurities at the bottom, which I already guessed. The amount of black substance is important though. With my sample, the water was still drinkable from the get go, but boiling it, would be safer, as the impurities, would stay at the bottom' I thought.

With time, these impurities could stack, and affect the body, but not in any abnormal way. It wouldn't affect the strength, senses or thinking abilities. The most it could do, would be some headaches or diarrhea. The impurities could be extracted from the body naturally, and so only created small inconveniences. I checked the notes for the second container, and learned that the crystals at the bottom, were crystals of salt. 'So, this is just salt. I thought, it's going to be something special' I thought.

According to the notes, salt was important too. To much salt in the water, and it would become undrinkable. The hardness would increase, and could damage teeth, as well as internal organs. This of course, was after prolonged use. They needed to monitor the levels of salt, and make sure that the balance was not breached. I also noticed something else. Besides the salt, there was another thing mixed in. I check the notes again, and found it after a while.

'So, this thing is Crystalized Chlorine. It's only a trace amount, but supposedly it's needed. This keeps the water safe to drink, but too much of it, and it will become a poison. This is not a bad idea, to learn more about Chlorine' I thought. The amount of Chlorine, seemed appropriate, to what the notes said.

I then checked the third, and most important to me container. It contained bluish water, which I was after. The notes explained, what the substance in the third container was. 'According to what is written here, this is Serelis. It's a byproduct of the Ophilis Reed, and has the ability to calm one's mind. This property, does not last though.' I thought.

The properties were already escaping. In about one hour of time, the properties would be completely gone from the third container, while the water would become transparent again.

'So that is what this Ophilis Reed produces. The side effect of making water, is a calming drug. This thing is very useful, especially for people who are worrying too much' I thought. Lazar came to my mind, when I thought about mind calmness. 'The problem is, I can't really harness that. At least, not until I manage to find a way, to extend the lifespan of Serelis' I thought. With that in mind, I went to Sha, in order to ask some questions.

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