
Chapter 261

Chapter 261

Ulon took me to see Florin. When we entered her office, she was a bit baffled, and asked "Do you need something?". I replied "I have another invention, which you may be interested in. Although I will not tell you how to make that stuff, I can sell you some". She was intrigued, and asked "Can you show me, what is that invention of yours?". I took out a small bottle, that contained about 20 milliliters of Zenith Blood Yarn Extract, and passed it to her.

She looked at it, and then asked "Is this made from Blood Yarn?". I nodded my head, and said "Yes. This is at least 50 times stronger, than what you can accomplish currently. If you take 10 or 20 milliliters of this, your blood will be purified to a much higher degree, compared to the Blood Purification medicine that you make. I don't think I need to mention, what benefits that brings".

She nodded her head, and said "Indeed. This is something, that can allow someone who reached their wall of Inner Limits, to break through it. You are very interesting indeed, young man. I'm willing to buy it, let's have a private chat". She then looked at Ulon, who was standing next to me, and he quickly realised, that he was supposed to leave.

When Ulon left, she did something, and the whole staircase disappeared under the vines. "Don't worry, this is to prevent others from hearing our conversation", she said. I nodded, and asked "Tell me, what do you propose?". She smiled, and said "You are special, with someone like you on my side, I could easily control this whole place. I can give you pretty much anything in return, as long as you join me".

I was a bit shocked, and replied "That was not the topic, I wanted to talk about, but alright. Enlighten me, why would you need my help?". She sat down on her chair, and continued "I don't believe, that this is the only thing, your mind can invent. You are also very strong. From what others told me about you, you are not a simple man". I stood there, and didn't respond, I wanted for her to finally make a point, before I decided anything.

She continued "I want that medicine, and I want you. I already mentioned, I can give you anything you want, for your help. This includes me". I almost dropped to the floor, and looked at her weirdly. 'Why the hell would I want you? As my slave?... No… As my woman!' I thought. This concept never appeared in my mind. 'Can even humans be with other races? Is that even possible?' I thought.

She noticed my weird expression, and said "I know what you are thinking, and it seems you never heard of it before as well. Yes, humans sometimes take other races as their partners. This is not that uncommon, but they don't appear much in public". I looked at her, and though 'I'm not attracted towards Atols whatsoever. It seems, it takes special kind of human, who would be attracted to other races. Unfortunately for her, I don't spin that way'. I might've been able to rethink that, if the other race was basically a human like creature, but Atols looked completely different.

I replied "I'm fine, I don't spin that way. I don't treat other races, as my potential partners. I'm not saying this to offend you, but I don't find you attractive at all". She shook her head, and replied "I'm not offended, I was just saying. My question still stands, would you like to join me? I can offer you herbs, money and whatever you like, as long as you help me take control of this place".

I thought about it, and asked "Why should I chose you? After all, I'm not only good with herbs. I could easily join the Warriors. Besides, why should I involve myself in your politics? I don't plan to stay here forever". She replied "Warriors? That bunch of idiots would get us killed, if not for the council. You can't join the Craftsmen Fraction either. With Oran angry at you? You can forget about them. Even if you somehow convince the Leader of the Craftsmen Fraction, and team up with them, they will betray you sooner or later. With me, you only get benefits".

She then continued "It's true, that our politics have nothing to do with you. Yet, I want to break this deadlock. If you do help me, gaining an ally that can supply you with herbs, and whatever you like, is not such a bad deal". She was right. Gaining an ally, that could help me in the time of need, would be something, I could take advantage of. The problem was, how truthful was she?

I asked "What guarantee do I have, that you will not go back on your word?". She replied "We can make a Blood Pact, if that is what you are after. If I try to break it, I will die. The same would be for you, if you break it, you will die". 'This is quite extreme. A Blood Pact aye?' I thought, then said "First. Tell me, what is it that you require from me?".

She replied "I want you to get rid of the other council members. They will be replaced, but with my own people. This will make me owner of Apium. Besides that, I want you to supply more of that Blood Purifying medicine, for the people that I chose. That, is pretty much it. Of course, I would also like to know more, about your new inventions in the future".

'That is quite a list, but I guess the rewards are also quite big' I thought. Florin spoke no more, and gave me some time. I replied "I need some time to think about it. Give me a day or so, and I will give you my answer". She nodded, and replied "Of course, Take as much as you need. I still hope for good news". She then opened up the staircase, and said "I will buy this medicine, next time we see each other". I nodded, and left.

I met Ulon downstairs, and he asked "I never saw this happen. She must've been really keen, to make a deal. So how did it go?". I replied "Not bad, let's go back. I need to take care of few things". Ulon realised, that I didn't want to talk about the conversation, I had with Florin. He didn't ask anymore, and we went back to the fields. When we arrived, I said farewell to Ulon, and returned to my own room.

Inside, I called out "Frosty, what do you think about it?". Frosty came out, and asked for something to write on. I gave it the notebook and coal. Frosty wrote what was on its mind. "We can't trust her, and especially, don't make that Blood Pact. This thing can be nasty, if done wrong", was what Frosty wrote. I said "I also have some doubts about that Blood Pact. What is it exactly? You seem to know about it". Frosty nodded, and wrote "Yes. Because we have a Blood Pact". I was totally stunned, and asked "Since when?"

Frosty wrote "Since we met. When we shook hands, the Pact was completed". 'So that was why, Frosty wanted to shake my hand' I thought. I then asked "Does that mean, if I shake someone else's hand, they may create a Blood Pact with me? Without me even knowing?". Frosty shook its head, and wrote "No, our situation… was different. With others, you will need to exchange blood". I then asked "So, if I die, you die as well?". Frosty shook its head, and wrote "No, our Pact is different. You really know nothing Nex". This was the first time, Frosty actually wrote my name.

Frosty then continued writing "We cannot be separated. I will be able to find you, even if we are far apart. This is the same for you. You can't feel it, because I'm always close". I didn't know what to say at this stage. I felt as if, I didn't even know that blue lizard in front of me. After a while, I asked "How do you know all that stuff?". Frosty started writing something. When Frosty finished, it dropped the notebook and coal, then climbed my shoulder, and changed back to the tattoo.

Only when I picked it up, I realised what Frosty wrote. "Don't take her offer. Sell her the Extracts, but don't agree to her demands. We will talk later", was written on the notebook. I contemplated about it for a while, and burnt the pages from the notebook.

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