
Chapter 267

Chapter 267

I drank the Earth Grabbing Sprout Extract, and assumed the first pose from the 4th Diagram. I had to stay in that pose for about one minute, then change to the next pose. I was fine through the first iteration of the Diagram. The problems started on the second cycle. It was at the third pose, where my energy started getting depleted, quickly. I continued nevertheless, and entered the third cycle. At this stage, even the Extract I drank before, was not enough. On the fourth pose, my energy was gone completely.

I collapsed face first, onto the ground. I wasn't even able to move a finger, it felt like I became paralyzed. I was completely spent, and soon lost my consciousness. When I woke up, I felt the hunger kicking in again. I ate enough, to satisfy my hunger, and then thought about what happened. 'I was still far away from reaching the Inner Limits… I could faintly feel it approaching, but my current strength… is not enough' I thought.

I knew that breaking through to inner Limits, couldn't be easy. This though, was beyond hard. My body no longer wanted to develop in strength. Yet, I was still far away from breaking through. I was baffled, and didn't know what this meant. 'I'm clearly at my limit, my strength doesn't want to improve anymore. Then, what else do I need, to break that wall of Inner Limits?' I thought.

My first try, ended as a failure. I wasn't discouraged, but I now knew, I would need something else in order to break through. 'My blood should be purified enough. With the Zenith Blood Yarn Extract, my blood should be purified to much better standards, compared to others. So, this shouldn't be about the blood. It shouldn't be the strength either. I'm currently unable to develop further' I thought. There was another weird thing, that happened to me, which I didn't expect. 'The Earth Grabbing Sprout Extract, should've increased my strength. Yet, for some reason, it wasn't permanent. What am I lacking then?' I thought.

Earth Grabbing Sprout Extract, should've increased my strength permanently, but it didn't. This alone was weird. I felt, as if the Extract was used up, in order for me to try and break through that wall. I failed of course, and the Extract didn't affect my real strength at all. 'I need to think about it some more' I thought, and tried figuring out, what else did I need, in order to break through.

Throughout the time I stayed near the sea, I tried a few more times to break through, yet all attempts were futile. I tried different things as well. Stuff like, making the poses while carrying three bags full of stuff. The 4th Diagram alone, placed huge strain on my body. The added weight, made it even worse. Ultimately though, it didn't help me break through.

Another idea I came up with, was to use an Aura. I didn't use my Domineering Aura, when I tried for the first time. When I did try to break through, with my Aura active, it allowed me to continue for a bit longer. In the end, I couldn't break through still. I also drank the Earth Grabbing Sprout Extract, while doing nothing. I wanted to test, if my strength would increase, and stay permanently. But, the same happened still. The increase in my strength, was only temporary. I couldn't get any stronger, by any means. At least, any means known to me.

I thought about possible solutions, long and hard. Yet, no immediate solution came to my mind. There were few possibilities, that could help me, if I tried them out. 'The Aura, seems to be giving me some advantages. If I manage to master my Aura, this may allow me to break through, but I'm not certain. Another way, is to experience something dangerous. This is not something, I want to try eagerly. It's not like, I can just set it up. If I was in a situation, where my life was at stake, this could help me squeeze out my potential. I could try to break through at that time' I thought.

The former option, was not dangerous at all. I would eventually master my Aura. Although this might take some time, it was the safest option. The later option, was very dangerous. Not only would I risk my life during a dangerous situation, I would have to risk it again, when trying to break through. 'If I fail at that time, I'm dead. With all my energy gone, there's only one outcome. Death' I thought. The later option, was something I thought of hypothetically. Starting a war, jumping from a cliff, or walking into an active Volcano, was not hard. Actually surviving it, was a feat in itself. 'I already escaped from Avians and Yagaroths. This almost costed me my life. I'm not very keen, to repeat the same thing' I thought.

There was no guarantee, that any of those would work. I could be wrong, and I wouldn't be able to break through in both cases. 'I never met anyone, who broke through their Inner Limits. Well, besides the High One of the Yagaroths. He will not tell me, how to break through though. I have no one to ask really..' I thought, then an idea came to my mind. "Crow!" I exclaimed. Crows already knew someone, who broke through the Inner Limits. It was the leader of his group, that he belonged to.

'The process is probably different, for humans and Shades. I can still get some ideas, if I knew how Shades did it? And what was involved?' I thought. At that stage, I decided my next course of action. I would travel back to the Sludge Factory, and meet with Crow. 'I also have some herbs now, and I have over 300 Black Hals on me. If I sell some medicine in a city belonging to Voltars, I should be able to make enough money, and buy Crow's freedom' I thought.

I packed everything, and retrieved all the herbs that were growing on my field, as well as in the pond. I wouldn't leave my hard work for someone to collect, even if no one seemed to visit this place. The water, as well as the small hut would stay, I didn't mind anyone else using those things.

There was one last thing, I had to do. I took out some bandages, that I made, and wrapped them around my right arm. I needed to hid my weird looking arm. I didn't want to become some sort of weirdo. Besides, no one had to know, I had this arm, and how I got it. 'This Eterian, I fought in the Arena, was really interested in my ability to freeze stuff. I need to watch out, who I reveal this thing to. I still want my arm, where it is' I thought.

With all those things taken care of, I headed towards my new destination. The meeting place marked on my map, where Crow could be found. On my way there, I decided to go through the Voltars' territory, and try to sell some of my medicine. If not, I could sell it at Obsidian Mountains later. I didn't know, if Voltars could use my medicine, as their bodies were… different.

I walked for a long time, before I reached the Voltars' territory. Some more walking later, I arrived in front of the Voltars' biggest city, Boltier. I found it no problem, thanks to the map I received from Harlin. The city was something else entirely. The city was surrounded by large walls, and each corner of the city, had a huge metal spike. I was confused, about the purpose of these spikes at first, but I didn't have to wait long, to receive my answer.

A large bolt of lightning, struck one of the spikes, and the electric energy was absorbed by it. My mouth opened by itself, as I never witnessed such a thing before. 'So, that is how they gather electric energy? I wonder what they use it for?' I thought, and entered the city. There were guards, stationing at the gates to the city. No one stopped me though, and I was free to pass. I entered the city, and marvelled at its design.

'It really is different. There is only one word, I can think of to describe it. Magical!' I thought. The buildings were made from different types of materials, but that was not what surprised me. The buildings were not on the ground, they were in the air. Nothing held them in the air, they just floated there. Some buildings floated near the ground, while others were so up high, I would have the difficulty of jumping to such height. I also noticed some metallic orbs, that floated in the air. I was again baffled by this, and wanted to check one out.

When I approached the orb, someone behind me said "I wouldn't do that, if I were you youngster". I turned around, and a Voltar stood behind me. The Voltar seemed to be very old. Not only he looked old, his body didn't possess much electric energy either. I asked "Why?". The Voltar replied "Because you will be electrocuted. This is for us Voltars, to travel fast inside the city. No one else can use them, as they simply can't do that". I nodded, and thanked him for the warning.

The old Voltar continued "This is your first visit here, right? I have nothing much to do, so I can show you around". I thought about it, and said "Sure, if you want to". The old Voltar motioned for me to follow, and we walked through the streets. He pointed out some buildings, that could be of interest to visitors.

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