
Chapter 275

Chapter 275

I ran through the severs, and instantly noticed the improvements in my strength. I was at least twice as fast, and my strength seemed to rise exponentially as well. If I were to face the opponents from the past, I could kill them with pure strength alone. People like Razor, were a joke to me now. My strength and speed, was not the only improvement. My body was tougher, much tougher compared to the past. 'It seems, that my body underwent great change' I thought, and then recalled something.

'My Aura did a weird thing back then, did it also change?' I asked myself, and immediately released my Aura. To my surprise, I could control it now. Not restrict it, but actually control it. I stopped for a moment, and exclaimed "I can control my Aura! I can now attach it to objects, and even send it further away!". This opened up so many possibilities, I was shocked at the changes that happened.

I resumed running, and headed straight to the exit. I arrived there very quickly. Not only was my speed boosted by a lot, I also knew the tunnels now, and didn't have to use a map to return. I jumped out of the severs, not caring about the grate blocking my way "BOOM!". The grate broke out from the ground, and flew a couple of metres away.

I ran straight back to the Shade, who told me where Crow was. When I arrived, the bar was as empty, as it was before. The Shade saw me enter his bar, and asked "Did you find him?". I didn't answer his question. Instead, I asked my own question "Overseers, where are they located?". He was a bit taken aback, and said "It's a large building further up the road, why?". I said "Show me on the map". He did as I asked, and showed me the location.

I didn't waste any more time, and simply walked towards the location. It wasn't that far away, just a few minutes of walking away. When I arrived at the location, I saw that it was a large building indeed. It was built from grey bricks, with windows in an oval shape. I walked inside, and a Shade stopped me. He asked "Why are...", but before he could finish, I punched out, and obliterated his head.

The others noticed that, and quickly jumped at me. I killed them all, without any remorse. From a room in front of me, another Shade walked out, and asked "What's the commotion guys?", then he saw what happened. I used my speed, and appeared in front of him. I grabbed him by his neck, and lifted him up. As he struggled in my grip, I asked "Where is your leader Teron?". He replied "I… don't…" before he could finish, I crushed his neck. "Then you are useless" I said, and threw the corpse onto the floor.

I walked through the door, that the Shade I just killed, came from. Inside, I saw a total of five Shades. I released my Aura, and all of them froze in place. I walked over to the first Shade, and asked "Where is your leader Teron?". The Shade repeated the same bullshit, as the first one. "Boom!", I punched his head, and killed him instantly. The others now knew, I wasn't joking. I walked over to a female Shade, and asked again "Where is Teron?". She cried, and replied "Please… don't kill...". "Boom!". I killed her as well.

I was pissed, before I even arrived at their hideout. My rage was becoming stronger, the more they tried to talk bullshit to me. I walked over to the third Shade, but before I could ask the question, he said "He… He is... down there! Just... let us... live!". "Boom". I killed him, and walked over to the fourth Shade "Is what he said true?". The Shade was already mumbling "monster" underneath his breath. I didn't waste time, and killed him as well.

The last Shade managed to squeeze out "I'm not... one of... Teron's men!... He is not…. downstairs… Use... the other… doors… That's… where Teron is!". I stopped releasing my Aura, and left the room. I then went through another doors, that were on the left. Behind that door was a staircase, which led upstairs. I took the stairs, and arrived at the second floor. More Shades were sitting there, and enjoyed themselves. They probably didn't hear anything, due to the thick walls.

When one of the Shades saw me, he asked "Who let you in here?". I didn't care about his question, and simply killed all but one of them in that room. As I grabbed his neck, I heard footsteps. The sound was coming from upstairs. I crushed his neck, and headed for the stairs. Two Shades ran over, and blocked my entrance to the staircase. I punched out quickly, and destroyed their heads as well.

'This is where that Leader should be' I thought, as I headed upstairs. The third floor, was a one big room. At the end of it, was a desk. Behind that desk was a Shade, but he looked different. He had no corpse attached, but was completely black, with some sort of hazy energy coming out of his body. He was also bigger than normal Shades. The Shade smiled, and asked "What can I do for you?". I bent my legs a bit, and then released all my strength. "BOOOOM!", my acceleration was so great, that even the building shook a bit. As I appeared next to his smiling face, I said "You can die for me". "BOOOM!".

"Yea, I don't think I can do that". He managed to avoid my attack. When I turned around, he was still smiling, but now stood at the opposite end of the room. I didn't waste time, and charged at him again. He evaded my attacks, and said "You are strong indeed, but it seems you just broke through. I still wonder, why would you attack me? After all, we never met".

I didn't reply to his question, and simply attacked. He said "This is getting boring", and released his skill. It was something, I never saw before. The whole place became dark, while his voice appeared from everywhere. "Booom!", something hit me from behind. I flew back, and smashed into the opposite wall. Teron said "You are quite weak, even for someone who Broke through their Inner Limits". I pushed myself off of the wall, and laughed a bit. When I turned towards the voice, I replied "Am I?".

I focused a bit, and my Darkness Perception awakened. I could now see everything again. Teron was fast. He created an illusion, from his pure speed alone. He was running around me, and appeared in different places as he spoke. This created an effect, where his voice would appear from everywhere. As he was about to attack my back again, I thrust my elbow backwards.


Teron flew backwards, and slammed into the wall. "Cough!... Impossible!". I used my Natural Path skill, and disappeared from his view. When I appeared next to him, I punched out again. He managed to evade that, but what he was unaware of, were my hidden weapons. "Screech!" "Booom!". I threw a dozen daggers at him, and all of them nailed him to the opposite wall. "UGH!... What type of monster are you! What the hell do you want from me!". I appeared next to him, and said "You have very beautiful eyes. I know someone, who might find use for them". I extended both my hands, and with a quick movement, dug out his eyes.


"This is not the end. I will take both your arms as well". I grabbed him by his arms, and placed my foot on his chest. "RIIIP!". I ripped off both of his arms. He screamed from the pain, but for some reason didn't faint. "Monster, you are a monster!". I extended my right hand, and said "Call me whatever you like. This is the end of your rule". I then placed my right hand on his face, and released my ice power. "What is this… what are you doing!". He started freezing slowly, and then "Shing!". He froze to death. Before he froze though, I took everything that was on him, and retrieved my daggers, which nailed him to the wall. As he fell to the floor frozen, I used my Aura, and the ice broke into small pieces.

This was the end. The Overseers were no more. Shades would now hate me, but I didn't care. 'I have one more guy to take care of' I thought, as I left the building. There were loads of Shades around, watching what happened. When they saw me exit, they all took a step back, and no one dared to stop me. I walked past the onlookers, and left.

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