Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 120: Jealous of Aria

Chapter 120: Jealous of Aria

What Aria said made Kite raise her tone higher, "Heh? Sister? So you are a younger sister who takes away elder sister's man. I thought Alan Morgan was just playing with you but I was wrong. You are a little bitch who seduces rich man..."

Seeing Aria leave, Kite clutched her arm and pulled Aria to face her forcefully. Aria breathed through the mouth to remain calm.

"Where are you running away you shameless wench? You..."

Aria's bodyguard slapped without considering her as a girl which made her cheek swell instantly stumbling on her heels.

"Young madam. are you fine? Shall we take you to the hospital?"

Aria shook her head to say she was fine looking at Kite who loathes her too much.

But how Aria got addressed by her bodyguards enraged Kite Parker more and grabbed the nearest table hot soup bowl and threw at Aria swiftly cursing, "You deserve to die..."

Aria's bodyguards were at safe distance to hear Aria's response so they didn't notice but a man shielded her quickly making his back getting splashed with burning hotpot soup.

Aria was in an embrace and she didn't see who it was. She knew it wasn't Alan by the cologne. Before she could raise her head, he turned around and gave another one across Kite's face which made her dizzy and fell on the floor like a lump.

He glared at the bodyguards, "Can't you manage one girl? How are you going to protect my little sister this way? A useless bunch."

Aria identified by the tone that he was Calvin Parker and saw his soaking wet back. She tugged his jacket sleeve, "It wasn't their mistake. I delayed responding. Brother Calvin, you must be scalded, Let me take you to the hospital."

Calvin softened seeing her worry. He was sitting upstairs with his date. When he heard the commotion, he looked down to see them and went downstairs at the right time. "Arrie, are you fine? I'm sorry about my sister... I'm fine don't worry about me."

Aria still insisted and took him to the hospital after Calvin asked a driver to send Kite home. He was getting treated when Alan reached the hospital to see Aria sitting leisurely in the waiting area.

Alan couldn't believe her cousin was obsessed over him that she tried to hurt Aria. He was thinking about publicizing about their relationship but he didn't want to do anymore seeing it attract too much hassle on Aria one after the other.

Alan pulled her to embrace and breathed a sigh of relief seeing her fine. Aria raised her head and assured him, "I'm really fine."

Alan hummed, "Emotionally?" He had seen her think deeply.

Aria pouted, "Do you really know to read a mind?" She had to continue seeing him waiting for her response, "Why are the ones who I should call as family detest me so much?"

Then Lucas Cooper. Now, Kite Parker.

He gave her a faint smile to make her feel relaxed as he spoke, "Because they ain't be you... So stop thinking negatively about it. Alright?"

Aria hummed and both heard a teasing tone, "Why are you showing off your affection in the hospital?"

Alan released her as he wrapped a hand around her shoulder to let Aria talk.

"Brother Calvin, what did the doctor say?" She took the medication slip from his hand as she asked.

"Arrie, it wasn't anything. Blazer and shirt had avoided it..." Then his tone became serious and spoke more like ordering looking at Alan, "President Morgan, you should change Arrie's bodyguards."

Aria didn't like it so she responded before Alan, "Brother Calvin, those two are elites who handled fifteen's attack with just single strokes on each. They were considerate thinking Sister Kite as my cousin."

Aria's tone was firm and unyielding.

Alan was different in his unemotional tone, "Thank you Mr.Parker for saving my fiancee from YOUR SISTER."

Calvin Parker was rendered speechless, "I'm done with your PDA. Good night." He left promptly.

Calvin Parker understood Aria didn't like it when he demanded a change of bodyguards and she was protective of Alan. The latter didn't consider Aria was his cousin that gratitude wasn't required and taunted beautifully reminding him to keep his sister at bay.

Anyway, later Alan still changed Aria's bodyguards without listening to Aria.

Alan drove her to his villa enticing her with handmade chocolate which he hadn't really bought from his business trip to which he got beaten up until her limbs were paining without affecting him.

Alan massaged her hands seeing them red as they spoke before she dozed off on his lap. After making her lay on the bed properly, he sent an email to the Morgan entertainment managing director to terminate Kite Parker and replace if she was in any gigs which permanently shut her off from the entertainment industry too.


In Parker Villa

Kite who reached home didn't show her face to anybody and locked herself in her room before Calvin broke her room door bringing her out and revealing everything to their family.

Saira who was always mild couldn't control herself and slapped her, "What your man? Do you even know what you said? Were you dating President Morgan? Were you guys engaged? At least, did you propose to him? There are thousands of girls like you who wish to get him that doesn't mean he can be yours or he is yours."

Old master Parker was breathing heavy hearing everything. He just signaled his caretaker to take him away.

Abel chuckled self-mockingly unknown about how to face Aria and Alan next time.

Saira shook her head resignedly, "I have spoiled you too much. It's my mistake. Step out... Look at me, I don't think President Morgan will let you continue your showbiz dream. Go to your room. Don't dare to think about hurting Arrie if you don't want to be detained." She took Abel to their room.

Kite's face was streamed in tears. She had nothing to rebuff. She didn't think too much when it happened but she regretted right after throwing the hot soup that even burnt her palms which nobody cared.

Calvin crossed his arms standing in front of her. He knew Kite wasn't crafty or intelligent but he didn't expect her to be iniquitous and she was still jealous of Aria.

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