Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 392: Shirtless man

Chapter 392: Shirtless man


Ceon knew well the sunset point wasn't safe especially in the dark due to the unguarded place and no safety features. But he didn't expect Zara to be the victim of the site.

He acted in time as soon as he saw and held her forearm with all his might. Both of their hearts were drumming furiously and before she knew it, tears started to gush out.

The sharp stone under Ceon started thrusting his waist giving much pain but he didn't dare to loosen his hold on her hand, "Zara, look at me."

Zara's eyes weren't leaving the depth under her. She was frightened but she was even more scared to put Ceon's life in danger with hers. "Ceon..."

"Zara, look at me. Eyes on me, don't look down."

Her hand slid from his grip and Zara yelped his name, "Ceon..."

Ceon clutched tighter than before but he couldn't pull her up due to sharp pain at his waist. "Zara, don't look down. Look at me."

Zara raised her head and said, "Let me go else you fall down too..."

Ceon growled, "Shut up, give me your other hand."

Zara heard him this time raised her right hand and held his hand. Ceon was laying flat on the ground and had no way to pull her up. She wasn't a little girl to be weightless and pulled up easily as shown in movies.

Ignoring the pain, Ceon crawled back as his hands scratched on the stones and the sharp stone stabbing his stomach started pressing him above it.

Zara pushed herself up stepping on the uneven surface of the ridge that helped Ceon to pull her up safely. Ceon checked on her and breathed a sigh of relief knowing she wasn't hurt, "You gave me a heart attack."

Ceon hugged her in the flow movements trying to calm down, Zara didn't protest but felt her hand wet and warm when she held him. She smelled the blood and panicked, "Ceon... Ceon, you are hurt. Let me check."

But it was dark and she couldn't see anything. Ceon's voice was hoarse saying, "It's alright. It isn't big."

Zara didn't hear him and searched her mobile to apprehend that it fell down. She held him and ran towards the car which wasn't far away. Using the car headlight, she saw his white shirt was drenched in blood.

She started trembling and the first thought that came was first aid. She took the mini first aid box from the car, "Open your shirt..."

Ceon tried to be calm, "I'm alright, you calm down first."

Zara ordered, "I said open your shirt." Even though she was frightened, she knew to take action quickly.

Ceon pulled his in-shirt and unbuttoned. He just prayed she shouldn't start crying. Zara used all cotton but she couldn't clean and the blood flow wasn't stopping. Then she panicked without knowing what to do. They were in the middle of nowhere and they hardly could see anything.

Ceon noticed she might break down any movement so he held her quickly, "Zara, breathe... There is a small village nearby. We will get some help for the time being, alright?"

Zara nodded profusely, "Let's go fast." She hurried him to the shotgun seat and drove towards the village Ceon mentioned. Due to the mountainous road, she couldn't drive faster and it took fifteen minutes for them to reach the village.

Luckily, the villagers were very friendly and helped them to the village doctor who treated Ceon in no time. The doctor spoke to Zara seeing her edgy even after seeing Ceon was completely treated.

"Your husband is fine now. The wound wasn't deep enough to hurt the internal organs so he will recover soon. If you have a doubt, visit the hospital in your city once for the scanning."

Zara thanked him and went to Ceon, "Is it paining too much? How can you ignore the wound and keep holding me?"

"I don't have a death wish yet. If I had left you, your brother would have kicked me in the same place to send me near you to give you company."

Zara's lips twitched noticing him trying to crack jokes, "That's not funny."

Ceon asked a question seriously, "If I was falling and you were holding me, would you have left me to die?"

Zara frowned hearing him ask a foolish question, "Even If I had held you, you would have still fallen to death."

Ceon regretted asking her. He knows she couldn't hold his body weight but, "Could you please not be so practical all the time? You just had to respond, you wouldn't have left my hand." Then he mumbled, "One day you will kill me by your words."

Zara didn't respond to it and saw his shirt soaked in blood. "Can you manage in the jacket? Or do you want to wear this shirt?"

Since his jacket was a zipper jacket unlike blazers, he nodded, "Yep... Let's leave, else we can't reach..."

The doctor who was sitting on his chair cut in, "It's not safe to drive at this time. And young man, you can't drive considering your state. You better rest in my clinic and leave in the morning."

A villager who brought them to the clinic spoke, "Why don't stay at the village chief's place? He has a guest house. it's cold here and there is no hotel nearby."

Ceon didn't want to take a chance with the safety in the unknown village, "I'm fine, It's just a four hours journey, we can manage."

Zara contemplated and decided, "We will rest and leave tomorrow. I will ask Noah to send somebody to drive us back to the city."

"But Zara..." He saw the doctor and the villager looking at them so he couldn't voice his thought, "You won't be comfortable here."

Zara rebuffed, "Worry about yourself."

"Aiaa stop fighting. If you two come now, I will send you to the chief's home, else I will leave to my place."

Zara hurriedly responded, "We are coming." She rushed Ceon and paid the doctor before leaving.


Due to the confusion of thinking them as married couples, both were sent to a room after dinner. Now standing in a room with the shirtless man next to her, Zara realized why villagers thought her as his girlfriend or wife.

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