Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 396: Payback

Chapter 396: Payback

Roxy's face soon streaked with tears as she tried to wake him up, "Rian, Rian... Rian, wake up..." She blamed herself for not foreseeing the events that could be caused by hurting the driver. She really had thought the driver would stop the car. She felt solely responsible for Rian's state.

The public around soon gathered and helped them out of the car. Roxy sobbed as she dialed Alan's number to inform him about what is going on. "Brother-in-law..."

[Where is Rian? Why are you crying?]

Roxy tried to constrain her emotions and briefed lowering her sobs, "Yesterday I had got a false call saying my mother is heavily injured and hospitalized hence we came here. We left the hospital in a cab to the airport but the cab was arranged to kidnap us. We managed to stop but the car hit the divider and... and Rian is unconscious."

What she didn't say was, 'I am scared, I don't know what to do.' Roxy heard him order Nathan, [Nathan! Arrange jet ASAP to country X.]

Nathan: [Right away.]

[Share your current location, don't trust any civilian. Call the police and ask for security in the hospital. Take him to Regal Hospital... I repeat Regal hospital. Skyline security will reach you soon. Clear?]

She could make out he was taking action quickly and running to the elevator, "Yes Brother-in-law." 

Roxy hung up the call and ignored a few men trying to pull her off the ground in the name of help. "F*ck off" Even if they were innocent civilians or the ones who wanted to kidnap them, she yelled them away without daring to do anything against what Alan instructed.

Roxy noticed cops getting off from their vehicles and heard them saying, "It's this cab." followed by it, "Did you guys call and complain about the kidnapping?"

Roxy quickly responded, "Yeah yeah... Help him to the hospital now. Regal hospital..."

"It's nearby." A cop said and all heard the ambulance's loud siren. Some civilians must have called so it was there in no time. Taking Rian to the ambulance, another two cops took care of the cab driver.

Roxy tried to wake up Rian repeatedly but he wasn't responding. In ten minutes, they reached the hospital. Roxy noticed doctors were ready and realized Alan must have a connection with the hospital. 

She ran behind the stretcher that was pushed by the ward boys and nurses. When Rian was sent to ICU, Roxy quickly turned to the cops who had followed the ambulance, "We are from country A. Somebody is trying to kidnap and hurt us, I want tight protection until our security arrives."

The cops nodded at each other especially after hearing 'Our security arrives'. A cop went aside to make a call and another one asked Roxy, "Miss, please give us a statement so that we could start our investigation soon."

Roxy glanced at the closed door of the ICU and nodded. She wished she was the one lying inside the ICU instead of Rian. She narrated everything from the day before the call until cops found them. 

"Miss, Do you suspect anybody behind this?"

Roxy didn't waste a second or even flutter her lashes before stating, "Jasper Madison." Then she briefed their relationship and possible reason behind the attempt to kidnap.

"Thank you, miss." He turned off the recorder and raised his head, "We have arranged ten..."

They heard a series of footsteps and twenty well-built men in black gear with Skyline logo on the blazer reached them and bowed to Roxy, "Young miss, President Cooper is on the call."

Roxy grabbed the mobile quickly and cried out, "Arrie..."

Aria's dead serious tone sounded, [Roxy, they will protect you. Don't go around without their knowledge, if you want anything, ask them. They will take care of everything so don't panic. We will reach as soon as possible. You have to be really strong now.] 

"Alright." Roxy managed to answer then she passed the mobile back. She spoke to the cops. "No need for the cops around."

Another man in black gear spoke to the cop, "Lieutenant, we are locating the person behind this, I hope we could cooperate and solve this sooner."

The cop glanced at Roxy thinking who she might be and responded to the man, "Then let's get on work." Soon two men went with the cop.

Roxy was forced to get the treatment for her left hand and meanwhile, many doctors and specialists reached the hospital to check on Rian.

She always thought herself as level headed and detached from her parents. Sitting and thinking about the events, she realized she still gets deeply affected by hearing about her parents. She regretted saying no to Aria when she said she will arrange for their trip.

She was sure it was due to Jasper Madison, "I want a laptop... for hacking, high speed, highly optimized fast processor. Memory above 8 GB, Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6100, CPU: Intel Core i5-650, operating system: Windows 8 or 10."

The man standing at the distance was initially surprised yet he responded in complete composure, "Young miss, we will arrange it now."

Roxy didn't expect her father to go to this extent and she didn't understand why Alan and Aria left him off the hook. Now she wants to show her father how it feels to lose everything overnight.

She never wished to live a rich life, so it doesn't matter to her if Jasper's Madison company progresses or loses everything. Even if he targeted only her, the process hurt Rian and she wasn't going to sit and let him play anymore.

If he had targeted Rian, she would do everything to bring him on the road to the state of begging and rot in the prison forever.


In city B

Aria was in her office when Alan called her and asked to send the Skyline complete security to Regal hospital stating Rian was injured. Even though they didn't know what happened or what was the status, both were ready to bust everything from the man who tried to touch Rian.

Without another second, she mobilized her complete team at country X's branch while Alan used his connections to send the doctors, surgeons, and specialists irrespective if they were needed or not.

Both flew off to country X with their assistants tagging along. They didn't tell Rowan, Amelia, and Curtis to avoid panicking them. Alan calmed Aria without knowing he was pacifying himself with her.


In the country X

Roxy was tired of asking every doctor and nurse going in and out of ICU and whenever they took Rian for scans, asking her to wait without delivering any news to her.

Roxy didn't know, Alan had instructed the hospital chairman to keep Rian's condition a secret. If he was in serious condition, he didn't want Roxy to lose her cool and do something stupid.

Alan knew well, being level headed in all the time or facing little problems is totally irrelevant during the crisis. He didn't expect or knew if Roxy could be able to handle it so he had instructed it even though it might frighten her further.

Instead of a laptop, the skyline X branch security men set up a high-end untraceable mini-lab in the hospital in less than an hour. Roxy started working on it and soon broke the firewall of the company. Since she was practiced well to look for loopholes in Skyline firewalls, it was a piece of cake to enter her father's company network which wasn't as protected as Skyline or Morgan Industries.

She didn't care to create a backup of the data of his father's company as Aria does. She targeted both backend and frontend storage while she downloaded the malware she had created while working in Skyline Industries.

The malware is a software deliberately designed to cause damage to a computer, server, client, or network. Roxy's built software was the same, it was developed to destroy and malfunction the data.

She uploaded and executed the software which started to erase the critical and important data of the company. Roxy didn't even blink her eye that carried the wickedness to payback for making them go through all that.

It was evening, employees were off the work when the company data started destroying and Roxy soon completed her plan but her anger didn't seem to subside with it and none of the doctors or nurses were saying anything about Rian's condition.

She was very restless without knowing what to do pacing in front of the ICU. Rian wasn't bleeding anywhere, she prayed there should be any internal bleeding in the head damaging the brain.

According to her analogy, Rian was hit on the back of the head which would hurt the parietal lobes of the brain. It has two functional regions. One handles the sensation and judgment while the other one is involved with integrating sensory input that receives from the eyes. 

The damage to those parts could affect Rian to a greater extent affecting daily life. She will never be able to forgive herself if Rian faces any problem which affects his career or damages his self-confidence.

She knew well Rian will cheer everyone if anything happens to him by burying his real emotions deep inside and she didn't want anything as such to happen. Everyone needed the crazy, wild, happy Rian, and Roxy couldn't even imagine her life without him. He was so deeply imprinted in her life that she could disregard her every responsibility for Rian.

She earned to see Rian every second sitting outside the ICU as her tears unstoppably rolled down her eyes.

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